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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. 21 hours ago, malibukid said:

    BKK Bank will not issue credit cart to falangs unless falang. work for Thai company and the card is issued under the auspices of that company in Thailand.  they don't trust us even though we have big money in their bank.  i have been over this with them.  i pulled out a couple of Visa cards issued in the States and said big money credit limit no problem. but i have excellent credit in the States. but no such system here.  they figure we are a credit risk and could skip town.  they will only give you debit/Master card, but this is not a credit card and is only limited to the  available funds in your account.  

    That’s not true, both my wife and I have held both Visa and Master Card credit cards in our own names issued by the Bangkok Bank, for several years.

    Neither of us are employed by a Thai company or in fact any other company.

  2. 13 hours ago, Janner1 said:

    It beggars belief that people who desert their home country to become ex-pats feel that it is their right to pontificate about the actions and will of patriotic people who have remained in the country of birth, worked extremely hard, paid all taxes levied upon them, made all of the national health contributions required of them for the benefit of others including said ex-pats, and who voted for Brexit because they wanted to take back their country from the 23 unelected and unaccountable dictators who run the EEC.


    We have SUFFERED wildly stupid rules, regulations and inappropriate laws that have only benefitted politicians  and the 23 mentioned.


    We have had to deal with ever rising taxes, costs and charges levied throughout Europe and as a direct result of this Europe has seen it’s culture disappear.


    It was always a wonderful experience to go to the local coffee shop in Spain or Portugal and sup one of the finest cups of espresso along with a small nip of the local brandy, but try doing it it now! The best you can get now it a cup of low grade muck in espresso form because the taxes levied has forced businesses to cut corners and drop standards.


    Just look around you Rooster because as a result of ASEAN this is happening slowly for the moment in Thailand but it will become ever faster until the mainstay culture “Street Food “of this lovely country is gone in the same way that the high quality low price restaurants of the said two countries has gone.

    Sadly the Thai people have yet to realise this but when they do it will be a bombshell and too late.


    Great Britain was reluctantly given the opportunity to redress this travesty which we did and with great gladness at the outcome I am more than happy to say I am one of those who voted OUT because the well being of my country is paramount.


    All we have to do now is get rid of the parliamentary remainers who have done all they can to Usurp the will of the people and undermine democracy, and believe me that day will come.

    I agree with you even although it doesn’t really affect me and despite the views of the poster following you so it seems do the majority.

    I think even Australia suffered at the hands of those people about whom you complained when we were forced to start calling champagne sparkling wine.

    • Like 1
  3. On 6/9/2019 at 11:24 AM, mfd101 said:

    "Give it time!"


    How much more would you suggest? always noting that Thailand/Siam was - according to its official ideology - never colonized ...

    I don’t think that he is saying that Thailand was colonized as I don’t believe that it was, but that he is sick of reading stuff from people with a heritage of colonization which in this case is the UK from where Rooster originates.

    Perhaps If Thailand had been colonized thinks might be different but looking at three or four nearby countries not sure if better.

  4. 5 hours ago, BigFun said:

    1) yes, chanot, and other deeds, can be subdivided. As far as I know deeds can be split into max 9 plots, including donor/mother plot in a 4 year period. It might be prudent to check local planning laws to see if better to split before or after planning permission is received. Here we have extra environmental laws dictating a plot must be 400m2 or more to get planning. So if you wish to make <400m2 plots here must get planning FIRST, then split :).


    2) you can sell land and put construction/sale contract in name of buyer or buyers juristic person.  Or rent for 30 years max in persons name.


    3) backfill costs vary massively upon location...and who you know ????

    Re point 3 totally agree you may also want to check if there is any excavation occurring anywhere near your land as the further away it has to be delivered the higher the cost

    Also make sure you have someone to count the loads delivered.

    • Like 1
  5. About two years ago we went across into Burma at Masai for a few hours, the next time I did the 90 day reporting  at our local small Immigration Office I was asked why a TM30 form hadn’t been lodged.

    I was under the mistaken belief that because I had my own house book it wasn’t necessary.

    The female IO was okay and said it showed up on their system because the arrival card is barcoded and Immigration doesn’t acknowledge Farang House Books.

    I was advised that in future make sure the TM 30 form is lodged on return after leaving the country.

    So it would appear that their system does pick up some non compliance events



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  6. On 6/6/2019 at 11:37 AM, ParadiseLost said:

    Many posers here, quick to jump to a misunderstanding.


    Vientiane introduced an appointment system, now fully booked two months in advance. Ask yourself why they would do so, as the selling of visas is their only/main source of revenue? Could it perhaps be sheer volume? Penang had to do the same a few years back...


    Social media has once again led to the detriment of the human race - everyone thinks it is easy to live in Thailand, work illegally, because they read it on farcebook and watch 'educational' youtube vids, forgetting that people are paid advertisement fees based on number of suckers that watch their bullshit.


    But every new generation considers themselves enlightened, ready to argue about things they know very little. As the OP states he (and I) has lived here 15 years and the cost of doing business with immigration has not risen.


    Subscribing to the conspiracy theory that immigration is pushing people to agents is really laughable, but I guess they give up with some dimwits who cannot manage a really simple process, compared to the impenetrable fortresses of EU, UK and of course USA. Even a little upstart country like Australia has much more heinous visa restrictions and costs.

    I will accept the heinous visa restrictions and costs but not that Australia is a little upstart country.

    So close to the recent remembrance of the D Day landings as well , in which a then “ littler”  Aus more than pulled its weight.

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 6/6/2019 at 7:53 AM, steven100 said:

    Australia has become one of the most expensive countries in the world and consumers largely have the Government to thank, new research suggests.

    Bananas, books, cars, housing and retail are all areas where Australians are paying too much, according to Dr Hartwich.

    "We are always told we are living in this miracle economy, the envy of the world, the one economy that survived the GFC, and it's all true, but ordinary consumers do not feel they are living in this blessed economy - they actually feel ripped off and overcharged," Dr Hartwich said.

    Australia is more expensive than in New Zealand, the UK, France and the US.

    I regularly talk to friends who live in Sydney and when I tell them what we pay here they cannot believe the difference.

    A poster on this site recently stated that he was returning to live in Australia “ where a dollar is still worth a dollar “ or words to that effect, what he failed to mention was that the dollar doesn’t buy much.

    The drop in the exchange rate particularly if you are receiving funds from Australia has made costs higher but for me the only disadvantage is the cost of wine.

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  8. 4 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Where did I say there was no violence against women elsewhere ?  Think you may have some reading issues and clearly can not comprehend what I said. I was saying it was typical of Thai men to attack others only when there are more of them, ie a gang.

    I clearly comprehend what you are saying like many others on this site it’s only bad things happen here and by bad Thai people.

    I stand by my earlier comments.

    • Sad 1
  9. 1 hour ago, nickstav said:

    I generally consider myself a very progressive person, but I believe in the death penalty for certain crimes. Sure, you can say these people have a sickness. Research has shown that many child abusers were themselves abused as children. But this is a sickness that I don't feel can be cured. So we keep them locked up in a living hell at great expense to the state. Somewhere down the line some authority might grant them leniency, or they may survive their sentence and be released back into society where this could happen again. I know this leaves me open to criticism in a world that generally believes the death penalty to be wrong. After all, who am I to judge. I accept this criticism, but I say pull the plug on these people. And not just for child abusers. Chronic psychopathy must be dealt with harshly.

    No criticism from me.

  10. 54 minutes ago, Toknarok said:

            Yes they're tricky birds to breed. They all start laying at once, around Songkraan time, for most of the year you have no eggs, and then for a month or so you have dozens.

            I have been successful in getting eggs to hatch under broody hens. I found the success rate very poor, most of the eggs appeared to be infertile. I also had bad luck with them, I had 20 or so young chicks, hens, turkeys and guinea fowl, in a 'nursery' pen. Once night a couple of bloody cats broke in, and not being content with eating one or to they killed the bloody lot. It hate cats, nothing but killing machines.

           Persevere with trying to hatch the eggs under domestic fowl. However as soon as they hatch remove them from the hen, she'll likely as not kill them.

          Plenty of incubators on Lazada.

    Thanks for the advice yes they are tricky don’t have a problem with cats the locals and the odd feral were dealt with by my Jack Russell Terriers but have to keep them away from the birds.

    The reason I asked about a recommendation for the incubator was we bought one from Lazada bought instructions in Chinese only so sent it back will try again.

    Will also have to ensure as Crossy suggested don’t mix the eggs something I had been doing.

  11. 20 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Well gutless Thai men only pick fights on another man when they are in a gang so it is 6 or more against one. That is way Thai men on their own only pick on women and children,

    Is that right so there is no violence against women in other parts of the world?

    You need to get out more or open your eyes and you will find that women are being attacked and murdered daily worldwide, unfortunately in my own country Australia and I suspect wherever you originate from.

    • Confused 1
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  12. 3 hours ago, Crossy said:

    Guineas are useless parents even if they manage to hatch the eggs ????


    If you have a broody hen then she should sit and hatch them, but from experience don't mix with hens eggs as the guineas seem to take a little longer to hatch and mum will go off with the chicken hatchlings.


    There are many "automatic" incubators on the market, just ensure that you stop the turning about 5 days before the prospective hatch date.


    Excellent advice here https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/incubating-and-hatching-guinea-fowl.67507/


    Thanks for the info very useful and particularly the article that’s what happened with the hen she deserted when her chicks born

  13. We have a friend who bought a car in Chiang Rai and we went with him to the DLT office in Chiang Mai last week as his Thai is limited

    ( my wife is Thai )

    There was a couple of hours wait to complete the process and they gave him an appointment to bring it back on another date for an inspection.

    We live in Fang where there is a DLT office but they wouldn’t do the process as it was bought outside the province and it had to be done at the head office.

    If you want details of the paperwork required email me direct.

    They did require the residency document from Immigration, but if you have your own house book that may be acceptable was for mine 2 years ago when I bought a  new car but that was from Chiang Mai.

    • Like 1
  14. On 9/28/2018 at 2:47 PM, lanista said:

    Why would anybody consider buying a taxpayer subsidised yank tank when you can have a Honda ,Toyota or Nissan to name a few.?

    Fantastic ,reliable engines expecially the Honda accord and civic.  Great electrics.  Toyota and Nissan pickup trucks are excellent. American cars are so bulbous and gross looking.  Gas guzzlers finished in velour.

    How many Japs and Europeans drive Detroit cars???   lol lol

    I am amazed Thai's buy them when they have so many options open.

    I always bought Toyota’s in Australia and bought a couple here years ago a pick up and a hybrid.

    3 years ago we bought an Everest and two years ago a Vios for local use.

    We have driven the Everest thousands of kilometers around Thailand and its been great.

    Still think Toyota’s good but their Fortuner gets nowhere close to the Everest I know as I have driven them.

    • Like 2
  15. I have 15 Guinea Fowl male and female but so far no luck in breeding, they lay the eggs but do not sit on them.

    I have tried placing them under the hens but no success there either only chickens.

    I was going to try an incubator and see there is a rotating model

    Any recommendations for a 24 egg model and advice on the guinea fowl, research suggests they are not good parents.

  16. 1 hour ago, william76 said:

    Better to live and go where you are treated best. Why accepting such humiliation? Consider all the frustration, the sleepless night before going to the butchery, all the negative feelings...

    Will never happen to me.

    Get ready and vote with your feet.

    Has never happened to me either, never had a problem renewing my retirement extension, ninety day reporting, TM 30 after returning from overseas or problems with IO’s at the airport.

    Strange that some people have all these problems non of my farang friends seem to have problems either.

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  17. 3 hours ago, legend49 said:

    Where did the theft occur in the airport? I often wonder at the busy carousels  anyone can take any luggage as there is no check of luggage tags to boarding ticket ( other countries apply this security measure) as you leave customs area and become non air side.

    Of all the countries I have visited I have only seen that measure applied in Vietnam in Hanoi and that was quite a few years ago didn’t happen on the last trip about two years ago.

  18. 2 hours ago, SuwadeeS said:

    Even thought they have all the technology in Thailand.


    ...... Because of the political behavior and not existing social political developement, ....

    its still a third world country!!

    I see many posters on this site describing Thailand as a Third World Country.

    Thailand does not meet the traditional definition or the definition more commonly used these days.

    If you google the term you may be surprised as I was.

  19. 17 hours ago, rasg said:

    Lots of inaccurate info on here.  A visa company cannot guarantee a visa.


    Travel insurance is advisable from a peace of mind point of view. Somebody here in the UK on a visit visa would only qualify for emergency treatment but is not required for a visit visa.


    Having kids, cars or motorbikes has no bearing on a visit visa at all.


    Five years ago photos were requested. Not any more.

    Are you suggesting that the emergency treatment would be free?

    The last time I checked free emergency treatment only applied when there was a reciprocal arrangement with your country such as applies with Australia.

    There is no such arrangement with Thailand and Thai visitors are expected to pay.

    Whether the costs are recovered is of course another matter.



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