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Posts posted by toofarnorth

  1. 14 hours ago, vandeventer said:

    The shame is if they go to other countries they will drive the same as they do here, and nobody will make allowances for them there as they do for them here.

    Never thought of that.  Imagine a thai getting to a London airport , renting a car , finding a 7-11 and leaving the car in the middle of the road while going in to look for a pot noodle.

    • Haha 2
  2. 20 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    Brake fade, going down hill in top gear with foot on

    the brake , brakes don't stop you when needed, you

    should always used gears to slow down, when descending,

    not the brakes.

    regards Worgeordie


    About to say the same , drop it in to a lower cog or if auto. next one down , as many of us say , the locals really have trouble driving.  When the wife's ma and pa come here they like me to drive them around . I haven't asked 'er indoors why .......I might not get the answer that I want to hear.

    • Like 2
  3. 25 minutes ago, lujanit said:

    "the police and district authorities were determined to stop tourists playing with water as it represented a chance for Covid-19 spread"


    There is that good old racism cropping up again.  Never let a chance go by to farang bash.  Puts the so called Thai bashing by certain posters here into perspective.

    To be fair tourists could be the locals from Nakon Nowhere visiting relatives in Bangkok. But  I do think the BiB have in mind us lighter skinned chaps when they say tourists.

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  4. 21 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Just curious... How can you identify the drivers which are not drunk ?

    (I know, somewhat of a Thai bash), but half the drivers are driving so poorly, their road behaviour is the same as drunk drivers. 

    So true , just watching some of them trying to park at Lotus , wife gets out the pickup then as the chap is reversing she is waving her arms to indicate which way to turn the steering wheel. Sometimes I see them paralel park and I could park my motorbike between the vehicle and the kerb. Why their driving is so poor I don't know.

  5. 20 minutes ago, Aussieroaming said:

    RTP doing their usual thing, deflecting attention from the real reason for the massive death and injury rates in Thailand. That reason being a nearly complete lack of policing and enforcement of existing laws.


    The citizens of Thailand are complicit in the carnage because they wantonly break every road law possible on a daily basis and then show mock netizen horror when someone gets a noricable event on video.

    noricable ..............damn that is a fine word and will try to use it at least twice over soakrun.

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