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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. Poor old Steve100, he is getting a rather harsh beating now and he wasn't even staggering down the street with a skinful.


    another case of a bunch of hoodlums ganging up on a poor solitary soul?


    Dont worry Stevie boy, the Dark Lord is with you ( in spirit anyway)


    • :stoner:
  2. 40 minutes ago, Iamtoofat said:

    Yeah okay, fair point, I get it, I'm a big dumb dumb. Can't blame a guy for having hope. 

    Oh don't take that chap too seriously he thrives off being negative in my experience. 


    I wd suggest as others have,  trip through Phils, Vietnam. Avoid laos and thai possibly Cambodia cannot comment on china but Koran girls whilst stunningly beautiful can be obsessively jealous. Japanese ladies make excellent wives too. 


    My advice is dont rush it. 

  3. Just now, Monkeyrobot said:

    95 gives you better performance and better mileage, thus the price difference, for the extra couple of bucks I use the 95. 

    Well slap my bottom and call me Susan, do I feel stupid?


    thanks very much for that. The old girl is currently at the BM hospital for a rather unusual A/C blower investigation ( and repair) and an annoying minuscule water leak from the cooling system.


    bowled up to the engineers yesterday only to find the rocker cover off (?) and the seal all crumbled up in the cam casing. 


    When she she comes back I will try your cure though I believe that only Plod will benefit from enhanced performance. 


    Sorry for going off off topic but would the higher octane level not have a tendency to burn at a higher temp? And would that not potentially cause additional wear to my baby's heart?

  4. 1 hour ago, Monkeyrobot said:

    You should refill  with 95 every 1000kms it helps clean your injectors , no harm by putting in 95 by mistake , he has accullary done you a favour. You will also note better mileage per litre using 95 . Think of it this way the 95 is Jonny Walker Blue and the E10 is see zip Thai whiskey , you car will still run but you wake up a lot better on the JW Blue. 

    Sorry to sound thick but is that kosher advice?


    my BM says 91 which I have followed religiously but if the occasional snifter of 95 does the old girl good then I am a convert!


  5. Just now, Odysseus123 said:

    Yes-fortunately I am homeward bound where I can rebuild if the big "C"doesn't get me first.


    I was told that I had the obligatory "black heart" last night but I did point out that I was leaving an entire platoon of healthy NON WORKING Isaan Thai behind to carry on the customary family traditions.I have said goodbye to the notion that any of the loans will ever be repaid.

    My friend, I wish to a speedy and full recovery. I too am considering the homeward bound option. Pissed off at illogical rationality for breaking my balls whilst letting the darlings get away with anything. Pissed off at the lies I am expected to believe, the distrust shown, the lack of respect from peasantry ( shopworkers in 7/11 making disparaging remarks in the belief that the farang does not understand) the whole Issan thing has  disillusioned me completely. Am going to give it one final shot by moving South ( Rayong area or HH) and if I do not feel any improvement will return to the cold and the wet and taxes .

  6. 6 minutes ago, smccolley said:

    For a serial lead footed driver (in the old days, not here in Thailand) I am happy that there is a way to keep my license. I used to have to move every 3 years or so because I was getting too many points and would lose my license if I stayed. 


    So if it might be possible to pay an on the spot fine I would just smile, in the bad old days I would be looking at 100-200 dollar ticket and another 3 points on my license. In the US I stopped counting after I had been pulled over 110 times and paid 36 tickets.


    Here, no worries.

    Agreed, it does have its upsides. I once got knobbed in the uk for speeding on an empty dual carriageway doing 70 (actually closer to 90 but I was not arguing) in a 50 limit. Got six f points and a THB 22k fine. Far prefer the local enforcement process. 

    • Like 2
  7. And boy what an assh***e you are if you ask for the money back. I (we but financed by me) have debtors of THB 4 mio - American, THB 30k -Thai,  THB 50k -Thai, Thb350k - Thai and THB 1 k -Thai that I know of. 



    Chances of recovery - NIL. 

  8. Just now, SirBuwanaDogbossKing said:

    the most dangerous posters are the ones that are completely ignorant in respect to the subject matter they wish to advise us of. Go and educate yourself in respect to Thai labour law before you profess to know what you are talking about..........................can't clean your car or paint your house without a work permit........... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Look up the meaning of "theoretically" then come back to me with your ridicule. 

  9. 1 minute ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

    There is a deep-set culture about foreigners, which might be justified as it is embellished to make Thais look like angels. It happens in all cultures. It looks humans are wired to dislike differences. Some humans.

    Indeed my friend, so why risk the ire of the authorities who are well known and documented to interpret the laws as they like. We have one learned member accusing posters of turning the issue into a WP discussion but as has been posted by much more learned members than he or I, you can theoretically come a cropper under the WP law for cleaning your own car or painting your "own home" so why risk it all to help someone who on a whim could turn you in. 


    I am not saying don't do it, I am saying I will not do it. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Muggi1968 said:

    And teachers certificate that require a 20 week training...

    But beside this it is great.

    Personally I many times say no to help families with learning English because I want to stay out of trouble with the local school who is very protective.

    But that is the way Thai law want  it... :sorry:

    Sadly, I have also rejected multiple requests to teach English one on one to kids as requested by their " how much do you want?" Parents because I also value my freedom to reside in LoS and when I or the current Mrs D Lord explain about work permits, teaching certs and repercussions, we are met with incredulity and disbelief


    in the last request the father brought his 21 year old daughter to meet me to see how good ( or not) her grasp and confidence was he spent nearly all the time watching me as if I was some sexual predator after his daughter. At one point some somchai turns up tells the father in Thai ( thinking we could either not hear or understand him) not to use the farang as we could not be trusted. Then how much was I charging? Did he take my fingerprints and passport / ID copy in case of rape etc. 


    End of meeting, thanks and bye bye. 


    You cannot help help those who do not want to be helped.


    oh and BTW my English was learned at one of the better public schools in the UK followed by Officer training and seven years as a Navy officer and remains accentless. 



  11. 11 hours ago, NYGuy816 said:

    Hua Hin or Rayong. Laid back, has plenty of offerings and conveniences and less touristy.

    Hi NY Guy, 


    i feel ( admittedly only after two x 1 week visits) that HH is too Falangy and expensive both to buy property as well as in general living expenses. Rayong is a new and so far unexplored area for me and the current Mrs D Lord ( Though right now I am in the dog house for some perceived heinous crime with the current Mrs D Lord but she will / usually comes around after a sulk) intending to plan a trip down to Rayong this coming week. Have had some lovely invites to be shown around by some extremely selfless TVF members which I hope to take up as step one of a very long but fun exercise to finally find our home in which to while away my autumnal years. 





  12. 10 minutes ago, GuiseppeD said:

    Erm, haven't you investigated alternative credit cards?


    Try the Halifax Clarity Card or Creation Everyday.  They're generally accepted as the top two in the UK and for good reason.  


    Stick to your old trusty faithful credit card because that's the way you've always done it, if you so wish.  Personally, I'm constantly investigating cheaper credit facilities.  Though, am presently sold on the Halifax Clarity Card as it does an extremely good job abroad and Creation came along afterwards and not much point in changing at this moment in time for such a small difference.




    Good point but mine is issued by my bank. Would I not have to change banks to get a Halifax card?


    i admit to not being very " gau chai" about banking matters so any assistance most genuinely welcome.

  13. 27 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

    Be careful, you never know if he will plant drugs there and then claim it was yours.

    Good point and addressed already by denial of entry ( lock change very careful key holder list) 


    i take your advice though. He was caught by Plod some years back allegedly peddling drugs but got let out so he could report on others. Or at least that is the story I was told, but I fear him not he is too much of a pussy to try that and the missus ( The current Mrs Dark Lord) can be extremely dark when required 



  14. 4 hours ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    Staying on topic , has anyone else had problems similar using their credit card here? I have used this card in arguably a lot less developed countries over the last few months with zero problems.

    Yes in many ways but the biggest crooks by far are the cc companies themselves. £7.50 to courier you a new card from UK because they don't serve Thailand ( but fail to mention this on their website anywhere)

    RoE that would make any banker blush

    charges for overseas use ( as if the RoE didn't cover it) 

    plus an assortment of creative charges.


    i use it for the peace of mind covered by uk c card legislation. But wondering why I bother. 

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