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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. I agree - it's not good - but I knew that 25 years ago.
  2. Agreed it isn't right....but it hasn't changed for years so anyone retiring in Thailand should have been capable of taking this into account. It's not a change in the situation....it has been in force for decades.
  3. UK pensions are frozen in Australia too
  4. You realise there is no set aside pension fund. A UK pension is funded by CURRENT taxpayers...your NI contributions paid for pensioners when you were working. Pensioners are supported by today's taxpayers not your historic NI contributions. What you paid in wouldn't keep a mouse alive these days. How pensions are paid or frozen has been in place for decades...their is no reason to be surprised or indignant, you should have known already and taken it into account before retiring in a different country. UK has a very wisely pension system... it basically is a barbies system designed to keep pensioners from starvation. Unlike EU countries which have much higher levels and benefits to boot.
  5. You are making some VERY stupid remarks. THis is an incident where children died and all you can do is go one about a tire - you are doing a diservice to their young lives - it's quite disgusting.
  6. one of the factors behind Brexit was that the EU was pressuring the UK - match their pensions to the average levels in the EU - those these people voted themselves out of changing the system that has been in place for years.
  7. This has been the case for decades - why didn't they know?
  8. You are so naive - So what if the tire burst and so what about the Merc - do you seriously think that would cause that kind of fire if the bus was set up right? I is beyond me how unintelligent some people can be - I don't understand the first thing about what happened.
  9. THe impact may be on the off side against the barrier and not visible in the photos.
  10. Most of these buses are built on second-hand (imported) chassis - the bodywork was probably done in Thailand - even without the gas it's very likely the interior was not in proper fire retardant gadding - it's an automotive Grenfell.
  11. It is very disturbing that the amateur crash reporters are so fixated upon try to find blame in the collision that may have started this tragedy. the REAL question is why, after a relatively minor collision did it escalate into a major disaster. What needs to be looked at is the whole situation with regards to coaches and safety. Collisions WILL happen it is what we do to mitigate the ramifications that is most important.
  12. You are using this tragedy to reinforce your own "master race" sense of superiority. Like others on this thread you are looking around to blame some Thai person so you don't actually have to think about what actually happened and why. Why is it that people who cling to racist philosophies so tightly spend so much time claiming they aren't racist?
  13. Only fool doesn't understand the limitations of anecdotal and personal observations and is unable to interpret what they see - rather than reasoned analysis, you just let your own bigotry and racism rule your brain.
  14. It's so sad that people seem to think they are so much better by making assumptions about an incident when there is no accident report or any evidence to support that opion a..it's just an opportunity for bigotry and racism. In fact it is THEY who are so inadequate
  15. you have no idea what went on - you are just making up stories to make yourself fell better - just hope the same never happens so you have to "prove" yourself.
  16. It isn't what cuased the acident that is im[ortant - it is what happened AFTER that that is so terrible.
  17. Well it isn't - the bodies are usually coach built in Thailand - they are not properly tested (paper bag testing) - the interiors may well be specially built or modified using non fire retardant materials and of course ta gas conversion that is near a Heath Robinson affair.
  18. Yes - but the performance and safety of these vehicles including fire extinguishers are part and parcel of the design process - it looks as if highly flammable materials were used and it is unlikely they could have been extinguished anyway.
  19. no a "benz" bus - it'll be a second-hand chassis with Thai body work of debatable fire qualities.
  20. Sorry utter tripe - - THese are locally made vehicles that use second hand chassis possibly of a Merc. THe construction doesn't follow any serious international standards of safety. THey had been outcry about this before when multiple deaths have occured in bus crashes but little is ever done. Sticking a Merc badge on the front it no more effective than a buddhist medallion. The ineffective enforcement of partial safety laws has created a situation where coachbuilders can continue producing unsafe vehicles in Thailand, especially by using second-hand chassis and subpar construction techniques. This has resulted in numerous accidents and fatalities, underscoring the urgent need for comprehensive reforms, stricter regulations, and more effective oversight.
  21. so what's the forecast for Bangkok this week? the floods are subsiding in Chiang Mai but that means they are all draining down towards BKK>
  22. Mwkong doesn't realy drain into THailand very much. It's the Chaopraya basin that we should be watching.
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