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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. it came in ziplocks by the gram, printed label with strain name of the seed bank. I've tried a couple cafes in patts area and bought a half dozen bags a couple of times and then gave up and am now buying whole plants from local. unfortunately, these plants have seeds that I remove before I decarb a handful of product and blend it in a banana smoothy. it's too weak unless I chainsmoke, but blended with banana, cocoa and milk it's the ticket. some confusion on this board about what is imported, the seeds or finished product. curious if you know, because the weed back in the good ole us of a is problem free for me, so I suspect the seeds are imported and the grow methods here are still being sorted out.
  2. I've tried many strains of the top shelf stuff here, and they all gave me a headache. I suspect the local growers aren't paying attention to when to stop fertilizing or they aren't flushing the nutrients. it isn't as easy as nature to make great weed. my experience with thai workers is they feel they have succeeded when the work is good enough, without contemplating improvement for the future. that mindset works to stop competition instead of creating the best product
  3. great! and what are the winning lottery numbers while you're at it?
  4. give him a break, they are still late to figuring out the rules and techniques, so they learn in real time. what do you want, every driver to slow down and look around at an intersection whenever he hears a siren? not in this country, rules are for chumps
  5. I wonder if he is cartel related. if not, he missed his calling
  6. they seem to be quite proud of the results judging from the last raid that made the headlines. didn't find anything then and called it a success! success in ruining the nightlife for those tourists, and success in making some badly needed pocket money selling clean urine in a jar for those that need it
  7. confused why the Election Commission was asked about something that should be approved between Energy and Parliament. is gov't assistance for energy bills going to be the platform this gov't runs on for reelection?
  8. what's the max jail time allowed Thailand? will she be released after 30 years?
  9. must have tried the new drugs here, and couldn't hang on
  10. "The successful outcome of this operation underscores the importance of such collaborations in maintaining the safety and security of both citizens and tourists in Thailand." Hilarious! what part of this was successful and not a complete waste of everyone's time???
  11. that's nice, of all the things to investigate the police for...
  12. Thailand sounds more like Mexico everyday. working to become the new kidnapping hub of SE Asia
  13. apparently when 2 Chinese people make a baby and pass it through a thai womb, it magically becomes thai. that's a convenient loophole for a Chinese couple to have a Chinese child and launder the money through, which makes the gains legal because the child is technically thai(?). not sure why laundering is legal here and they don't just seize all the businesses bought with dirty money. they found the money trail but claim the money is safe and out of reach, one can only assume money laundering isn't prosecuted if you are thai...
  14. love how consequences take on a magical form even on a political platform. luck and karma replace cause and effect when one is ignorant of what they speak
  15. steal money from road projects. allegedly...
  16. I wonder why the owners didn't show the evidence on cctv?
  17. none of your examples would hasten a decline or mass extinction tho. a better analogy is claiming smoke from the fires doesn't adversely affect health or nature, when the experts agree that it does. ignoring it and continuing to set fires has consequences, whereas disagreeing with the moon landing is just fun to pass the time of day...
  18. one of the new designer drugs we were warned about a day or 2 ago? looks like ecstasy but it's meth with lsd...
  19. yeah, or, hear me out, it might be a raging success. the thais I know will take the 10k and not worry if the gov't will take a loan since they have loans up to their necks while the gov't has smooth sailing ahead
  20. 263 dead seems ok, life is valued differently here, so the government should find this number acceptable or even spin it as a win for the administration, it is spin season after all, so... good job Prayut?
  21. more hot CO2 from the mouths of politicians who will take the money and keep the status quo once in office. I hope they prove me wrong this time
  22. right... natural phenomenon from bad karma because of illegal burning
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