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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. 8 hours ago, wotsdermatter said:

    Having had service at several of these facilities over the 20+ years of my time in Thailand, never once have I experienced any problems using English with any of the staff you mention.  They have always been polite, respectful, and competent in their duties, including their use of the English language.  By the way, at least they spell NIL correctly.

    'nuf sed.

    I haven’t lived here twenty years and live a long way from Bangkok and that has been my experience as well.

  2. On 6/17/2019 at 12:32 PM, Rally123 said:

    Thai immigration are clever in that you go to them instead of them coming to you to be spied on. The ones that should be under surveillance are the ones the local police don't have on their books. Where I live the police come around every year and note where all farang are living. They take a photocopy of the farangs passport. They never check the visa as they wouldn't know what it looks like.

    Now if immigration and police were to link up then...............        chitown.gif

    Immigration are a division of the RTP and according to our local Immigration have the same powers.

  3. Hi I am trying to get a high protein feed for my young guinea fowl Keets I can get feed for young chickens but want something with more protein.

    Does anyone know of a supplier in Chiang  Mai or any other suggestions


  4. 4 hours ago, vogie said:

    So are you justifying the EUs travelling circus and wasting of money is part and parcel of the EU.


    The “travelling circus” shuttle sees 750 MEPs and 3,000 administrative staff make the round trip to conduct business in the French city for four days a month. They are followed by lorries carrying 2,500 plastic containers of files.

    The Court of Auditors report reveals calculations that taxpayers across Europe would save more than £2billion over the next 50 years if the MEPs stayed put.

    There would also be a one-off windfall of £490million if the Strasbourg buildings were then sold off. The buildings are said to cost £50million a year in upkeep.

    The Conservatives, who are campaigning to have the practice stopped, put the cost higher at around £130million.

    Excuse my ignorance,but is there any practical reason for this moving to France or is just to satisfy the French?

    • Like 2
  5. 19 minutes ago, PGThompson1 said:

    Rubbish, I just renewed my licence from Chiang Mai using my yellow book and got 5 years, same as before.

    It is not rubbish see my post below in response to Vacuum

    But it If makes you feel happy and as I would hate to mislead people on this site, I will amend the first line of my original post.

    ” At the Fang DLT office in the part of Chiang Mai Province where I live..............”

  6. 22 minutes ago, Vacuum said:


    I will excuse your lack of vocabulary as it probably sums up your mentality.

    In early February this year I renewed both my licences at the Fang, Chiang Mai Province DLT and what I stated in my post was what occurred.

    My Thai wife who is also fully conversant in English was with me so there was no break down in communication or translation.

    Two weeks ago we visited the Chiang Mai DLT Head Office with a Expat friend to assist in transferring a car bought in Chiang Rai Province.

    While we were there I asked my wife to check on what had happened at the Fang Office as it did not make sense.

    The person confirmed that if you use the yellow book/ pink ID card they will now only issue the licence for two years.

    Whether you believe or accept this position I do not really care.

    Alternatively you could visit the office and ask them yourself

  7. If that’s what they require I think you will find there is no alternative as each office sets it’s own requirements.

    I went through the process with my local office a few years ago, they wanted my Aus passport, our Aus marriage certificate and my birth certificate translated, stamped by the Aus Embassy and I think the Thai Dept of Foreigh Affairs or whoever.

    Because we live in the North I got some agency to arrange it all as it would have required a trip to Bangkok and an overnight stay.

    When after visiting the local District Office on a number of occasions we finally lodged the documents and included a not too thick brown envelope.

    The woman we had dealt with and whom I found rather difficult suddenly became a good friend and like a fairy waving a magic wand everything was fixed.


    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Issannative said:

    Ya if you have a UK licence, then they will give you a Thai one, no practical or theory test. Just sit the vid. Bus as me and the misses were told at the local driving tambian only for UK no others.

    Sent from my LDN-LX2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    It doesn’t only apply to UK licenses I got mine with an Australian licence both car and motorbike as have several of of my Aus expat friends with none of the tests you refer to.

    Although I have never checked I understand that it also applies to other countries as well.

    • Like 2
  9. 16 hours ago, Issannative said:

    It makes it easier for getting driving licence ect that needs proof of residence, rather than going to imm every time for a proof of res letter.

    Sent from my LDN-LX2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    That may be the case where you live but in Chiang Mai Province if you use the Yellow House Book and or the Pink ID card they will only issue the license for two years.

    I renewed my recently and had to obtain the certificate from Immigration.

    Strangely enough as they did last time the license was issued for six years, yet they will accept the above documents for registering a new car in lieu of the Immigration certificate.

    I decided years ago to go with the flow and avoid the stress as you will never win.

  10. 5 hours ago, tifino said:

    The only offender here, was the Manager; spreading porn videos onto social media


    and he has somewhat exposed himself for placing voyeur cameras into supposedly private rooms!

    he forgets that he is not a 7-11 manager, using cctv for cash register security against robbers...

    I think if you read the article again you will find that Manager is the media organization not the manager of the premises.

  11. On 6/13/2019 at 11:22 PM, Golden Triangle said:

    Actually I want to ask a serious question, how do we know he is British ? We only have the lady,s word to go on, he may have spoken English but could be from a multitude of different countries, the police were not involved so no sighting of his passport or drivers licence, I mean he could easily come from the USA, NZ, SA, AUS or God forbid even the Isle of Wight......................

    May I suggest that he probably belongs on the Isle of Wight in that government building providing free board and lodgings.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. On 6/13/2019 at 9:52 PM, Golden Triangle said:

    Oh well, after my post on the other thread hoping he wasn't gonna be a Brit I suppose I'll have to suck up (buttercup) all the anti Brit posts for the next few months, but hey that's chuff all new on here, far too many people wanna knock us Brits, I think it's jealousy, but hey, I'm a proud Brit so have your fun people I really don't give a toss. ????

    Not as much as they want to knock the Thais.

    • Like 1
  13. On 6/13/2019 at 9:35 PM, Thaiwrath said:

    I predict 30 plus pages of Brit bashing now, par for the course on here, but you cannot tar everyone with the same brush. (From a proud Brit !).

    Totally agree, from one who has British Heritage on my fathers side but also proudly Australian

    Likewise you cannot tar all Thais will the same brush because of the actions of some individuals, despite what some on this site would have us believe.

  14. There seem to be quite a few different varieties apart from the bright yellow ones seen around.

    We have one type that is a dark purple and another which is round more like the Australian Bowen varierty

    Last year we were giving them away and people bringing them to us quite funny really.

    • Like 1
  15. 9 hours ago, JTXR said:

    Yes, thanks, but that's why I want to see the rule itself (the law).  I understand very well that the hotel will likely submit a TM30, but many posts here on TV and in the media have intimated that it's only stays in another province that trigger the need for a TM30, not stays at another address in the same province.

    The fact that you read the rules, law or whatever means nothing, because different Immigration Offices, Dept of Land Transport Offices etc in different Provinces and even local District Offices often apply different interpretations or apply their own provisions.

    Either ask someone who deals with your office or preferably ask them yourself.

    Don't be surprised though if the rules change at a later date.


  16. On 6/6/2019 at 10:30 AM, cornishcarlos said:

    We had about 20 at one point... As above, useless parents ????

    Seem very sensitive to rainy season and sickness, we are now down to 4 and don't intend to be hatching any even if we could.

    I love having them around though, they are characters....

    We bought an incubator kit from a guy on Facebook, then just fitted it to a polystyrene cool box. Worked well but not auto, so need to keep an eye on humidity and rotate manually. Cost about 1500 baht if I remember correctly !!

    Thanks for the info I agree they are characters remind me of gangsters.

    I have since obtained an incubator but unfortunately the instructions were in Chinese only so sent it back.

    Considering they are such bad parents it’s surpring they are still around but perhaps fare better in their home country

  17. 6 hours ago, EricTh said:

    There are still tons of foreigners who still want to stay long term in Thailand after all these harassment akin to a police state.


    Yes and this is one of them, it’s not hard to comply with the requirements if you want to.

    When I lived in Australia there were plenty of fines as there are in every country for relatively minor indiscretions such as overstaying on a parking meter by five minutes, being caught on a speed camera for traveling 3kms per hr over the limit lodging a government form one day late etc etc

    Its called revenue raising governments are masters at the art.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  18. 9 minutes ago, BigT73 said:

    Thanks for the explanation! Im in a condo no fiber for me :(. Your speeds are amazing, its getting harder to explain to my friends back home why I have twice their internet speed in a thirdworld country. Not that I think it is. lol

    Thailand is not a Third World country either by the historical or modern definition.

    Google the definition and you might be surprised as was I.

  19. 1 hour ago, madmen said:

    Americans not so bad but the rest of the world would have made a killing on exchange rate had they either bought a well located condo or invested in the SET. Im heading back to oz for 12 months and I have my place rented out 40k/month in BAHT which is going to be great value when buying oz dollars


    Had I kept everything at home I would have burnt up a lot money and it's only getting worse. Expats living on money invested in home countries are completely screwed (not so bad USA)


    The Thais will throw you out and steal your condo nonsense has been thrown around for 20 years as its past down from hard core expats to Newbies eager to repeat

    Agree, I have met several expats who have lived here long term one guy 40 yrs plus another 30 yrs plus they have lived here under several regimes and don’t seem to have been disturbed,

    I think there is a large group of whingers of various nationalities who have nothing better to do than complain.

    It really beggars belief as to why they don’t return to their home countries if they formerly lived in such a utopia.


    • Like 2
  20. 6 hours ago, Johnnyngai said:

    Do expect medical care in developing counties to be at least 20 years behind the USA.   



    I have never experienced medical care in the US but I have in Australia and for a time in the UK and also in Thailand and the medical care here is excellent.

    From what I have read about the US system perhaps you meant to say 20 times more expensive.

    • Thanks 1
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