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Posts posted by toofarnorth

  1. 16 hours ago, sambum said:

    Most people in the UK have been vaccinated, so if they catch Covid very few of them are seriously ill, whereas Thailand is still playing "catchup" with its Government's vaccination programme, and ill or not, you are whisked off to hospital - possibly taking up beds that are needed by people who are seriously ill - and not necessarily just Covid. And answer me this - what is the logic behind being required to wear a "muzzle" while riding a motor bike ?

    Your last sentence .  When I come out of a supermarket the first thing before putting in the shopping is my blasted mask comes off and I shout OFF.  Just before sun down me and 'er indoors ride our pushbikes through the rice fields , a mile to Ban Hoi then back.  My wife puts on a mask , we may not see another soul but on goes her mask.  Worse are the locals that want to talk to you but keep the mask up. I give up , I really do.

  2. 35 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I appreciate well made films no matter how melancholy, but I enjoy froth and bubbles movies like rom coms.

    The ones I like most leave me feeling happy, and not angry or depressed.


    BTW, PC rip offs of beloved old movies make me angry, so I try not to get sucked into watching them.

    Yes , EG Flight of the Pheonix ( may not be spelt like that ) . A great film but had to be remade and a failure as far as I am concerned. PC may have nothing to do with it but leave old , good movies alone.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    You can judge a lot of Thai restaurants on their Massaman. So often they are too light, thin, and taste like some generic curry. If they are not  dark, thick, a bit oily, full of good ingredients, and do not have the proper taste then don't go back.  

    Thais seem to like thin curries .  I don't have any good Thai restaurants way up here but if I make a curry it is thick enough to sit atop the rice not drain through like soup. My wife says  ' Too indian '.  But then she is a bit racist when it comes to India. Sometimes she even says I need a shower , 'Strarting to smell like from India '.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, brianthainess said:

    When I left home to travel in 1986 India, Napal, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, I left an Itinerary with my Dad and collected Post restante letters at all the cities from him. 

    Ah yes , when 4 of us went overland , 15 countries in 15 weeks Post restante was always a good stop , 1970 , what a life changer. I still have here The Dorking Advertiser with our photo along with the '62 Bedford Dormobile on the front page.

  5. 5 hours ago, Phulublub said:

    I think I see the problem here. 


    Some have partners; some have a paid for live-in cleaner and cook who they also use for sex.  


    I am happy to be called names by all you real men who really know how to take charge of your chattels by making sure they are the Boss in their little Kingdoms.  Sure shows me who has the biggest knob around here.



    Carefull , I know some ladies that have bigger knobs than me , well not me , speaking for a friend , I could send a photo but ...................................time for a lie down , cold at night hot in the day.

  6. 26 minutes ago, Eff1n2ret said:

    In the toilet compartments of British Railways there was a notice - "Gentlemen lift the seat"

    Gentlemen Lift Seat.mov - YouTube

    When I went to school by train around 1960 there were lovely comments in the train bog.

    ' In olden days they used grass but now there's paper to wipe your a.se .'

    ' If you use this marble hall use the paper not the wall '

    Another under the emergency cord 

    'If 5 pounds you can afford try your luck and pull the cord if 5 pounds you do not own leave the bloody thing alone '.

    60 years ago but can't remember what I had for dinner last night.


  7. 21 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Bearing in mind that an average of about 50 people die in motorcycle accidents every day, there were probably more serious accidents that didn't make the news.

    Just what I was thinking .I live many many miles from Patts and between here and Patts. many die every day on these roads. What makes this one special ................not much news today maybe.

  8. 8 hours ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

    At night when I wake up to go pee I sit down because I don't want to turn on those blaring lights and blind myself and aim for the pot while still half asleep. In the daytime I pee like a real man. It all averages out over time. All in all I prefer to go pee outside like nature intended, but now I live in the middle of the city.

    Your last sentence . Ah they were the days when a forward slash was something one did in a hedge on the way back from the pub. Now a forward slash is called an oblique or something similar.

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