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Posts posted by kwilco

  1. 7 hours ago, seedy said:

    Topic title - "Electric vehicles of all kinds"

    See no mention of geography. Know of no EV made in LOS.

    Thailand has a motor industry in the world top ten. All registrations are set to be electric by 2033.

    They also are already producing components and batteries. A lot of companies already have TKD facilities here so its only a matter of months before they start. Mercedes, MG, Hyundai all have a presence here.

    PTT have plans to build a car here shortly.

    The EEC corridor will see new facilities built.

    • Like 2
  2. Don't know why people think that Tesla is the be-all and end-all of ekectric cats. Chinese manufacturers and Saic, BKV, plus Volkswagon, Hyundai and Nissan Renault will overtake them in volume next year or so and they are aiming much more for the mass market

    Within 8 years half the private vehicle market is estimated to be 100% ekectric cars.

    People who think there is some reason they won't catch on are at least 10 years out of date. Ideas about cost of batteries are just fantasy as there are already replacement deals that avoid full cost.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    Yeah, have you ever looked at what are called subsidies to make up the 6%? It's most all tax deductions related to cost of production and government contracts. These are the same "subsidies" everyone enjoys, including Tesla, Amazon, Apple, GM etc. 


    Are you going to pretend that Tesla will not benefit from the "...new major spending packages investing billions of dollars in electric vehicles in the U.S.,..."? 

    I think you need to look at GM"s collapse and the government ßubsidies that kept them in bisiness

  4. 9 hours ago, seedy said:

    I stumbled across this report from Volvo which shows an Electric Vehicle creates a 70% larger carbon footprint for manufacturing and disposal compared to a petrol car.


    All cars have 3 stages of life. Production, use and dudpisal. Germany, fir instance requires all cars to be over 80% recyclable.

    All this is taken into account when producing vehicles and the sum total is the qay it's  done.

    You are just cherry-picking to back ip your own preconceived ideas.... a one quote wonder which ignores the whole argument and assumes others don't already know what you are misinterpreting.

  5. 13 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    While the standard of driving in NZ is not good, at least I've never had a driver from the opposite direction come around a blind corner in my lane, which happened to me in LOS.

    It wasn't the drivers actually on the road that worried me too much though, rather it was kids on m'bikes that would drive out onto the road without looking, in rural villages.

    Did you collide? End up in hospital?

    I've had similar near misses...in Italy, UK and the worst (closest) in Oz. My truck wasn't touched and spart from being a little surprised, I carried on my way.

  6. 7 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    You said anywhere else in the world. Those 2 countries are other countries in the world. I am fed up of this nonsense and will add you to my ignored list.

    I'm surprised how unable people can be to actually understand an argument let aline to respond.

    It is certainly a familiar aspect with foreigners trying to understand traffic 8n Thailand. 

    They seem unable to grasp both the traffic and how inadequate their interpretation is of what they see.....hence the total failure to understand a relatively simple point of view.

    • Sad 1
  7. 9 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Depends what you mean by shooting..... I am of the opinion that Thai drivers are slow off the mark when the lights turn from red to green, BUT, they will race for a green light, and I have seen them proceed (by just tailgating the car in front) for 3-4 seconds into the time of a red light. Not so long ago a truck slaughtered a few motorcyclists at the Suk/ Nua junction doing exactly that. I myself sit at that junction waiting to turn right into Nua and see the lights being jumped by vehicles that have accelerated to do it. Waiting a few seconds after you get the green light makes sense here.

    Also if there is little traffic, many jump red lights here. WIN and Grab M/Cs frequently.

    The USA and UK often have cameras detecting this as a deterrent.


    I certainly see more of it here than I do the UK....

    My premise was that I believe that shooting lights in Thailand is not significantly worse than anywhere else in the world. 

    you have just used anecdotal evidence and 2 othwr countries as examples this is not the case...I'd say that is too selective to be at all. convincing

  8. 7 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    So now you move the goalposts......

    Dangerous driving is not limited to cars... but many poor Thai car drivers are responsible for all those motorcycle deaths you now choose to discount!

    Thr original comment was about shooting lights. I haven't noticed cars shooting  lights any more in Thailand than anywhere else.

    I know some Brits don't understand turn left on red..... and I've seen a few cyclists mount the pavement...even the odd motorbike   but I don't really think that comes under shooting lights.

    I have noticed that foreign drivers tend to be overwhelmed driving in Thailand and resort to blaming others for what is basically their own  insecurity 

    As I said their perception is largely clouded by confirmation  bias....

    • Haha 1
  9. 8 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Me too (well not extensive)... doubt a day goes by that I don't see some dangerous act or stupid one, unless I stay home that day. I have seen gross madness like racing in the wrong direction here on the Ayutthaya Rd.... people driving the wrong way is a common occurrence. High speed undertaking, road rage madness. The other end of the scale was driving in the UK.... as a youngster it was easy, people were polite.

    I think you are making it up, why, heaven knows.

    Yet in a car your chances of dying are the same as in the USA.

    When driving g in Europe and Australia I also see incredibly stupid things to.

    We are talking traffic light and I certainly don't see that as a major Thai characteristic.

    As I say I think a lot of it is confirmation bias.

    Try Googling Russian roads or Chinese.....

    I think the problem is that a lot of foreign drivers can't adapt to driving in Thailand and turn to blaming others for their own insecurity

  10. 20 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Depends where anywhere else is....I have certainly noticed a plethora of examples of dangerous driving....the incident numbers back it up. An hour in Bangkok should set you straight.

    20 years extensive driving in Thailand.

    Driven in Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, All over Western Europe, USA, North Africa, Australia. 

    Used to see a lot in UK until the 1990s and Italy.

    Lived in Bkk,  used to drive through to work in Central Bkk (Lumpini) every day by car.

  11. 5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Life on the roads is a crapshoot.  Yesterday returning from Suvarnabhumi Airport, I watched as cars drove on the shoulders where they are not supposed to, and right by the RTP cops sitting at the gore points.  Then after stopping for the Red light as I prepared to exit at Rama 4 Rd, I watched as over 100 motorbikes queued in the roadway in front of the red light they were supposed to be behind, again right in front of the RTP traffic box.  As my light turned green to go right and as we all, the many cars behind me, proceeded to turn right, the motorbikes all took off going straight from our left and into an around all of the turning vehicles, who had the right of way.  Just to my left I watched as one of the motorbikes hit the side of a Mercedes and as he went down was hit by more bikes and the pile up began.  What a cluster.  If the flicking police would do their jobs we would not have such kaos, and if the drivers and riders would obey the traffic laws we would not have the needles accidents and deaths.

    Yet I can relax in the knowledge  that whilst driving in my 4-wheeled vehicle I'm less likely to die than in the USA.

  12. 4 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    I think that question is impossible to answer accurately.

    What if someone flies into Suratthani from overseas. Gives Covid to a local who then travels to Samui and creates a cluster here.

    Is that an indigenous infection or from overseas?

    Bear in mind that lots of people with Covid are NOT reporting it to the authorities.

    They have mild symptoms, do a couple of ATK tests, which show positive, and then self quarantine. Not wishing to have to go to government quarantine at a high cost.

    There is a clear difference between international and domestic transmission.

    If people come into any part of Thailand from abroad with the disease, then that is international and the precautions aren't working.

    If they are spiking due to domestic infections then the domestic restrictions aren't working.

    Symptomless people still transmit the disease but coming from abroad the presence of the virus should have been detected. Symptomless are more likely to be domestic spreaders. Samui seems to be suffering from a higher rate than much of the rest of the country. Presumably because of lax local behaviour.

    Of course people coming from abroad don't want to go to areas where they are more likely to be infected as they will then have at least to quarantine when they get home..... if they are allowed to return at all.

  13. 7 hours ago, khunPer said:

    The post you refers to says "...since the 1st November reopening", which is what the the source says.

    I remember that some of the first cases on Samui were among incoming French people.

    It's not their nationality that is of concern...its where they are coming from. Cases are increasing. Are they brought in by people living in Thailand or tourists coming from abroad?

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