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Posts posted by toofarnorth

  1. 1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    He's been here long enough to pick up Thai driving habits. And was he hit by the pickup because he didn't look when he left the coffee shop? We don't know because of the very poor reporting, but that seems the most logical scenario, rather than the pickup veering off the road into him.

    I agree with your comment about reporting , all speculation , Given the facts to start with and I could be making my breakfast now.

  2. 3 hours ago, superal said:

    Only time I let my lady drive is when I have had a few too many drinks and then I become a terrible back seat driver as we crawl along at a snails pace or stay behind a truck with no intention of overtaking it . Also riding a motor bike in Thailand is just not worth the risk , no matter how much enjoyment you get from it but there are many die hard farangs who have had motor bikes all their lives and they believe they know better .

    I did let my wife drive back the 20k from a mates house once , It was approaching midnight. I said " If you drive any slower the sun will be up before we get home ".  I have driven back ever since.


    As for your last sentence    WE DO !

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  3. To Mr GG . I have never been to Scotland , I lived all but 2 years of my life ( Before coming out here ) south of the Thames.  The Lake District with my folks around about 1960 and '61 for holidays.

    Scotland to me in those days meant rain and in between rain , drizzle. I like the sun which is why I live here.

  4. 1 hour ago, In Full Agreement said:


    Are you sure that's not Heinz mustard?     Your screen resolution must be better than mine.


    Poor lad even left earwax DNA on the cotton bud.        He should've known they're not to be shoved in to one's ear.      



    Not sure what the mustard is Now I look closer the pot doesn't look like French's . So many things that are so important like why are there seeds on the top of rolls.  Damn its hot too. At last I had my hair cut today 60B well spent.

  5. I live between Chiang Rai and Maesai and I love riding the Forza up here .

    In the 60s I rode around on my Norton and I don't remember the cold but it there must have been more cold and wet day then fine warm days.   I even belonged to the 59 club and to get there I went round Marble Arch , Hyde Park corner etc. I have even said to one or two in England " At 70 + years old would I still enjoy motorcycling in England "  Very unlikely .

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