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Posts posted by toofarnorth

  1. 39 minutes ago, grain said:

    When I went to primary school we had a subject called Mental Arithmetic. So all my life, whether it's in restaurants, bars, shops, I can tally up the bill in my head faster than any of these cashiers & checkout people with their calculators and computers....and I'm actually not particularly good at math.

    Yes and we still use mental arithmetic.  EG  6 apples at 4B = 24 B. I went to a place nearby that I often visit for a coffee. Coffee 40B cigarettes 70B and out comes the calculator , I like it when I have the right money while they are looking for the calculator.

    My wife said the girl down the road is good at school with her maths. I said " How is she doing with her 12 X tables. ? "

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