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Posts posted by DrPhibes

  1. 3 hours ago, shortstop2 said:

    Here's a link to the USA-Thailand tax treaty.  




    Article 20 deals with pension and Social Security payments. 

    Article 10, 11, 12, 13, and 15 are an interesting read.  Yes, retirement plans and Social Security are sheltered from Thai taxes, but other US derived income has the possibility of being taxed at both ends.  Anyway, any tax paid to Thailand would go on form 1116 Foreign Tax Credit where there is a very high probability you will get all that Thai tax applied to your US tax obligation. 

    • Like 1
  2. I have visited the Chiang Mai Immigration website and have downloaded the TM-8 form but can not find any instructions for documents needed or fees for a multi-entry one.  Also, can it be done at the Central Festival office or does it have to be at the Airport one and are there specific hrs to apply?  Anyone with recent experience on this that can help?  I'm hoping to not have to go there multiple times.  Thank you in advance!

    • Thanks 1
  3. I volunteer!  I have a 21, 19, and 5yr old from the same woman.  The first 2 made on the night we wanted to mak'm, the 5yr old was the only 1x unprotected moment of passion in 15yrs.  Of course it helps she comes from an Issan lineage where the women have kids until almost 50!  65 with a 5yr old, not sure if keeping me young or wearing me out faster!  Seriously though, there are too many of us to support well by the world's ecology.   I think 3 billion tops and well separated to keep enough genetic diversity would be fine.  Yes, economies will have to adapt.

  4. 57 minutes ago, RocketDog said:

    Yep, along with Eritrea the only two countries in the world's that do it.

    For USA citizens though, the first 100k$ from foreign income is tax free.

    Actually not exactly accurate.  The first $112,000 of 2022 WORK income out of the US that fits in a 12 month window out of the country that can span more than one calendar year where your not in the US more than 330 days can be excluded.  Enrolled Agent with the IRS ????

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  5. 55 minutes ago, Wombo1 said:

    Back story behind this decision

    At the moment you are only taxed on foreign income that you remit to Thailand during the year that it is earnt.


    So for example if I was to earn money in The Gambia in 2022, if I remit that within 2022 then it is taxed. But if I leave it outside the country and remit it in 2023 then it is not taxed.


    Essentially they are closing a loop-hole that enabled people to not pay tax on foreign earnings. For example a Hi-So could setup a company overseas, pay themselves a big salary to an offshore account and then only remit that to Thailand 1 year later and pay no tax...

    Just posted this exact strategy I use.  Use several bank accounts to season money so that I am using last year's money this year.

  6. On 8/31/2023 at 4:02 PM, LaosLover said:

    Yes, but no.


    They will tell you yes, and in theory you can. But the merchant being paid may pay a higher commission, or prefer a Visa card.


    I have had my BKK Bank card declined about one time in six in Singapore and KL. You'll have better odds using the ATM of whatever the biggest bank in Kathmandu is. Or better yet, an Indian bank.


    Been to Nepal 4 times and would go again tomorrow.



    That's why I'm ask'n.  Thank you for such a quick response.

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