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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. Marijuana used to be a big money spinner for Pai, until it was decriminalised.
  2. I'm actually asking if there have been any updates - It appears you don't know Very much could affect travel plans as the system is very likely not going to work.
  3. TM6 is meant to start in May and the WTA in June - Is the ETA actually gonna happen then? Thai authorities and websites don't seem to mix very well.
  4. I use the one of the seafront in Nathon - they are quite good but the old Issan PlaPao - https://maps.app.goo.gl/pUnqnZRZbSQcx7fh9 - was exceptional. I just wonder if they have started up again somewhere else?
  5. so you vote for a guy because he was shot? - that took a second - what about the other 10 years of his behaviour before and after that? I'd say his reaction to being shot was that of a sociopath.
  6. Has anyone filled in a TM 6 on a land crossing into Thailand since 2022?
  7. totally subjective and seen from an occido-centric perspective - if you learned more about Thai culture you would realise you are talking rubbish.
  8. Basically, ti looks like the driver had "gone troppo". He verted to norm. What people don't realise is that all over the world drivers are equally bad and likely to make bad decisions and human error. A road safety system doesn't make them good drivers, it protects them from their own stupidity. sp outside the protection of teir own home sefety systems they resort to norm in the lax environment of Thailand's road environment. the sad thing is that most drivers dont realise the roll that road safety [plays "back home" and beleive they are "good drivers" in some way superior to the locals - in reality they are just the same and make just the same mistakes.
  9. complete and utter twaddle - it really suggests that the one with brain damage was the the one who watched that program and believed it.
  10. so you've seen the crash report? Nobody else has.
  11. always amazed at how conservative middle American can be - I've been to weddings and conferences over the years and appalled at how drably people dress - everyone in monochrome suits and fibreglass hair and teeth.
  12. Looks like the quad wasb't registered for use on pulic roads. However the use of concrete barriers in place of armco is worrying. Whether either are suitable for that elevated piece of road will probably not be addressed.
  13. I wasn't aware, where did this happen?
  14. Ethics in Thai health industry are very questionable...I don't know about Indonessia. However with no insurance one cannot be sure the patient is having appropriate care. Also people overestimate the training and competence in Thai healthcare.
  15. One thing they should do is get an idenpendant viewpointon how he has been treated in hospital
  16. Not sure why it’s a surprise – the Japanese companies are struggling, the Europeans and Americans never showed much interest or couldn’t make it work so now it’s the Chinese’s turn. As ever the west sits back and just watches and slags off products that are in fact much more suited than anything from the West. BYD has a large factory in Rayong province that is expected to produce 150,000 vehicles per year. Also SAIC Motor, Hozon Auto, Great Wall Motor Manufacturing There are over 500 Chinese firms in Thailand now The Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Park and the Amata City Rayong industrial estate are home to many Chinese companies.
  17. If you have a number then they are probably documented.
  18. Thailand is very good at covering up their terrible record on human rights - for many refugees it is simply a case of out of the frying pan into the fire.
  19. I firmly believe there are no specifically trained road traffic engineers in Thailand
  20. total rubbish! THere is just stupid after stupid on this thread
  21. you realise the trains won't run on public highways?
  22. Usual litany of rubbish and racist nonsense from the ignorant road safety Sherlocks. Every crah and incident is followed by th same torrent of ignorant comments.
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