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Posts posted by Anythingleft?

  1. Please tell me how. I have read it can take up to two days for symptoms to develop.
    Well, as there are over 250 types of food poisoning to go through they all obviously have different effects and severity. Including different times when you would feel the effects

    However a batch of the most common forms of food poisoning start within 1-6 hours

    As these guys had an outbreak so late the only accurate way to know is to define the bacteria then whittle it down to what they ate that would or could match

    Still not rocket science.....

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

  2. There is a place on the south motorway exiting Bangkok towards Pattaya that sells and services golf carts etc, you can see the shop elevated above the road
    Maybe just maybe they would have the parts you need or the chair even

    Hoping that this may trigger someone closer who could identify the shop for you to be able to make contact.......

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  3. Really appreciate the feedback. Would it put people's mind at ease if the studio really made a hardcore effort in educating and practicing super hygiene in the studio or do you feel the 'infection' risk is just always there?
    Education of artists and them relaying that to customers is key...
    Sadly there are still kiosks that will have an effect on the brand, they still come up in the news as spreading infections even recently..

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  4. I'd be inclined to use a flexible waterproofer to fill the valley and go so far up each tile side to stop the water. You can always paint it whatever colour you want

    Replacing the roof would be my last resort and when the whole thing was hooped. Any work done now that just breaks into it could cause a whole chain of unknown tragedies to unfold. Roofing can be fickle

    And for 20 grand sterling I would be looking at a whole roof not just repairs.....

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  5. Anybody understand the need for each finger copy when other countries only take a couple, just curious

    Yesterday was pretty rammed back to the ramp, not a pleasant experience for people coming off long flights

    And yes take a hand wipe with you, absolutely disgusting the state of the readers already...........

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

  6. You have an isolation tap before the water heater yes?

    If yes then this tap is leaking and may just need a new seal
    Replacement of the tap would probably be just as cheap and easy to be fair depending on the age of it.......

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

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  7. I have watched some of my Thai friends bemoan the fact that they could not go to Chumporn nor Chiang Mai for a holiday, too expensive for thai, over the last 4 years... Mmmmm ?
    Now they can take their families to Japan, Hong Kong and UK.
    Somehow I don't think they saved the money to go on holiday.
    No none of them won any jackpot either. So.....
    How cryptic.......

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  8. It's purely a cash maker tacked onto every visit

    Gets annoying when you go 3 days in a row for petty follow up talks and have to sit through it each time


    That's the luxury world of insurance or privelige, take your pick..........



    Back on topic, they never actually refused you, you refused them......

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  9. How come the IDP covers only for 3 months ? I've been using one for 6 years now and each one lasts 1 year . Bought at the post office for around £5 and dated for a years use in countries of your choice.  
    As far as I know it depends on your visa, and length of stay in the country
    It was explained to me that as a tourist an IDP is legal, any other type of visa requires the Thai licence (for long stays)

    This could all be completely innacurate of course but how it was explained to me

    In any case a Thai licence goes a long way to avoiding any issues that could arise.....

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

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