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Posts posted by toofarnorth

  1. 17 minutes ago, Dumbfounded said:


    Green is menthol, the red, blue, yellows are virginia.  LM Storm seem to be a menthol/virginia blend

    Many many years ago probably about 50 my mates dad smoked Dunhill , too expensive for me but a fine smoke should I have borrowed one when his dad offered. Wonders Green are a drag and not a good drag at that.  No ciggies left so later will see what I can get in nearest 7/11.  Good job I only smoke 4 or 5 a day.

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  2. 42 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    My great uncle smoked and always had a full cigarette case in his tunic pocket during the great war. One day he was shot at by a german sniper and instead of the bullet going into his heart it struck the cigarette case and changed direction. It went straight up his nose and blew the top of his head off.

    I had to larf , I guess once seen not forgotten. 'twas a long time ago though.

  3. Proverbs  23 v 31  Do not look at wine when it exhibits a red colour.

    Proverbs  23 v 33  Your own eyes will see strange things and your own heart will speak perverse things.


    Looks like white is the way forward then.

  4. 21 hours ago, superal said:

    and turned water into wine , condemned drunkenness but was OK with moderate wine drinking saying it was a creation of god  

    Even in Genesis 9 v20 ' Now Noah started off as a farmer and proceeded to plant a vineyard..'    Then he and the wife Joan became intoxicated..

  5. On 3/12/2021 at 10:52 AM, Skallywag said:

    Get well soon Bluesofa. 

    Many of my friends over 60 have quit driving altogether here.  Grab, Bolt, buses, songthaews.  Of course walking is a great exercise also.  I chose a locale where this is all possible, because I simply didn't want or need the hassle of owning, maintaining, and parking vehicle again.  

    If retired, remember there is no "hurry" in your life.  Safety is most important, and you just cannot control how others around you are going to drive.     

    Ain't that the truth.

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