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Asquith Production

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Posts posted by Asquith Production

  1. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    The banks will launch a publicity campaign, advising their customers to adjust the amount of the money in their bank accounts to not exceed the approximate amount of their anticipated online spending through the use of credit or debit cards to reduce their exposure to cybercrime.

    So what about the money you are not going to use online? You want us to open a second account for that? Nonsense.

    • Like 1
  2. I drink this on an empty stomach first thing in the morning to clean my arteries.


    1/2 Cup of water 1 Apple unskinned cut up 1 Garlic clove A pinch of tumeric A pinch of black pepper 1-2 dash cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon olive oil Juice of half lemon.


    I follow this with oats and fruit.


    I am 71 and on no meds. 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  3. 1 hour ago, brianthainess said:

    And using up valuable hospital resources, which as far as i can remember was the reason it became law in the UK.

    My point being that people who dont wear seatbelts/helmets dont normally kill other road users. People who drink drive and run red lights for example also take up far more valuable hospital resources and put your life and mine in danger.

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  4. 11 hours ago, Scott Tracy said:

    Perhaps it was determined that the helmetless riders were driving under the influence as well. Would that satisfy you? Or perhaps the plod should only enforce the laws that you want them to?

    It has been said the Red light cameras would be a good idea, but the number of bikes without rear plates would increase at least 100 fold...Cars and truck's plates would suddenly drop off along a road somewhere. What would you have the copper do? His job? Perhaps picking a better a better spot, yes. But trying to stop a speeding biker is near impossible at the best of time.

    So stopping someone without a helmet should be their for there own safety and then fined to reinforce further behavior. You do not put them in danger to accomplish this. A vehicle from behind could easily have gone over them. Would you have been happy then for such a minor .offence. If he was so concerned he could have noted the number and followed it up.


    Red light cameras are not the only way of detecting this more dangerous offence.

  5. 10 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

    When someone doesn’t wear a seatbelt or helmet in my country and they get in an accident, they can end up in the hospital, when they have serious injuries. Guess who’s going to pay for that? And guess who’s going to pay for it when that person ends up being handicapped and needing help/assistance for the rest of their life?
    It’s just plain stupid and irresponsible to not wear a seatbelt or helmet, as far as I’m concerned.

    Yeah maybe I always wear helmet/seatbelt because I value my life  I would rather they pursued people who can ruin mine and other peoples lives such as crossing red lights and DUI. In the scheme of things the cost to me is negligible

  6. Just now, bangon04 said:

    If you kill yourself ..... but if you are severely injured or crippled (by not wearing a helmet) you have a major effect on and cost to other members of society.

    Yeah maybe I always wear helmet/seatbelt because I value my life  I would rather they pursued people who can ruin mine and other peoples lives such as crossing red lights and DUI. In the scheme of things the cost to me is negligible

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