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Asquith Production

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Everything posted by Asquith Production

  1. I buy the beef trimming at Mackro for around 155 baht a kilo. Just boil it up and put in a mincer then mix with some biscuit, Depending on how big your dog is will make it a cheap or expensive option.
  2. Your CC/debit card must be online somewhere to be caught up in in the recent scam.
  3. Not necessary for me if they dont do C.O.D for goods they dont get my business. I dont use any debit/credit card online here.
  4. So what about the money you are not going to use online? You want us to open a second account for that? Nonsense.
  5. If all else fails just buy a bigger sound system and when his karaoke comes on put your favorite song on. to drown his out.
  6. I drink this on an empty stomach first thing in the morning to clean my arteries. 1/2 Cup of water 1 Apple unskinned cut up 1 Garlic clove A pinch of tumeric A pinch of black pepper 1-2 dash cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon olive oil Juice of half lemon. I follow this with oats and fruit. I am 71 and on no meds.
  7. This refers to the 21st and not the 22nd
  8. Just in case people need to know. There is no ban on the sale of alcohol by law for this public holiday on the 22ns October.
  9. I have neither of the above and would never consider buying one.
  10. Its all about being moderate with your spending. Some people will buy a Merc or BMW as sum badge of honor but any car will take you from A to B in comfort. Its like that with any purchase. Just dont buy stuff for the sake of it. Personally I have gone to minimalist ownership of stuff but of good quality..
  11. My point being that people who dont wear seatbelts/helmets dont normally kill other road users. People who drink drive and run red lights for example also take up far more valuable hospital resources and put your life and mine in danger.
  12. So stopping someone without a helmet should be their for there own safety and then fined to reinforce further behavior. You do not put them in danger to accomplish this. A vehicle from behind could easily have gone over them. Would you have been happy then for such a minor .offence. If he was so concerned he could have noted the number and followed it up. Red light cameras are not the only way of detecting this more dangerous offence.
  13. Yeah maybe I always wear helmet/seatbelt because I value my life I would rather they pursued people who can ruin mine and other peoples lives such as crossing red lights and DUI. In the scheme of things the cost to me is negligible
  14. Yeah maybe I always wear helmet/seatbelt because I value my life I would rather they pursued people who can ruin mine and other peoples lives such as crossing red lights and DUI. In the scheme of things the cost to me is negligible
  15. This is sheer lunacy. The traffic was pouring out of that junction and the view the motorcyclist and other vehicles had must have been limited. It could only end badly. Why was it so important that he had to stop them there I will never know. Was he going to issue a ticket in the middle of the junction? As for the no helmet offence I have always said its like seat belts the only person you injure or kill is yourself. Their are far more serious offences.
  16. Just saying would be difficult to tie someone up unless they were submissive or unconscious.
  17. So he was carrying 300K? How was he carrying it paperbag or in his pocket? Why would he be taking it to his lovers house? Their are so many holes in this story from both sides.
  18. This is a problem caused by people and not dogs and the only way is for people to take their finger out and do something.
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