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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. 2 hours ago, The man from udon said:

    Did you ever take back handers? Yes I know who you are but you don't know who I am because you was a copper and I'm a undercover detective.i may even give you a tap on the shoulder next time I see you around udon...one other thing is,does it not drive you mad how the police operate here and you being a honest Brit Bobby? You might not believe this but last month I tried to bribe one copper for 300b instead of a 500b fine with ticket and he wouldn't have it.then in the same week while paying a double 200b fine for 2 parking offences he handed me back one 200b fine.i was totally disgusted with them both and thought I should report them both to the rip.rotten Thai police

    That first bit was a bit creepy MFU Guy. Wanna change any of it?

  2. 30 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

    rubbish, you clearly don't know anything about history. And what has Trump got to do with it? You are the only one trying to make that connection.


    And poor you, having to put up with the plebs, life must be such a challenge 

    No I did not get a degree in history but I do have 20/20 vision.


    I was stating in an attempt to inject some humour ( look it up if you don't know what that is) that it was a good job... oh <deleted> it you are not worth the effort. Just re read it and try to understand before climbing on your high horse.


    Plebs? No I am not surrounded by plebs, I chose to leave those scum behind, it's called choices in life. 


    .....and to think I was accused of poor comprehension.. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Oceanbat said:


    You need to improve your reading comprehension.


    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


    No I don't think so. You make it clear that you have zero respect for the immigration so you will wear what you like ( ok so far?) so I said it's up to you but don't come whingeing and whining when you get f***d over by them..


    ( still with me ?)


    comprehension skills fully functional but thanks for the disgnostics. 

  4. 3 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Ever considered you're the one who is brainwashed? However...


    "A PIA spokesman added UK authorities 'received some vague security threat' prompting the diversion"

    No because I find out as much as I can about a subject before imposing my views on people



    but hey if you want to deny terrorism exists, help yourself. 

  5. I just find it <deleted><deleted><deleted> scary 


    i crap myself when I know I will be driving nowadays. Rule of law my behind! 


    Getting best in car cameras I can afford fitted so I can have virtually  all round vision and tamper proof recordings. 


    Had a ding dong with a big insurance company a while back who let me know I was covered up to 1 mio in case I killed anyone but after that I was on my own. 



  6. 3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Really?  That's a new one to me.

    Well look at the facts;


    Reported by the notoriously balanced BBC

    Nobody is willing to put their head above the parapet and say it like it was for fear of being branded a racist or islamophobe 


    chances are very high if RAF scrambled to bring a plane to alternative airport, there was a clear and real threat which if  allowing said jet to fly over the capital city, buck house Houses of Parliament etc ( though the latter is much less of a loss if it went ) with a potential nutcase on board would be considered by those with any sense whatsoever to be ill advised.


    Nice - people killed by a lorry ( not an idiot jihadist)


    Brussels - mentally duisturbed not a crazed Islamic terrorist. 


    Just look at how how you are being brainwashed..........

  7. 1 minute ago, Squeegee said:


    Alright I'm in. My Chinese Honda copy should get us out of there pretty quick. Never mind the CCTV. They just can't get decent betamax tapes these days.

    Hey Squeegee my friend, getting me out of Khorat is good enough. The  additional bonus of the gift for the security gig is icing on the cake. See you outside 7/11 at noon..........

  8. 57 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

    Er, yeah, if it's hot, why not?

    The UK is not SE Asia. If i want to nip into the PO or the local council offices wearing flip flops and shorts on a hot day, i doubt anyone would bat an eyelid.

    You are unlikely to get ejected but you will certainly collect some weird looks and / or comments. But as I say in my earlier post the lack of personal responsibility has assisted a large number of the illiterati to sink and sink taking their values ( as much as they are) to be those that others must accept.


    but hey if you want to sit there for hours, get sent back to sign this or fetch that or produce the other because you feel that you don't need to show respect, go ahead. It just speeds up my turn. 



  9. 4 hours ago, thai006 said:

     WHy it s only in thailand falang look  so bad really , go singapore , south korea , japan , not same falang come there really , good looking, respect culture ,  but in thailand   it s seem we got  all the bad people  from earth 

    Sadly my friend, standards both personal and public in the west are on a very steep downward slope. When I was a kid you would not dream of answering back an adult let alone swear at them. You would never see females staggering around the streets with no dignity showing all they have on offer to anyone who looks, being sick through drink screaming like menatally challenged inmates and using language that would make a sailor blush.


    Today that is the norm


    so from this selection of our best offerings some manage by some miracle to save up a few pounds and fly to Thailand that they think is a paradise for them. But do not dispair, they also go to Magalouf, the Iberian isles Tenerife and Spain and make complete idiots of themselves there too. 


    I am not an apologist for them nor do I in anyway condone such abhorrent behaviour. I find it utterly sickening also. 


    My simple but probably totally wrong wrong opinion on why this type of creature has been allowed to develop is because they have been brought up ( sorry could not think of a better adjective) believing that they do not have to take responsibility for their actions and that the nanny state in which they were created will take care of them anyway 


    the one good thing though is that Donald Trump has thus far escaped the blame for these idiots but hey someone will try to fabricate a link.... 



  10. 4 hours ago, John F Gill said:

    I wear shorts and sandals there all the time but I look respectful I'm causally dressed but respectfully dressed.  Sometimes I'll dress up as long as I'm not running late I like to arrive there early before it gets to crowded.  I actually think the service at Korat Immigration is absolutely outstanding.  When I go to report I'm always done in like 10 minutes quick in and out because I have all my documents organized and ready for them.  Of course in any government building you obviously shouldn't go in there looking like a bumb that's just disrespectful and looks bad on us as foreigners here.  

    Absolutely true. The Dankiwan Immigration team are super efficient, very friendly and always well turned out. Surely to God we can reciprocate... 


    of course, as I mentioned earlier, if you say this on TVF there is a notable dissenter who will try and claim you live in a land full of fairies and unicorns. Well if that is the case, I prefer it there because life is so much better......



  11. 3 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

    Nobody misses anything; why do you think he was given that name ''The Big Pumpkin'' ?

    Sorry I missed that when reading the summation on P1


    i will write out 100 times; 


    There is nothing more distressing to a well educated mind than the sight of a TVF poster who should know better trying to be facetious or humourous and disporting himself in an improper manner at an in proper moment.



  12. 2 hours ago, LivinLOS said:



    Anyone who doesnt know who the wu tang clan are must have been living under a rock or in a jungle for the last 2 decades.. 


    Not even just the music, the pop culture, the issues with the album rights and Martin Shkreli, movies acting and directing.. Hell they are self mocking on the damn simpson thats how pop culture they are.


    Saying never heard of them says so much more about you than it does  them. 

    Oh dear, time to change Rocks!


    like the name though.....


    rhymes with the " poon tang fan "




    a) instrument used to keep the "foo foo" cool in hot climes


    B) person who has a great deal of love for "foo foo"

  13. With all the chatter about the alleged dishonesty of said Plod, posters seem to miss the irony of the Thai word for pumpkin ( at least according to my wife) which sounds like the first syllable of the name of the holiday island containing patong, kata and Kampala and which was famously  hit by a tsunami a few years ago......


    for those that still have not got it, sounds like the noise hens make.



    still no nearer? Sounds like the word describing the action when using a straw or what you might get when visiting certain seedy night clubs.




    Oh oh I give in........

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