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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. 14 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    The only details I have found is that parts have a 325% tax on them.

    My last landlady wanted to buy my BMW 335i but I told her it wasn't worth importing. I was just after a two-seater convertible sports car that are really cheap in the UK about £1750 for a 2004 model with a hard top.


    Now the 335i is a bit of a monster too. Had one when I was UK based, sadly had to sell it when I retired at a staggering loss.


    grat car though!

  2. 13 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


    You can't have given it that much thought, we also say take an exam, take a swim etc, nothing unique to dumping, take can also mean undertake.  And I think 'prendre une merde' is actually used in French.

    Hi Shawn007, you have Avery good point or two in your reply. I was not thinking in broader terms about taking a dump and was focussing,wrongly it seems, on just that phrase not expanding my search function .


    my son in law is French ( please don't tell anyone) and he is flummoxed either by my appalling accent or that I tell him I am off to take a dump as opposed to do a merde. He certainly has not come across the expression prendre use merde  (again I am presuming the merde is feminine)



    thanks anyway for taking king the time and effort to respond.





  3. 3 hours ago, bannork said:

    I've got to agree with you Squeegee regarding '69-72. a what a phrase- 'thrashing around creatively '- there was a lot of variety in the songs in those years.

    After the monster success of DSOTM it was Water's structured concepts, great in themselves but somewhat more predictable. But as Roger says, ' I didn't want to dominate the band but no-one else brought anything to the table.'

    I am an ardent fan of the Floyd however I do get aggrieved by RW's relatively uncontested version of events. 


    I refer to to them as "the world according to Roger"


    As his claims to divinity remain largely uncontested by the more reserved members of Floyd it has served to fuel his ego to such an extent that going to a RW concert is akin to going to a political rally and that pisses me off. If I want to listen to opinionated politicians I go to a political rally, if I want to hear some of the most moving and inspirational music thus far created on this planet I go to see Waters or Gilmour ( more likely nowadays Brit Floyd or Aussie Floyd both of whom are outstanding) . What gives RW the right to lecture us about his beliefs when we have paid to see him defeats my comprehension.


    i have been flamed many a time for expressing my view on this however so far no logical or convincing explanation has been put forth to change my views.


    putting all that to one side though the Floyd changed music along with the other greats of ELP, King Crimson, Yes, Genesis but to name a few.


    sadly though we are now seeing those geneii ( genius plural?) die off one by one.


    can or will they ever be replaced?


    i am making the once in s lifetime pilgrimage to London to see this exhibition. It had better be good and not just done money making excercise.

  4. On 18/02/2017 at 2:08 AM, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Minesweeping is the act of picking up ( stealing ) someone else's pint.
    Popular among the student community !!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Thanks AD, my "interesting" vocabulary has just increased. 


    Cannot wait until my next trip to the Uk where I will put it to good use. 


    I love the expression but cannot for the likes Ines of me understand why I never heard it before. It may be that if someone nicked your beer when I was at uni they most likely got belted.

  5. This has been both educational as well as highly entertaining however it does lead naturally on to the next question on which I eagerly await both the knowledge as well as the humour of my fellow posters. 


    Why hey do we Brits "Take a dump" ?  The french (for example) do not "prend une merde" (apologies for spelling) 


    when we do a "Number Two" we are taking nothing but the expression infers otherwise. 


    This enigma has whiled away many a quiet quiet hour and as I enter the autumnal period of my e instance on this planet I would like the answer before I depart for the next big adventure.


    OK guys, over to you!

  6. Another rarity in that the OP got a myriad of responses none filled with sarcasm or negativity but showing genuine assistanceto a man in need, kudos to you all.


    i made a truly stupid mistake when I moved here  I put all my guitars, amps, furniture he goods the lot into storage ( the idea was to source a bigger place here and ship it over using the current Mrs Dark Lords returning Thai citizen status. 


    Never got round to it. 


    Still paying £400 per month and most of the gurniture was brand spanking new.


    i am off back to visit my ailing matriarch shortly and will dig at least the clothes and guitars out. So a cry for help from all my fellows on TVFif you are going back to Blighty later on this year and would be anywhere near Cobham (Surrey) during your stay and would be willing to bring a guitar back out here ( I will pay a reasonable pre negotiated fee for your efforts) I will pick it up from you at swampy on your arrival. 


    I have swanned through swampy several times with one guitar in its case but no problems.


    hope to hear from y'all



  7. 3 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    Well said - and I too hope that Ron gets the same care for the rest of his life. I am well behind you in years, but not in care from my wonderful Thai wife - she is fantastic and leaves western women I knew for dead (all Thai women do). There are many lovely wonderful Thai ladies here - but you gotta know how/where to look for them.  


    And it is his money and it is his decision - so shut the hell up whingers!!  Women all over the world are 'attracted' to well off men and what the (deleted) is wrong with that?? Good luck to Ron - and all the others like him and us.  No guarantees - we could all end up broke - but that is no excuse for wishing that on others.


    Yep - I agree 100%.  They have just looked up from their cornflakes and beer and they sure have a lot of negativity and (deleted) in their heads. I guess I would be cynical too, if I had expected a bar girl to marry me and not take all my money, and then after she did take it all, I was reduced to the pension/savings and drinking beer and whinging about it all day.



    As I have said before in other posts, we are leaving Thailand shortly - and bitter Expats are also one thing I will not miss. I dont have a sheep farm - but I am clearly better off financially and morally than many of the TV losers who belittle others like Ron. 

    Elvis has left the building.....

  8. 33 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

    My My Dark Lord your in-site into crap UK police astounds me, I did find it hard to read as a faceless handless body in Thames was a bit strong. I worked alongside the met police (not police) and in my job we where always in the firing line, but built up a great relationship with them in the end that even today pays off as get a problem make a call and get help or maybe free advice.


    You my friend upset someone and you do not do that in certain parts of London, so got left to sort it out yourself, Pi>>ing the police off in any country is not wise and you know that.


    UK police are the best in the World, some still corrupt but few and far between these days. The clear-up rate is also one of the best in the world. Where as the BIB do very little and even less for farangs


    Thailand safer than the UK What are you on for god sake, even the roads are safer here, murder rate is a few a year not a few aday


    But I do agree with you they Pi>> me off at times, but usually when I do something wrong


    Plod in your neck of the woods falsify paperwork to try and get you nicked and are crap at it as I proved in the not to distant past

    Plod in your neck of the woods openly ask for money and call in the middle of the night to demand it or else

    Plod in your neck of the woods say you may have an accident and not leave the country alive


    Plod in your neck of the woods are the worst in the world


    Don't Pi>> um off and avoid them and life is ok in many countries, but Pi>> um off and like you did I did its best to leave


    So Mr Dark Lord sorry you had a bad time here, could be like me your luck was out at the time, hope things go well for you from now on, and £100k yep I know how that feels to loose it to scum people

    Keep Well

    O Dark One


    Dear WUP


    In truth, we had only been in the UK for about four months when all this kicked off. I was as surprised as the next man about the approach but as they say s**t happens sometimes for no apparent reason.


    we certainly had not pe*d anyone off in the force as we had never met anyone in the force as we were new to London.


    back story was that my IT manager was a second ten UK citizen derived from a very shady Turkish Cypriot family (his words not mine) and so when he offered to "sort it out " for me I readily accepted his most kind offer. £250 later I learned that there were two guts in hospital with broken knees about which I had no idea.


    Its all in the past now and recalling it still hurts as there was all the current Mrs DL's jewelry that had been made for her by a very good Italian jeweller in Genoa with matching necklace earrings and ring ( white gold Rubies and a big hole in my pocket) as well as two Longines, and a Rolex of hers as well as my Rolex which I had bought in Saudi back in the early 80's. 


    I think what what really got to me was that she was so upset ( about many things but especially going to London after Italy) that she really did suffer a nervous breakdown and we were apart for about six months.


    but then there is the almost obsessive desire to rape poor innocent ( or nearly innocent) motorists with fines which are totally disproportionate from the so called "crime" of doing say (approx) 80 on a dual carriageway ring road ( outside Kingston Upon Thames) at 1000hrs on a beautiful clear day with virtually no traffic in the road but best not go into that I suppose.......


    i generally get on well with plod Plod as I see them as being guys whose hands are tied by all sorts of nonsense handed down by the government and judiciary ( well in the UK anyway) and who have to set up resources to catch Nasty hate crimes when someone is called a fat <deleted> ( which my wife does to me almost daily) 


    we we actually had a brilliant relationship with one of the PCSO's who loved her job, loved her ward, got paid the square root of bugger all and was not even given a taser.


    still in touch with her on a pretty regular basis, (I am not entirely sure that it is not in some way related to the Women in Uniforms thing but again best to avoid that)!


    now I try my hardest to get on with the BIB here asking very politely, after having donated yet again to the Plod widows and orphans account, if now that I had paid my dues could I now speed to BKK ( for example) 


    one day i willl meet a rogue one but until then I will continue o use my darkness to the best of my ability.


    thanks for the fantastic and very objective response. I realised after posting that maybe last nights lack of sleep had made me just a tad grumpy today..


  9. 7 minutes ago, tukkytuktuk said:

    I blame the chat rooms such as Bigo live and Kitty live. You can stream live video via your smart phone and buy gifts to give to your favourite girl or boy. There is the danger of swapping Facebook accounts or Kik accounts thus attracting undesirable predators.

    No I don't use them....


    oh oh you didn't mean me




    now where is that delete button?

  10. 4 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    The number of police officers in Thailand is almost twice the number of police officers in UK police forces. The countries have similar size populations. Now which would you consider to be the most effective and/or efficient?


    Doesn't come down to the number of officers or the BiB would be twice as efficient.

    I do not hold much faith in UK Plod, traffic, burglary or any branch. 


    After living overseas for for many years Mrs DL and I moved ( reluctantly ) to the UK.


    Through Thai friends of friends of friends we were burglarised four times in one year. They did not even try to open the safe they just took it. 


    After second burglary Plod actually caught two guys ( incredibly stupid perps one fell through neighbours shed roof whilst trying to escape and fell on a broken glass aquarium the other hot nailed by K9 Plod) 


    we we had a six month ( yes six months for nicking over £100,000 of jewelry watches B&O stereo etc) respite whilst they learned new tricks in the monkey house then it was back to business again within days of release using exactly the same method of entry ( we were in rented accom and landlord refused to upgrade doors locks or even put in an alarm)  


    CSI (or SOCO as they are known in the UK) came around and just said outright, yes it's the same guys again but as they were wearing gloves we have no proof. I suggested raiding their house ( me leading the raid and after having obtained permission to employ unnecessary violence) But their rights would have been violated.


    then the local Plod intelligence team came around. What an oxymoron if ever there was one. They had no idea I was married ( wife having had a nervous breakdown and retired back to the safer confines of thailand) and after having surveyed the completely unnecessary vandalism of basically everything we had left in our lives, the best these clowns could come out with was " Have you got something that you don't want to tell us about?" 


    I kid you not


    But if a bad move for these imbeciles as I blew at them countering their question and querying their integrity by saying that what they meant was ; was I the king pun of the SELondon drugs cartel?


    so I suggested that as they were Plod and supposedly the intelligence Plod they should find the answers to four very simple questions would guide them to the truth

    l1) If I was the King pin, then they would not be investigating burglary 2 and 3 but more likely a faceless handless body in the Thames, no?


    2) if I wa the king pin, then would I invite Plod to roam about freely in my house?


    3) if I was......then I would not be driving that car 


    4) I was the wrong colour.


    i then suggested that this was obviously beyond their capabilities even though I had already located the perps myself and sighted their house , information which had been passed to Plod already but on which they could not act because.....


    so so they should leave and find something simpler to do and stop wasting my time.


    the final incident came on 16 Dec of that year at the time when all my kids presents and the presents for all the family and what fee friends we still had were at home. The same guts broke in in the same manner and vandalised the house in exactly the same way the only difference this time was that Plod did not want to a scene of crime visit because they were having their Christmas dinner!


    tell me Plod here is any worse than Plod in UK and I can point you to completely idiotic Plod, completely corrupt Plod (met force being perhaps the worst) and a Plod that sets up speed cameras not to slow traffic ( as is the original intent) but to make as much money as possible for the easy pickings of the motorist. 


    In my opinion Plod in the UK is as bad ( taking into consideration the differing values of society in th two kingdoms) as here


    Anyway off topic post and rant over.


    have a nice day!

  11. 6 hours ago, Vermor said:

    What about thai songs and video clips that show young girl dancing obscenely....where young people take inspiration ? Maybe it would be wise to look at the cause of it, where they took example from ?!

    Well we can kiss all those KPop videos that are on TV bye bye. I am presuming boy bands will be subject to the same obscenity dictates. 


    I mean  coming from a country whose reputation around the world is based on the legacy left from the yanks during the Vietnam war and the growth of that particular industry /pastime since.........


    but from what little i have I have learned from the Thais they expect us to believe some of the most unbelievable crap they can spout as an excuse

  12. 23 hours ago, georgemandm said:

    You should have  thought about all that before you had sex with that lady , with out  birth control .

    you seem to not care much about what you have done .

    The trouble is if the child is yours hop you Take  responsibility for that child in give money to help its up   Bringing .

    you never head of  entrapment , lots of the Thais now are trying to do that to the western because they think we take good care of them more with more money.

    I think it is a game now that lots of thai lady's play now to suck the western man in by getting  pregnant .

    Years ago you would not see many 50/50 western baby's now you see them all over the place.

    Hi guys, bit of a sad but topical story to tell on this subject. 


    A female friend of the current Mrs Dark Lord was "seeing" a Nigerian ""Falang"(?) of dubious visa status and even more questionable income methods but I digress.


    she knew this chap was in a steady relationship already with a Thai girl but was determined to try and snare him. 


    Using the oldest trick in the book and her charms and certain attributes she finally managed to bed him on a regular basis.


    not content with getting the servicing she most desired she wanted more so allowed herself to fall pregnant by him ( this being her third kid with three different fathers)


    now the nipper has been born said father has restricted his visits to her for his conjugal pleasure to about once a month and is slowly but surely extending the periods of absence as time passes by. 


    He he is not all bad though as when he does visit her he gives her THB 1000 (YES!) to pay for milk, nappies, etc etc.


    again it is not his first experience of this as he has allegedly fathered some four other kids by other thai girls ( not his "full time" one as she is barren) 


    all this has has been learned from hours of initially euphoric but latterly tear filled almost hysterical hours long phone calls at some most unsociable hours to the current Mrs Dark Lord to which I have to endure 


    just a story.but true

  13. Most of the scratches on my prized ( and f****g expensive) pride and joy come from the obnoxious kids who insist on "playing" in the road (sadly not a thoroughfare) outside our house. Despite numerous bollockings from me, the current Mrs Dark Lord and even once their own parents it seems these brainless morons cannot retain a thought above five minutes and then return to their incessant shrill idiotic games of scratch the farang s car ( well maybe that's not the name of the game but it is for sure the result) 


    naturally nobody knows anything thing about how the scratches got there


    pretty soon nobody will know nothing about where the bullets came from ( they are shrieking like a sittania resident outside my window as I write this. )

  14. 7 minutes ago, The man from udon said:

    I thought about it and can't edit it now.someone pointed out khun paul to me a couple of years ago and I apologise to him.im sure he's a ok guy and will say that to him when and if I ever cross paths with him again.

    I suspected as much, it was far tooooo Dark even for my tastes as TDL to be serious. 


    Good banter though. 


    I come to udon from from time to time fancy a catch up with K Paul for a cold wet one or two? 


    Honest i I am not as my avatar suggests .............

  15. 3 minutes ago, arithai12 said:


    I see your Napolianic, and I raise you Spaghetti alla Puttanesca.

    Of course :sorry: too.

    Now that is how this forum should run, gentle ribbing , acceptance that we might occasionally be wrong, good humour and levity not all the hatred and bad humoured criticism of anything and everything


    Well done chaps, an example to us all!

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