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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. That or she's a true Karen... just look at the op photo.
  2. If it's this type of examination should a nurse/witness be present?
  3. It's giving me the sh#ts [metaphorically speaking as I've never contracted it]
  4. So tipped off, and not using the IO infallible system. I wonder what's happened to all the high tech Beamers that were out scouring the provinces. New paint job and sold on to family?
  5. I will Quote: from the post... of the deed taking place, right outside the palace [not as you say on the temple steps] and it was a young child caught short needing an immediate pee. Not an adult who should know better and was clearly visible from the road.
  6. The only reason it's unacceptable is that it was witnessed, and shared online, the location was extra outrage. Otherwise no-one would know or even care. Like the Thai person [male] I saw a few days ago taking a dump behind a tree on a pavement while I was out for an early morning ride. I chose to ignore it, not take a photo and post it...
  7. So you mean, keep them sweet and they will stay in the barracks?
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