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Posts posted by toofarnorth

  1. 7 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

    Books --I dont think I have picked up a book since they invented the Kindle, everything is free............  Private Dancer , sure I will PM it to you now--if you tell me what format you want it in.

    Thanks for the thought . I like to read at siesta time around 3 pm when I lie on the bed and read , usualy dropping the book as I nod off.  On here I get bored with a page of reading be it an answer or a thought. Not everone wants to read   Industrial Railways of The South-East.

    Old Git Wit is a good read  , my brother sent it to me years ago on my 65th birthday.

    Thanks sanuk711.

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  2. 26 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    This place never ceases to amaze me. A senior policeman, having worked high up in crime prevention, to fall for such a scam would be mind boggling anywhere else.

    That he never considered any of it suspicious until it was too late is amazing. Sharing sensitive information to anyone you have not verified is 100% genuine is just stupid, stupid, stupid.

    I won't get into where the 1.8 million came from in the first place, other than to say that it is said the people most angry about being robbed are those who came by the money dishonestly to start with.

    Spot on dsd.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I have several John Grisham novels here and I think I have read each one 3 times. Trouble is my daughter comes out every couple of years and brings books but they are soon read.

    I don't think Thais read books much , oh except lucky lottery number booklets.

    Yesterday someone mentioned Private Dancer , I wish I still had that , must have lent it to somebody .

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  4. 17 hours ago, newnative said:

         I don't care if they're Harley's or whatever.  As another poster mentioned, some of the noisiest can be smaller ones.  It's a bad problem in Bangkok, too.  No reason for a bike to be that noisy other than to say, "Look at me, look at me!!!  Look at me being a big annoyance!!!"

    Isn't that the truth .  Screaming 125cc Honda Waves.  How many people say ' Wow that is cool ' , compared to ' Why can't he fall of the damn thing and give us some peace '.

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