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Posts posted by toofarnorth

  1. 55 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    If  I wanted a  bike "I"  had to  buy it,  no one was going to buy it  for me, parents  buying their kids cars are sick, make them work for it stop giving it them on a plate.................  she probably   wa s looking at a  phone, seems it MUST be looked at about every 20 seconds in case they miss  the total cpra such as tik tok . simple  solution,  phone or  bike NOT  both.

    I dont have any sympathy

    Not enough details to warrent the sympathy vote BUT  your first paragraph totaly agree.  Every bike and car I owned I worked for the money to by it. 

  2. I have managed to reach 75 and I think the cold of back home ( England ) the cold would affect me.

    The only thing I have noticed lately is when getting out of this chair here where I spend a few hours every day is I push down on my knees when I get up . Going to right now , time to make brekky.

    Oh I ; of course also push down on my knees when getting off the potty.

    • Like 1
  3. On 3/28/2022 at 4:48 AM, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Yes, another drunk tourist. 

    Happens all the time, since birth of christ, tourist getting drunk and misbehaving in Pattaya. 


    Sadly it was Pratumnak soi 5, this is one of the better locations, full of trendies, retirees living their lives peacefully. 

    I ride past frequently, it has a population of exercise enthusiasts, walking, jogging and bicycle riding. 


    The area is full of nice restaurants, heaps of yuppies spending their money.


    It's sad to see this fool tourists showing his disrespect to the community. 


    Go home, come back when you grow up. 




    Since the birth of Christ tourists having been getting drunk in Pattaya.  Didn't know the place was that old.

  4. 22 hours ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

    My GF highly insults me once in a while when she says she thinks the USA and England are two names for the same country. Then she asks me again where I'm from.

    Reminds me of Immigration.  Form ' Where you flom ?'   Answer UK , oops no , Great Britain , no ,how about England ? Yep that was ok/uk. Then ' Write here signature , no not that your full name '.

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

    I thought the same thing.  I expected the story to say that after she was stabbed she was hit by a car or something.  The writing in these news articles leaves a lot to be desired most of the time.  Not sure where they get their writing staff from, presumably from the pool of retirees.

    Sorry but I see nothing wrohg here.  What about ' He went to hospital after being hit by a car '.

    He wouldn't go to hospital before being hit by a car . What makes more sense to you ' He went to hospital FROM being hit by a car'.

  6. I like those Oz burgers from Makro , I think they are 89 B for a pair. 100% beef.  A lot of oil and water seems to appear when frying but after 10 mins they are lovely.

    Not many on here will care for this but yesterday I was late getting out of bed and suddenly needed a burger hit. The round trip to 7/11 is less than 1k. a double pork and cheese burger 40 B and it was lovely. How a burger can be available in a plastic bag hanging up I can't imagine.

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