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Posts posted by Banana7

  1. If those new phones or any iphone is running iOS 16.6 they have a "zero click" vulnerability which is being “actively exploited” to infect iPhones running on iOS 16.6. The spyware in question is known as Pegasus and developed by the NSO Group. Check with Apple to update your iOS quickly!


    If you are in politics, or a journalist or a human rights defender, you are a prime target for Pegasus.

  2. That proposed chinese diesel has never been fitted in a submarine.


    RTN at least recognizes that a sub's engine needs to be far more sophisticated and elaborate than a stationary diesel engine. A sub's engine needs to operate properly when the sub goes into a deep dive or climb, tilts 45 degrees, or does a combination of turns on multiple axis. Also noise, vibration, combustion and lubricant exhaust, temperature, cooling, and many other factors need to be considered. It would be very difficult to test that engine thoroughly on land for all operational conditions required for a sub.


    I hope the RTN doesn't become test subjects of the chinese. 


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  3. I wonder if the Fire Department approved the structures when they were completed, to determine if they complied with the Fire Code.  Checking to insure there are fire alarms, fire detection devices, fire fighting equipment, like fire extinguishers.


    No tourist attraction or structure should be allowed to open without meeting the Fire Code, or at least obtain permission from the local fire department that it meets or exceeds fire safety standards.  If there is no such building or occupancy code in Thailand, then their insurance policy should have had such a requirement. If the owner didn't have insurance for the fire, I guess all those who lost property or were injured in the fire can sue the owner.



  4. Bangchak has bought out Esso in Thailand from Exxon, deal is closing in November 2023 according to other media.


    Esso has a reputation for quality fuel, much better quality than all Thai fuel companies including Bangchak. Also, some Thai fuel company filling stations have been caught with pumps that dispense less fuel than shown on the pump.


    For diesel fuel, which other company sells diesel without sediment? If you are a current Esso customer, will you use Bangchak fuel or change to another brand?

    • Confused 1
  5. I think you have a diamond in the rough. You just need to make a few cuts, shape her into a beautiful personality, and apply a little spit and polish  


    To help you understand women here is a list of some differences:





     Receive worth largely from work, success and career (significance)

     Receive worth from relationships (security and love)



     Want honour and respect

     Want love verbalized



     Goal oriented

     People oriented



     Love competitive sports

     Interested in relationships



     Want to feel competent

     Not afraid to admit need help



    Won’t take advice – want to be in control

     Want to help, to support, to rescue



     Want to deal with problems in a solution focused, logical rational manner

     Want to talk about problems on an emotional level



     Tend to withdraw into their ‘caves’ when stressed, to be alone and gain strength and inner calm

     Tend to talk and share and want to feel supported when have problems



     Men are literal (right brain dominant) and need to be told things (can’t guess)

     Woman are intuitive, (left and right brain balanced) emotional, know what people feel and need




    Can concentrate on only one thing at a time


     No clear divisions

    Everything affects everything else

    Can do six things at once

    See whole picture



     Observe things generally

     See detail



     Speak +/- 12 500 words a day

     Speak +/- 26 000 words per day



     Sex drive motivated chiefly by physical needs.

    Aroused by sight

     Sex drive motivated chiefly by emotional



    Sex drive motivated chiefly by physical needs.

    Aroused by sight

     Sex drive motivated chiefly by emotional needs

    Aroused by mood, ‘atmosphere’ or relationship


     Not noticeably affected by hormone changes

     Can be dramatically affected by hormone changes


     Handle depression by externalizing – blaming, become aggressive, angry

     Internalize depression – take blame, guilt, shut down


  6. On 6/14/2023 at 3:32 AM, twizzian said:

    Recently acquired my third renewal, (now six years validity).

    Rules are constantly changing, wanting the wife’s ID, the pink card or immigration residency letter, had neither, but still got both licences.

    I now have the Pink card thanks to the DLT and it’s a very useful addition to the Yellow book.

    So at Bang Lamung (pattaya) DLT  can I use the pink ID card or the yellow book instead of getting a immigration residence letter to renew driver's licenses?

  7. 5 hours ago, kwonitoy said:

    The Canadian government can do anything they want to my, yours, or your friends passport, that's because we do not own them.

    Read page 1 of your passport, "This passport is the property of the Government of Canada"

    They can cancel it, revoke it or do anything they want with it without anyone's permission or notification because they own it, not us

    Trying to sue the government over this is I think futile, 

    I would be interested to see the outcome of the case though.


    Good on your friend for catching up on the child care though

    You're wrong about the passport. They can't cancel or do anything they want unless it is granted to them by law.

    There nothing futile about this. Watch and wait, you'll learn about law in Canada.


    • Like 1
  8. Focused on overstaying foreigners but what about all illegal entry foreigners? Best to start at all the factories for illegal entry foreigners rather than entertainment venues. Thousands of illegals working in the factories and businesses in Bangkok, Samut Prakan, and all of the provinces around Bangkok, and all the way down through Chonburi to Rayong.


    Oh I forgot, Thailand profits, makes lots of money, by using illegal entry foreigner workers, so that's OK. Thais can break the law as long as they are making money. 

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  9. 9 minutes ago, kwonitoy said:

    So, A problem of entirely his own fault.

    Not some grand conspiracy case of the Bangkok embassies incompetence and poor service and ineptitude

    I dealt with the Bangkok Canadian embassy for 25 years, multiple passports, registering my son for citizenship, Canadian visa for my then wife. All done courteously and efficiently.

    I have been in the embassy and seen some epic meltdowns by people that aren't prepared/expect some premium service that embassies don't provide.

    Is the CBC still going to do an investigative article about the dead beat dad?

    He'll won't be able to  renew his drivers license and vehicle registration also without paying his past child support 

    Good luck trying to sue the government


    Absolutely wrong! Not entirely his fault. The Canadian Government had no legal reason to cancel his passport. They had a right to not renew it, but not to cancel it. Also the service received from the Embassy was pathetic., no way near what you received.


    Why do think he is a dead beat dad? He received no notification that he had to go to court nor anything about the judgement against him. How can you fault a person for not knowing? Probably whoever was obligated to notify him didn't do an adequate job. They wanted to screw him. The increase in payment was small, in the $100-200 range. He had been paying, he just didn't know about the increase. Of course he has now complied with the court order and increased the payment. He is a responsible dad, not a deadbeat.


    He has hired a law firm and they are preparing the case against the government for malicious prosecution, dereliction of duty, etc., from non-cohesive series of ministries, etc. etc. You are right, he needs some luck suing the government. He case need to be well researched, all the facts and evidence gathered, freedom of information request processed, etc. to be successful - lots of work. This is just part of a larger strategic plan. The issue is far from completion. In time we'll learn how this matter gets concluded.



  10. 8 hours ago, Lorry said:

    They (the Khet = Amphoe) are the ones who issued the yellow book - do I still have to go at the same place again and register ?

    In Pattaya, the City Hall issued the yellow book and I had to take it down to the property tax department in City Hall to register it, so I didn't have to pay in future years. I assumed the 2 departments in the same City Hall would coordinate, but they didn't. Of course your City Hall may work differently. I recommend you go to the Khet with the yellow book and the bill.

  11. Where do you live? The tax is at the municipal level. My property tax office is in the City Hall, Pattaya.


    Show the book at the office where you pay the taxes in person. The tax bill normally has the tax office address or at least a phone number to ask questions. 


    If the bill has been issued, it's too late to get relief for the current billing period. The book had to be registered in the land tax office before the first day of the tax year.

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  12. 23 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I recently saw a video from a professional fire fighter. He showed a couple of ways which are not successful to stop those fires. His summary: Just let it burn. And try to make sure nothing else catches fire. 


    The tricky part is that the fire maybe extinguished at the collision scene, as the fire department puts away their gear, the fire erupts again. Sometime, the vehicle bursts into flames a third time as it is being towed away.


    Have  a look:


  13. What age is your child and in what grade? How old are you and your wife? Are you working here? What do you contribute to the family?


    There are many mathematics disciplines such as: algebra, arithmetic, trigonometry, Integral calculus, etc. There are huge differences in the disciplines and the work/effort required. There isn't any consensus on the discipline definitions. Some say calculus is advanced algebra and geometry, etc.. There are very few good mathematics teachers or programs in Thailand. Rather than going deeper into this tangent, looking after yourself is important too.


    Do you want to take control of the situation? If so, look at what you contribute and what the family contributes to you. If you control/contribute the money and there is no easy replacement, then use it to take control, but also be prepared for consequences. Think ahead!


    If your contributions can be easily replaced or are not significant/important to other members, then walk away. Find another relationship that values your contributions.


    If your needs/desires are not being fulfilled, try a trial separation. Tell her you need some time alone to think about important matters etc. Rent a condo for a month, wherever you desire, take a break, relax, enjoy life, plan for the future. Life is too short to be in stressful relationship. Stress can cause a heart attack.








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  14. Lots of e-bike fires throughout the world. If you google e-bike fires, New York and London alone had some spectacular fires. 75 fires in New York in 2021, resulting in 72 injuries and three deaths, London England had 130 similar fires.


    If an EV car is in an accident, it too can catch fire. There are reports that it can catch fire multiple times. Some fire departments bring an open top water tanker truck to an ev car collision. If the EV is on fire, it gets dumped into the water tanker.

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  15. Here is an update on my friend and his issues with the Embassy of Canada in Bangkok.


    He returned to Canada using an Emergency Travel Order and hired a lawyer, he's getting ready to sue the government.


    There is a law in Canada that says passports can't be issued to people who are in arrears for child support payments. This is why the embassy couldn't issue him a new passport but they never told him this reason. They just said they couldn't renew his passport because a certain government dept. was blocking the renewal.


    His ex-wife (Canadian) went to court to get the child support payments increased but he never received any notification of the court date or the verdict. So she got the increase since he didn't appear in court. The increase was granted and the payments became in arrears because the existing payments were less than the new court ordered payments, thus preventing him from getting a new passport.


    However, someone in the government also cancelled his passport prior to the expiry date, and also the embassy didn't issue an emergency travel order, in a timely manner, to allow him to return to Canada to get a new passport. This is the basis of the law suit.

    More to come on this topic.

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  16. Enforcing the laws, rules and regulation will go a long way to make the roads safer. Plus increase the fines along with introducing minimums for violations. For example, reckless driving max. fine is about 3,000 baht. It is up to the officer investigating to decide the amount. I have heard that the fine is only 500 baht in Pattaya if a pedestrian is struck and sent unconscious to the hospital emergency department by ambulance. This amount is ridiculous. Reckless driving causing bodily should have a minimum fine of at least 10,000 baht especially hitting a pedestrian.


    Hitting a pedestrian in a crosswalk max. fine is 4,000 baht, but there is no minimum. 


    There are reports in Pattaya, if a video is brought to the Police station showing a vehicle driving through a red light, the police will accept the video but do nothing afterwards. One excuse is that the driver needs to charged not the vehicle owner. This loop hole needs to be changed so that the owner is charged unless the real driver comes forward and admits driving at the time and location of the violation.

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  17. My Canadian passport has no more blank pages so I have obtained a new passport while in Canada. I have a OA non-immigrant retirement visa and many extensions, the last one expiring in February 2024 and a multiple re-entry permit until February 2024. Upon re-entering Thailand, I understand that both old and new passports need to be presented to IO who should stamp the new passport allowing me to stay until Feb.


    Could someone clarify the next steps to only have to carry the new passport? Should I take the attached completed form to Jomtien immigration a few days after arrival? Do I have to go to MFA in Bangkok to transfer the original OA visa into the new passport so that I can continue to do extensions with only the new passport?


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