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Posts posted by toofarnorth

  1. On 3/22/2022 at 12:22 PM, JAFO said:

    You wear a mask on your bike ride?  I dumped that idea a long time back. No one around, social distancing requirements met. I carry it with me, toss on when I get near people or enter a business or store.. 

    Exactly the same with me. About to go out on my Forza , I will not be wearing a mask until I get to the coffee place.  My wife says I am not to ride my push bike through the rice fields till the virus has gone . She thinks it is blowing around in the rice fields.  If I come out of Lotus I make a show of ripping the mask off

  2. 3 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    Well, the company is right about the green water. It's not their problem because regular pools needs chemicals like chlorine to keep the water clean and to prohibit algae buildup. Having said that, it's definitely not normal to have a pool leaning and the huge gap on the right hand side doesn't seem to be normal either. Press charges!


    Nice view by the way!

    I hadn't noticed that but YES it is , so much better than looking at that drinking trough .

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  3. 3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    My last good recollection was I think Chang lady at a music concert, you bought these large dispensers of beer with ice in them and had draught at the table... there was a couple of promotional girls with short skirts, long legs and gorgeous, even a bit of English.... didn't need the ice, my Mrs' look could have chilled the beer. 

    Exactly what used to be in the night bazzar here.  Not sure if it is still there Covid has likely closed it.

    I did see the locals getting the girls to sit and share a draught glass but I thought it not a good idea as 'er indoors doesn't even drink lager so I left well alone !

  4. On 2/16/2022 at 12:51 AM, richard_smith237 said:

    It doesn’t have to have a ‘flat floor’ to be a step through...    we could get into discussion regarding ‘step through’ purity and the semantics of the words ‘step-though’... But that would be daft...   We all know what the Op means, he means a ‘scooter’... but then some ‘Friendly Farang’ would come along telling us all they are not scooters !!! 

    Yes , every now and then they get called Mopeds for gosh sakes.  This is a Moped and I hasten to add not mine.

    IMGP0003 (2).JPG

  5. 22 minutes ago, petermik said:

    shut that door...apart from jacko those of us of a certain age can remember a certain celeb (bent as a nine bob note) using it as his catchphrase.....

    But he was better than the chap Graham ( British motorbike ).

  6. 8 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

    Here's a street view of the 7-11 and school in Hua Hin. Don't think it's higher-ed. Maybe rules interpreted differently by certain juristictions? I asked staff and they told me because of the school. That's what they said (and they definitely did not have any alcohol displays).

    What about cigarettes on display .  Another oddity , Ask for * and * green and the shutter opens.

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 3/10/2022 at 5:24 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

    No doubt, you have seen this famous and memorable limerick:


    There was a young sailor named Bates
    Who danced the fandango on skates.
    But a fall on his cutlass
    Has rendered him nutless,
    And practically useless on dates.



    And so, woe is not yours, by comparison.


    Please be cautioned:


    Sheath thy cutlass while attacking young things,

    Lest your sword be tarnished, wilting, and dripping.

    How I loved Limericks.    A fly and a flea in a flue

    Got stuck so what should they do

    let us fly said the flea 

    Let us flee said the fly 

    So they flew through a flaw in the flue.


    Oh oh    I diner whilst dining a Crew found an Elephant's dong in the stew

    The waiter said ' Don't shout , don't wave it about or they'l all be wanting one too.'

  8. 7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I did this too .........

    then realised I might as well sit at home drinking my coffee and save 45bht/cup.

    same for beer, much cheaper to drink it at home (alone).

    Ah , but it is more then that , I go for a 16k ride to this place and a lovely twisty road it is too. Even if the place is closed i have still had a nice ride out.

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