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Posts posted by toofarnorth

  1. 17 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Die in my sleep, best outcome i can hope for...

    Many years ago a very good friend of about 40 years gave up on life , I was about 2 weeks away from coming out here. His mother said as I left their house ' I wish I didn't have to wake up in the morning '.

    Very sad but I know why she said that.   As for me here in 2021 ,  If dying means the same as before being born , i e knowing nothing fine , if more is yet to come , fine.    A priest asked Steven Fry who didn't believe in the hereafter ' How about meeting your parents again '  To which he replied something like ' How awful talking to them for an eternity '.

    • Haha 1
  2. Up here sun out at last !   Yesterday , all day it looked like suitable for an undertaker's jolly day out. Grey and no movement in the trees , cats sleeping . It was awful . Could have stayed in bed all day.

    What a contrast , will have to go for a ride .

  3. 14 minutes ago, snowgard said:

    I changend last year from Leo to Leo 8 Strong Brew. 
    And this is what I like really.

    With you there Bro/brew .   Leo tastes like all the rest but Leo 8 HAS more taste.  Now my local off licence has put the price up and just 9 B cheaper than lotus for a box but when I get a box from the offy I always get a freebie , So far I have got a Leo T shirt , a back pack thing , a bottle opener ,and  a Leo tumbler .  Every little helps.  The nice folk there even put the box in the boot of my car.   

  4. 18 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    That is true.... they always over-pressure tyres here. I tried to measure mine on the bike after I got a new tyre and it blew the gauge to pieces! 

    When I take my Forza in for a service I say don't check the tyre pressures , I have a gauge and check the pressures every week. If I go off for a coffee and get told ' Bike done ' on getting home I re check after tyres have cooled down.



  5. 17 hours ago, RobU said:

    I wonder how the poor guys feel, having to stand behind graphic displays of sex toys as if they were selling them.

    Ahh I have just had a thought

    1. Confiscated Items are resold at auction

    2. Thai police officers get 50% of resale value of confiscated items


    Maybe they are being sold hole sale .

    • Haha 1
  6. 20 hours ago, ripstanley said:

    Vegetable markets will the next to be raided

    They won't be after Fuk fruit surely.  A few years ago the 15 yo girl was visiting from next door , first time i had heard of Fuk fruit.  She leaned over the wall and said Fuk fruit. I said " Don't say that fruit is good for you '. oops.

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