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Posts posted by toofarnorth

  1. 3 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    The educated wife problem seems to be a natianal one.  Mine works in a hospital and I have gone throught he past year with the same thing.


    add to it use one finger for atm and have to spray.

    Get money from someone or exchange and have to spray.

    get in taxi spray.


    I just started refusing and told her that I was an old man and that I wanted a wife not a mommy.



    As to what the people in the markets do well that is as you said hit and miss.  Probably mostly miss.


    I take it as it is and let it ride.


    Yelling at her was a definite OOPS.

    Would suggest many WAI with flowers and what ever else she likes.


    Might help you avoid the chop.Braves Chop GIFs | Tenor


    Don't forget if you go to church , Let us spray .

    • Haha 2
  2. On 10/29/2021 at 10:47 PM, The Hammer2021 said:

    Hand washing is one of the most effective ways of preventing covid and other such illnesses. I think hand washing  not surface washing was the subjects of the OP's submission. Wash hands every 20 minutes.

    WHAT !  Both hands .

  3. 7 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    I also have a real camera, but it takes a few weeks to get the photos developed a I post them off to a photo developing company in Solihull 

    Do you get the pics back glossy or matt ? I can never make my mind up which is best.

    • Like 1
  4. On 10/28/2021 at 12:47 PM, jak2002003 said:

    I only use my smart phone to do video calls on Signal, watch You Tube if I am bored, look up things on the web and take photos. 


    Never used it to scan things or pay for stuff.


    But I would not miss it if I did not have it.  I would only miss not being able to take photos as I can use my computer to go on the web and do calls. 

    I don't have a smart phone but I like taking photos , camera with me when I go out on the bike or in the car.

    The camera is a Pentax and if I am, say , having a coffee and something nice appears I whip it out. Gasps from some as like as not never seen a proper camera before . But like you I upload to my computer and then if something extra good can forward.  This is a Pentax pic from last week , sent to my bro in England. 


    • Thanks 2
  5. 1 hour ago, moogradod said:

    Ever noticed how extremely rare (if not even non-existent) a well equipped bookstore is or a shop where you can buy classical music ? To be fair, not that I would propose that you could find a very well equipped Morlam CD shop overseas.

    There is a place in Thaton where we ride to that has a case with books in.  I borrowed one as any English book could be worth a read , it is called ' The Queen and I ' . Next time I am there I will donate a couple of books , I do have a couple I just cannot get into.   Pity we can't send books as easy as reading this rubbish !

  6. 5 hours ago, Gandtee said:

    Me too. And I read every night in bed before I sleep. ????

    My reading time is my siesta time , most afternoons around 3 pm there is nothing to do.  Any gardening can wait ;till around 5 as starting to cool down a bit. Yesterday second half of lawn got mowed .

    Today was 90 day report followed by a Makro shop.  Lunch on the way home , a coffee in town , back home , wife stows the shopping and I need a lie down. About 6 pages of Clive Cussler then nodded off.


    • Like 1
  7. On 10/26/2021 at 7:06 AM, 4MyEgo said:

    Yes, and I would assume it's pre packed from Oz. The brand is CAG 100% Australian Beef, best I have had in a long time.


    What I have found with Makro is that the only have limited amounts of Oz beef, but bucket loads of Thai beef, so I would imagine they try to push their product which I wouldn't give to a dog, if I had one.

    My wife gave me beef the other night I asked where was it from , she said Lotus. Not the answer I was looking for.  Anyway it had good texture , cut easily , no fat but tasted of nothing. Now this could be caused by my advancing years .  In the mid last century Sunday dinner was a joy , roast beef , roast pots. cauliflower etc. follwed by treacle tart and custard.  Oh oh I made treacle tart over here but used caramel . Close but not close enough.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Airalee said:

    Most of the food I buy is on sale more often than not. (Blue Diamond almonds, King Oscar sardines, Mainland cheese, Anchor butter)   I only buy when on sale and stock up at those times.


    Add to that the 10% (average) discount codes for happyfresh delivery (prices are the same as in the store so it’s cheaper to have my groceries delivered for ฿50).


    Then factor in that I’m now getting 10% more baht per USD compared to 2 years ago.


    Steaks are cheaper.  Chicken is the same.  Broccoli and lettuce are hit and miss with price and availability.


    So, for me, groceries are much less expensive than pre-pandemic.

    You mentioned Mainland cheese. Good up here in Lotus last week . Mainland chedder vintage 24 months old appeared at 62B for 250g pack . The word soon got round to 3 ferlung here . I had 4 packs , Bruce the Australis Vulgaris bought 8 packs and another bought 5 , all gone now. but still check when in there. BARGAIN !

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, sqwakvfr said:

    I guess whatever it takes to win?  Some Asian countries will never have a Miss-Insert name of Country, be of mixed descent.  I have seen a Miss Korea of mixed descent and a few years ago Miss Japan was half Japanese and half African American and this created some controversy in the "Land of the Rising Sun".  This is pretty much is an admission that English Proficiency in Thailand is abysmal. 

    When it get to the ' Land of the Rising Son ' it will be the time to look elsewhere.

  10. 3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    And people driving the wrong way.....food carts, people working on vehicles (overspill from the mechanics shop) and parking for noodle shops. 

    Up here in Maechan the town centre is too narrow for much parking so rather than parking somewhere else and walking back it is blinkers on ( The car ) leave the car in the middle of the road and shop in 7-eleven. Traffic comes to a standstill . If my wife is in the car and she needs 7-eleven , I say quick get out , I will come back and find you so you know where I have parked.  Too easy for some.

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