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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. We have a friend who bought a car in Chiang Rai and we went with him to the DLT office in Chiang Mai last week as his Thai is limited

    ( my wife is Thai )

    There was a couple of hours wait to complete the process and they gave him an appointment to bring it back on another date for an inspection.

    We live in Fang where there is a DLT office but they wouldn’t do the process as it was bought outside the province and it had to be done at the head office.

    If you want details of the paperwork required email me direct.

    They did require the residency document from Immigration, but if you have your own house book that may be acceptable was for mine 2 years ago when I bought a  new car but that was from Chiang Mai.

    • Like 1
  2. On 9/28/2018 at 2:47 PM, lanista said:

    Why would anybody consider buying a taxpayer subsidised yank tank when you can have a Honda ,Toyota or Nissan to name a few.?

    Fantastic ,reliable engines expecially the Honda accord and civic.  Great electrics.  Toyota and Nissan pickup trucks are excellent. American cars are so bulbous and gross looking.  Gas guzzlers finished in velour.

    How many Japs and Europeans drive Detroit cars???   lol lol

    I am amazed Thai's buy them when they have so many options open.

    I always bought Toyota’s in Australia and bought a couple here years ago a pick up and a hybrid.

    3 years ago we bought an Everest and two years ago a Vios for local use.

    We have driven the Everest thousands of kilometers around Thailand and its been great.

    Still think Toyota’s good but their Fortuner gets nowhere close to the Everest I know as I have driven them.

    • Like 2
  3. I have 15 Guinea Fowl male and female but so far no luck in breeding, they lay the eggs but do not sit on them.

    I have tried placing them under the hens but no success there either only chickens.

    I was going to try an incubator and see there is a rotating model

    Any recommendations for a 24 egg model and advice on the guinea fowl, research suggests they are not good parents.

  4. 1 hour ago, william76 said:

    Better to live and go where you are treated best. Why accepting such humiliation? Consider all the frustration, the sleepless night before going to the butchery, all the negative feelings...

    Will never happen to me.

    Get ready and vote with your feet.

    Has never happened to me either, never had a problem renewing my retirement extension, ninety day reporting, TM 30 after returning from overseas or problems with IO’s at the airport.

    Strange that some people have all these problems non of my farang friends seem to have problems either.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  5. 3 hours ago, legend49 said:

    Where did the theft occur in the airport? I often wonder at the busy carousels  anyone can take any luggage as there is no check of luggage tags to boarding ticket ( other countries apply this security measure) as you leave customs area and become non air side.

    Of all the countries I have visited I have only seen that measure applied in Vietnam in Hanoi and that was quite a few years ago didn’t happen on the last trip about two years ago.

  6. 2 hours ago, SuwadeeS said:

    Even thought they have all the technology in Thailand.


    ...... Because of the political behavior and not existing social political developement, ....

    its still a third world country!!

    I see many posters on this site describing Thailand as a Third World Country.

    Thailand does not meet the traditional definition or the definition more commonly used these days.

    If you google the term you may be surprised as I was.

  7. 17 hours ago, rasg said:

    Lots of inaccurate info on here.  A visa company cannot guarantee a visa.


    Travel insurance is advisable from a peace of mind point of view. Somebody here in the UK on a visit visa would only qualify for emergency treatment but is not required for a visit visa.


    Having kids, cars or motorbikes has no bearing on a visit visa at all.


    Five years ago photos were requested. Not any more.

    Are you suggesting that the emergency treatment would be free?

    The last time I checked free emergency treatment only applied when there was a reciprocal arrangement with your country such as applies with Australia.

    There is no such arrangement with Thailand and Thai visitors are expected to pay.

    Whether the costs are recovered is of course another matter.



  8. 10 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

    There’s just no logical, stress LOGICAL reason for suddenly enforcing this old law. It’s cumbersome, ineffective and pointless. All it does is create extra work for everyone. Of course there’s the revenue to consider even that’s an end result of the extra work. We’re often given reasons to feel unwelcome and disrespected by the “powers” and if it wasn’t for the many decent Thai people I interact daily I may well consider moving on.

    If you get involved with other government departments you will find that most of them also have cumbersome, ineffective and pointless procedures which apply to Thai people as well.

    Had a friend buy a car from another province required a 150 km trip to the DLT head office in Chiang Mai and a several hour wait to transfer the details to him then another visit a few days later and another long wait for the car to be physically checked.

    Cannot do it all on the same day and cannot do it at the local DLT office where they will do the transfer and check the car If was bought in the same province ( Chiang  Mai ) same procedure for Thai people

    I have been involved with my wife with other government departments and   these are matters that are not for me and they are exactly the same.

    The only exception is the Thai passport office where after two visits for my wife and daughter  found them very efficient and helpful

  9. 17 hours ago, Cheops said:

    Really? Then why do you need to fill in the address where you will be staying on the arrival card? Do they just want to know you actually made it back home through the traffic in Bangkok? 555

    You could could probably ask the same “ why” about many things here that don’t make sense such as when the bank book is full and you want a new one why you have to virtually bring all the same documents you used to open the original account.

    Re the original question here in Chiang Mai Province if you leave the country even cross the border into Burma for half a day you have to re notify your address using the TM 30 form.

    I have given up trying to work out the logic of many things as there isn’t any, easier to go with the flow.

  10. On 5/29/2019 at 11:46 AM, monkeycu said:

    What ever you say :sleepy:

    What he states is correct, it is the established practice by first responders to accidents, fires etc to remove any danger to injured persons.

    I have stopped at many accidents over the years and it is not unusual for untrained persons to stand and watch and not only in this country, unfortunately many do not know how to cope.

    Must not miss out on an opportunity to criticize  though warranted or

    not !!

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    why do they have to renew a licence every 5 years? Mrs did it last week, took half a day of nonsense, including another colour blindness test, which I believe you do not develop but had to have the last time and a 50 minute film about how to drive on the road, when almost everyone is looking at their phones, or asleep.

    In Australia ( NSW) you have to renew it every 5 years with a simple eye test although I understand that there are some changes that will allow a 10 year license in some circumstances.

    Renewed my Thai license in Chiang Mai Province recently and had to undergo what you refer to in your post.

    As the only Farang in attendance I had the privilege of viewing a DVD on my own in my own room.

    It brought back memories of some of the things I learned about 50 years ago such as how to park. 


  12. 16 hours ago, scorecard said:



    99% of Thai people have no knowledge of how Visas to enter Thailand work and they are far too busy surviving day to day to be actively looking at foreigners differently.


    You need a hobby. 



    I don’t think it’s a hobby he needs but treatment for paranoia, as far as the earlier reference to TM 30’s did one about two weeks ago took all of 5 mins really spoiled my day !!!!!

  13. I have flown that sector several times with Air Asia in recent years usually overnighting in KL and never had a problems the issue never being raised.

    The only problem ever experienced was with Jet Star leaving Sydney when the female check in person wanted to argue that I needed a return ticket.

    After explaining to her several times that she was wrong I insisted she bring the Duty Manager, who after a quick look at the passport handed it to me with the boarding card, wished me a good flight, gave her a look that would kill and walked away

  14. My wife has a block of apartments and received a call from one of the female tenants who was being harassed by her estranged husband.

    She rang the local police and I went with her to the premises

    The police arrived almost at the same time as us and removed the guy, my wife told me that he was told in no uncertain terms what would happen if he returned he didn’t 

    She also told me that she lived with her first boyfriend who after some time started to become anti social after drinking and one time locked her in the house 

    She rang her brother and the local police both of who arrived.

    She said that the policeman sat and waited while her brother gave him some lessons on how not to treat his sister.

    Needless to say that was the end of the relationship

  15. 1 hour ago, petedk said:

    I just hope it works better than our door lock.


    We have just had a fingerprint scan door lock installed and it never works for me. I have had 3 different fingers registered and none of them work. Last night I put my thumb on the scanner 51 times without it being accepted.

    If it is like that at the airport, I can imagine the long queue behind me.


    Having said that, the finger print scanner to unlock my phone works perfectly. 

    I think you will find that having a system that records the fingerprints is different to one that then utilizes them to open something 

    Also will all due respect theirs may be better quality than yours.

    We have an electric gate that is remote operated and it was suggested that we could change to finger prints but after your experience will give it a miss.

  16. 3 hours ago, ETatBKK said:

    Biometric scanning is good, should as soon !


    QUEUING is not good ????  last week Friday evening in Suvarnabhumi Airport, it took me 1 hour 45minutes to go through the Immigration.  yesterday, the queue extended about 200 meters away from the duty free shops at the entrance of the Immigration hall.


    how it would happen in a less spacious Don Muang Immigration ?


    don't get me wrong, new tech is welcome, but someone should manage the queuing order in a more creative way !

    Don’t hold your breadth that it will be any quicker we recently visited Malaysia via Kuala Lumpur where there are no forms to complete, fingerprints and facial recognition.

    We arrived and left from the Air Asia terminal which took over an hour to clear Immigration

    I reckon that is slower than Thailand certainly Chiang Mai where we cleared Immigration in a few minutes.

  17. I have been watching some programs on UK TV dealing with the problems landlords experience trying to evict tenants and due due to the legislation it can take up to a year even when they cease paying rent.

    The state of many of the premises were appalling this woman is lucky as in one of the programs the toilet was stolen

    I am not suggesting that it is any worse in the UK than other countries just that they are the programs I can access.

  18. On 5/25/2019 at 12:36 PM, mickyr55 said:

    I'm off to Oz in a couple of weeks will be able to drink decent wines again at a good price 11aud for a 4ltr cask of Stanley's cabernet sauvignon last time I was in Murphy's grog shop.

    As a relative newcomer in LOS am I allowed to bring any wine back home with me is there a duty free allowance.


    A one liter bottle.

  19. On 3/30/2019 at 7:09 AM, stevenl said:

    "They are encouraging Chinese tourism, while they are openly and actively discouraging Western tourism, and Western ex-pats from continuing to live here."

    First part is true, basically they want tourists from all parts of the world, second part is nonsense.

    They are discouraging people living in Thailand on tourist visa, not discouraging western tourism.

    Totally agree, before I moved here years ago I visited Thailand as a genuine tourist many times without a problem

    We regularly have visitors from different countries none of whom experience any problems.

    I have never had any problems since living here and certainly don’t feel discouraged

    Out of all of my expat friends and others I have met there is only one who has experienced problems and that is because he fails to obtain the correct information.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  20. 1 hour ago, fvw53 said:

    I was the Belgian national informing TVF members that my affidavit (the same as described by above Confiscius) was refused for the first time in more than 10 years. The reason given by IO was correct i.e. that the legalisation stamp applied by the Embassy only certifies it is my signature but not that my declaration of income is true (or not true).  

    Indeed since more than 30 years I know that on the Belgian legalisation stamp it is mentioned in Dutch, French and German that "This legalisation does not guarantee the authenticity of the document".

    Signing a false affidavit would be a criminal offense but I cannot blame the IO that from now on evidence of bank transfers would be required. Luckily I had records of bank transfers covering one year and much more than the amount legally required : the IO accepted this evidence to grant me another extension but asked that in future I would make monthly transfers and not sometimes every 2 or 3 months as I did in the past. However I was surprised when I asked if in future I would then only have to submit the monthly bank records supplied by my bank (SCB) and the answer was that I would need both the above legalised affidavit  + the SCB bank statement. I repeated my question to make sure there was no misunderstanding and I got the same reply about the need for both the legalised affidavit and the proof of bank transfers to my SCB account.

    I think that’s pretty much the same with the other embassies who are no longer providing the documentation to support income.

    At the Australian Embassy I used to sign what was called a statutory declaration in which I declared my income, the signature was then witnessed and I think stamped by an official.

    It is a criminal offense in Australia to provide false information in such a document.

    The Embassy will still certify such documents for other purposes so it is not them being difficult as some on the site claim but because they are not able to confirm that the information is correct, which is not their role in any event.


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