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Posts posted by toofarnorth

  1. On 11/24/2021 at 2:18 PM, Foxy52 said:

    Last time I had a similar weird feeling, I discovered that I'd put my underpants on back to front

    Hey , I am sitting here with a pair of pants on it has turned that chilly up here. Yesterday I went out for my usual coffee on my Forza and put on a body warmer .  More bad is either I have a cold or my smaller cat sits on my lap a lot of the time and I have an allergy. Roll on summer. Didn't come out here to watch ice forming in my undercroft.

  2. 9 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    Seen Xmas trees but no noteable music as yet !

    You reminded me , outside Lotus today they were erecting father xmas right outside the door , still in November but what do they know. I think last year every time I went to Lotus around this time I would politly say  " Get pheked Santa ". Ho ho ho , up yours Santa .

  3. 1 hour ago, DjSilver said:

    What about the stupid people riding a motorbike with only face masks and no helmet? Smart Thai people ????????????

    Yep , always good for conversation when one is trying to drink coffee through a mask. Just yesterday when out having a maskless coffee 3 lads on a motorbike went past , the one driving looked about 10 , no masks between them and no hats. Which of these 3 items is the worse ( Rhetorical ).

  4. 4 hours ago, kiteman9 said:

    I have been pedaling my bike every day around my village far away from people without a mask since Covid 19 started. The Thai Department of Health advises against wearing a face mask when exercising. You are not getting enough oxygen into your lungs and heart, so your body has to work harder, which is more dangerous. When I'm close to people I put my mask on.

    Same same.  Every day around sundown I pedal my ex Japanese postman bike through the rice fields here.

    1 mile to Ban Hoi .  I see the same folk most days and they are jogging or walking , we nod and most are maskless like me.  Oddest thing is it never seems to rain around bike time.

  5. On 11/11/2021 at 6:44 PM, Grusa said:

    In general terms, I prefer draught beer to containers, be it cans or bottles....which do not taste the same as each other, or the draught. Cans of so called draft don't count, even if they have an explosive gassy thingy inside!

    Quantity wise, bigger is generally better, but value for money does count for something. Common formats are 330ml, 350ml, 495ml, 1pint, 500ml, 1litre

    Not all beers are available in all formats:- it is more important that I actually

        a)like,  and

        b) can afford,

    the contents!


    The range of imported draught beers has drastically reduced over recent years, and increased in price proportionally. 


    On the other hand, I doubt that I could afford to drink in a British pub these days!




    Yes I wonder what the price is now of Hicks Special Draught.  Was 4 pints for a tenner before coming out here in 2004 . Not much I miss about Cornwall/Devon but going under the Tamar and my 4 pints of HSD  in The Crooked Inn ...............................................................

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