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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. 2 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

    1st question you had a car stolen and it was later used as collateral for a loan?. Did you report car stolen to police in the first place? Did you report tbe car was ised for a loan when you found out?.

    Why did you put the car in your wifes name in the first place. 

    Who stole the car dod you eber find out?

    Wrong thread sorry mate. Read the rest of the thread


  2. 4 hours ago, pmarlin said:

    My wife and her three sisters were giving their mother money each month for living expenses until they found out she was giving it all to her son,  The money has stopped and they just buy hat she needs. Made the son very unhappy but they didn't care. One  of the sisters told her mother that she always knew she lover her son more than them.

    I got that crap said to my missis from the son. I told him to grow the *uck up and be a man but all that happened was he started to hate me ( no loss) and apart from stealing the car and getting himself balls deep in debt, not one Satang goes his way from my pocket. Now he hates me more and threatens to get Plod to raid my home on a drugs raid etc( waste of time as the only drugs either of us take are from the doctor) but his very low class wife called my wife a hooker on Facebook. I am trying to persuade my missus to lodge a claim with Plod under the computer crimes law and defamation law. 


    Should be a bit of a bunfight

  3. 18 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

    The story is true. 

     And you are completely right about Thai mother's adoring their son's. This thread was just to show how far it goes to the extremes.

      It appears to me my wife will accept her son being a cheating husband in the future as his right.

      As far as him taking care of her in the future the jury is still out on that one. I will not commit to saying he will or will not. I do know her selfish daughter will not help her at all for sure..

     My wife is a small village women late 40's and is stuck with old values in a modern world. I truely  care for her and am probably the only person in her life that does care about her.

    Yes my friend, you care about her and put her happiness first but she does not give a flying flick about you when it comes to darling son. 


    Take it from me my friend, until such time as you finally get her to see how his life is going down the pan because he is a spoiled brat, you will never win. 


    I had had a car nicked and used as collateral for a loan because I was stupid and bought it cash and the wife, unbeknown to me, put it in her sons name. 


    I am now now asking where the THB 1 million is that was used to buy it.......

  4. 14 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    Yes, but those who dont read, run away with the idea that what they see is true.As a kid(and i know this is pure fiction) I ead Stoker's Dracula. When i saw what Hammer Horror did to the novel, i was so dissapointed, until Oldman, made the char actor his own.The same with Shelly's Frankenstein.Its like when you see films about the British and how we colonised 1/3 of the world. When you read 'The decline and fall of the British Empire, you realise what A,Holes we were.

    Harsh but probably true!

  5. On 08/06/2017 at 9:08 AM, Rimmer said:

    As a matter of interest and rather off your topic,  I was responsible for pushing for the MTB trail in Singapore at Bukit Timah reserve,  I mapped it out and cut through in the then virgin jungle to make it possible,  this was done in conjunction with National Parks,   The original trail was 7.42k in length.  Would have been mid nineties I guess.

    An awesome trail and unless you have a reasonably good level of fitness a bit of a ball breaker. Thanks for making it, I used it every weekend. Startedby going from the end further and further inwards until I felt brave enough to do it all. Always take at least one other person with you in case. 


    Couldnt do it now though.

  6. 15 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    DVT >>> ???


    Of course, the cause of death in this case is unknown.. However, DVT is massively underestimated and people are for the most part hugely unaware of the risks....


    It is surprising how common and how under-reported Deep Vein Thrombosis is.

    DVT can often lead to a heart attack (when the clot plugs up the pulmonary artery), or a stroke if the clot travels into the brain or a Pulmonary Emobilism as the clot passes into the lungs. 


    With a Pulmonary Embolism it is reported that 1/3rd of sufferers die painlessly within 90 seconds. 



    It doesn't take much for a clot to develop on someone sitting still for a lengthy period of time especially when combined with other risk factors (blood pressure, genetic susceptibility etc)... 


    Common sense mitigation factors are:

    1) Flight Socks (or stockings) or even just the Calf Skins.

    2) Baby aspirin daily.

    3) Do those 'flight exercises' you see on the screen

    4) For those at higher risk: Upon advice of a Dr. - Heparin injections before a long haul flight.

    Dear Smithy 


    i can only confirm 100% what you say in your post. 


    Following an accident that generated considerable discomfort if I used my leg, I became "an immovable object" for a few weeks, Hospital 1 diagnosis way off target and it was only once my leg and foot had ballooned out to over three times it's normal ( and rather well turned) size that Hospital 2 identified DVT.


    Apart from the danger it is a roaringly uncomfortable experience, annoyingly painful and has a very long recovery time. 


    Whilst not exactly an athlete my BP and "vitals" are all normal  no record of genetic occurrences so jolly scary.

    Dont recommend catching that!

  7. 5 hours ago, guzzi850m2 said:

    Dear Dark Lord,


    No I am not joking at all. Snakes are very stealth and silent and sadly our dog is not interested in them. My friend have 3 Jack Russell terriers and they hunt the snakes if they see them.


    The one in the picture (in the neighbors garden) is not dangerous for humans, beautiful snake.


    I one time on a motor bike trip to Koh Samoi, I ran a snake over by accident (it came out from the jungle so no time to avoid it) and it was a Cobra! Thankfully I was going so fast that it didn't had time to bite me.




    Moto Guzzi 850 LM2




    I had the pleasure of doing pretty much the same in Singapore on the Bukit Timah mountain bike trail but on a mountain bike. 


    It is is crazy how time stands still whilst you fill your Lycra under such circumstances An awesome trail but wild monkeys occasional snakes and untold amounts of small biting things could upset the ride. I had one mate who came accross a dead human body whilst doing the course it buggered his day up completely!

  8. On 04/06/2017 at 1:38 PM, champers said:

    Though I am happy in Naklua, I am sure that there are plenty of other places in the area where I could happily stay. That is the beauty of it: the variety of options and Dark Lord is likely to find at least one to meet his requirements. A month in a hotel to check out those options might be the best place to start.

    Dear Champers,


    A Month!



  9. On 04/06/2017 at 0:30 PM, balo said:


    No I'm closer to Naklua rd, so for me it's 5 minutes to Wongamat and 2 minutes to Naklua rd, (Boncafe area)   which makes it easy to travel with the baht bus or just take a bike down to the city centre.  

    Dear Baloo, Newnative, pegman, CraigT, Lou62


    Cracking exchange between you all. No fighting but strong defence of each position. Perfect discussion and yet again demonstrates that there are some real quality chaps ( and chapesses) on TVF. 


    Ones mans meat meat is another's poison so it is clear that each of you love your choices for home but acknowledge that others may differ. That kind of positive exchange helps us as well and both the Currently uncommunicative Mrs Dark Lord and I both appreciate the honest exchange as well the information you have given out in that exchange. 


    Top guys, seriously !





  10. On 03/06/2017 at 10:59 AM, Peterw42 said:

    Yes I agree, we often go out as a big group, couples, singles etc and have a great time at local Jomtien bars. Some great live music etc.

    There is a great bar/live music scene, nothing to do with walking st etc.

    Dear PeterW and J6pack,


    Sounds a blast and for sure we would love to earn access to such a lifestyle. We hope that the offer of a refreshment or two as the sun meanders towards the western horizon would count as a temporary membership to join one of those cracking evenings. 


    The Current Mrs Dark Lord and I are neither shrinking violets nor ( I hope) obnoxious loud clowns and neither of us have had a night out like the ones you describe since we were in London so many years ago. I appreciate it is a tad forward and brass necked to make such a request but how better to learn than to experience? 





  11. On 03/06/2017 at 8:43 AM, guzzi850m2 said:

    Yes nice to have a tread without especially Pattaya being slammed.


    We are also based in Naklua and likes it very much, our village is quiet and yet very close to down-town.


    My garden is just enough that I can go hunting for insects to macro photographing, squirrels nesting up in one of the tress, snakes sometimes, yes wildlife quite impressive in our garden but so far; no tigers or elephants, he-he. 


    The restaurant scene here is truly awesome, you can have everything here, from top steak restaurants to modest Thai ones and all in between.


    At late as yesterday evening we went to a small Thai restaurant on Naklua road, the bill for the 3 of us was 320 baht and the food was very good.  

    Dear (Moto?) Guzzi850,


    Thanks not only for your caring and selfless approach to our quandary but also for sharing a bit of your life. Sounds fantastic right up to the point where you mentioned snakes!


    i know we live in a country where snakes abound and where the little buggers will either squeeze you to death, bite you with a very nasty venom or just scare the cr** out if you but out of all living creatures that walk, slither, crawl swim or undulate on this wonderful planet on which we live,apart from sharks, nothing is more likely to give me that final heart attack that, from the doctors advice through the years based on my less than restrained lifestyle is just around the corner, than the sight of a sodding snake making itself comfortable "chez moi"


    Being of an age where my handsomeness still counts and if you squint in very poor light you can appreciate why I remain a " handsome man" the final boom of the old ticker is something I would prefer to avoid if at all possible.


    were you joking? ( I can on occasions be a bit slow or thick but I got the elephant and tiger joke but was the snake thing a joke or not?)If it was a genuine comment then what can be done to dissuade said slithering nightmare from coming near the house? Electric fencing? A deep water moat? 


    Apart from a possible visit from "Hissing Sid" lifestyle sounds almost idyllic and thanks for sharing. 


    When we do firm up the trip trip plans will more than likely be in your "manor" so maybe if ok with you, the offer of sunset refreshments could ebpntice a brief but exhaustive information download face to face? 





  12. On 03/06/2017 at 8:30 AM, Keesters said:

    Nothing wrong with Pattaya. You just gotta find the right place. Been here 33 years and am <10 scooter minutes from Walking Street (not that i go there), Jomtien Beach, Tesco, Macro, Big C in a quiet cul-de-sac. No traffic, no noise unless birds twittering in the trees disturbs you.


    I notice that a lot of people say outside of Pattaya and then say how close it is. Why not just be there!



    Dear Keesters, 


    many thanks for your kind contribution, as always the Current Mrs Dark Lord and the Dark Lord himself thank you most genuinely. You got it right when you said " you just have to find the right place" and for the two Dark Ones  (Mr and Mrs) the outpouring of selfless help and advice from the cream of TVF are helping us massively to do just that. 


    For sure we we will be doing the Rayong /Jomtien / Patts and Naklua trip and when we do it is our hope that our offer of sunset refreshments and some Dark company will be sufficient to entice the shy ones out into the sunlight such that opinions, advice, experience and (the ever favourite of the Dark lord) stories can be exchanged in a most convivial atmosphere aiding that decision making process even further!


    Can we count you in on that plan?





  13. On 02/06/2017 at 11:51 PM, craigt3365 said:

    Lots of great info. I'm out of country for a few weeks,  but when back, will be more than happy to drive you around the area south of Pattaya. A bit like you in that I've no interest in the girly bars, nor areas with heavy traffic. That rules out Naklua to Jomtien and Cha Am to Hua Hin.


    I do like to be near a bigger city for the shopping and entertainment available. Health care also. So far, am pretty happy in NaJomtien. The area from there to Bang  Saray is quite nice. Beaches are just ok. Clean water is an issue. Traffic is quite bad on holiday weekends. Heck, most weekends. But we just try to avoid travel then.


    We're 10 minutes to Makro, Tesco, Big C, and plenty of hardware stores. There are some great restaurants right on the beach nearby. Plus, a thriving music scene if you are into that. And Pattaya is nearby for whatever interests you! LOL

    Hi CraigT my friend, 


    Fantastic feedback and as ever the current Mrs D Lord and I genuinely appreciate your caring approach, offer to "show us yours" and the time and effort so selflesssly donated to help this aspiring Issan refugee.


    As we have mentioned to those lovely people to whom we have managed to respond to ( and I promise we will respond to you all ) as our plans start to firm up we will be in touch again such that we can trade off some well deserved refreshments as the sun makes its way ever westwards for your tour of your home town. 


    I response to to your query concerning musical enjoyment, if I may misquote the Blues Brothers, I like both types, Pink and Floyd!


    Probably a month or two hence as a relatively minor medical inconvenience precludes long car journeys ( me driving as the Current Mrs D Lord scares the bejezzus out of me and my credit card for repairs when she is behind the wheel)


    Can we call that a deal?





  14. On 02/06/2017 at 7:49 PM, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    OP before we settled we also had a good look.


    Lets go through the options and my personal views on them.


    Patts was just too busy for us with too many foreigners you feel as if (at that stage) you were in Russia rather than Thailand. I believe its now more like China. Jontiem is better but you still need to go to Patts for most shopping.

    East coast - Rayong/Trat/Koh Chang is great but you are missing one thing, proper health care. You must go to Patts for a good hospital.

    Phuket you are very far away from the Isaan family which can be positive but if you have good relationship with them it is a heck of a way to travel for visits. My comments regarding Patts also holds true for Phuket.

    Trang is an option but again limited healthcare.

    Krabi could be a good option and is has international hospital, but I don't know how good it is. Just the distance to Isaan maybe a problem.

    Samui is beautiful but expensive. As soon as you stay on an island everything costs more. For me an island becomes to small too soon.

    Surat and Chumphon area is more affordable but we shot it down due to floods/too many rainy days per year.

    That leaves us with the Prachuap and Phetchaburi areas. It comes down to Cha-am, HH and Prachuap town. I have lived many years in HH but my vote goes to Prachuap town. Although there is no Bangkok hospital the government hospital is good. It is affordable, it is developing but not too fast and Ao Manoa beach is one of the best beaches in Thailand. One of my greatest grippes against HH and Cha-am is that property prices are too high. If you however need more action and shopping and decide on HH look at the area to the north of HH and south of Cha-am. The area between Soi 88 and 112 is now the hype among foreigners in HH. But this area is flood prone and have bad traffic problems when the Thai's invade town.


    My advice is always pack your bags and travel too all the places. When you find an area you like stay a while and see if you really like it. When you find your paradise rent a place for a few months. If after the few months you still in love with the place settle down, if not move on. Good luck.

    Dear SouthernStar,


    I remember the first time I saw you whilst serving my time as an officer cadet around the time of the dinosaurs and being in awe then, having crossed the equator for the first time ( no water does not go down the drain in the other direction)  of first the Southern cross then, as you slowly came into the ascent, the Southern Star itself.


    or have I got it mixed up?


    Anyway blah blah aside, thanks for sharing. They say sharing is caring and you so obviously care and are willing to contribute your time and effort to help a poor refugee from the cultural wilderness if Issan, find his home.


    In all honesty we were starting to slowly swing away from the HH/ChaAm area having been seduced, willingly, by the wonderful tales of the Rayong area. 


    You, my friend have seduced us with your tale of adventure and decision making and I guarantee we will bring our version of darkness to your region for a visit to test the waters  in the not too distant future. 


    Once the the plan becomes considerably less fluid than present and we can identify a period of time when we will be in your area, would there be a chance to meet and for us to listen more to your tales of daring do ( and what is there /where/how/why etc) in exchange for some form of refreshment usually served cold and towards the setting of the sun?


    if so then pls let me know by pm ( if you are shy) or even in open forum where all current posters have shown exemplary local knowledge, high degrees of education, unheard of civility, beyond the call of duty assistance and untold kindness towards not only the Dark ones but each other as well.


    (Shortened version, once we firm up plans is there any chance to catch up when we do our HH/Chaam tour please?)





  15. On 02/06/2017 at 5:55 PM, Fulwell53 said:

    Not a negative/anti thai post in the thread

    Well done chaps...a nice read.

    Same from the current but temporarily uncommunicative Mrs Dark Lord and The Dark Lord himself.


    you guys ( not gender specific) are the cream of TVF ( no offence) and a credit to your selves. 


    Top people!





  16. On 02/06/2017 at 4:10 PM, robertson468 said:

    Have you considered Koh Samui?  Nearly everywhere is within a reasonable distance to the beach.  A couple or three Touristy Areas where one can go people watching.  Have Big C, Macro, Tesco Lotus and two Cinemas that frequently have English Language Films.  Plenty of scope to either be "in the midst" of it or within "spitting distance" with lots of nice and not too expensive restaurant and (non-girlie) bars, although there are some of those in Chaweng and Lamai if the fancy takes you. There are also a few clubs one can join such as Rotary, Bridge, Pool League and a few others which memory fails me at the moment.  The locals here are by and large very nice and the whole Island has an unintimidating atmospher.  Please pm me if you would like further information.

    Hi dear Robo468,


    Thanks for caring enough to give up your time and effort to post what is yet another awesome and superb suggestion. 


    We both genuinely appreciate the sacrifice made and I for one am very interested in your suggestion. As the current Mrs Dark Lord is not at present feeling sufficient love for her master to contribute to a discourse, I will hold the suggestion in abeyance pending a thawing of relations.


    Hope to come back to you shortly





  17. On 02/06/2017 at 2:46 PM, NanLaew said:

    A few of my peers who managed their finances and romances properly have the best of both worlds where they have the family home up in Isaan and either a condo or a second house down in Pattaya. They spend their time drifting back and forth and their biggest initial decision is which one of their two cars to leave at what home. Since the inter provincial drive is no longer the fun it used to be, they use the flights out of U-Tapao for their 'migrations'.

    Hi dear NL my friend, 


    Many thanks for taking the the time and effort to post, the current Mrs DL and I genuinely appreciate it. 


    I intend to keep the current Dark Lord Baan up here in the wilderness and leave it, for the purposes of the 90 day report etc, as our primary castle of darkness. In actuality we will spend by far the most time in the new castle of darkness down south and current machinations are tending to focus our "rays of darkness" towards the Rayong area however we have not excluded any other Eastern Seaboard location nor has the HH / ChaAm suggestions been discarded. 


    Sadly , as I have posted earlier, the current Mrs Dark Lord is not very keen ( understatement) on the Krabi / Phuket suggestions coz she considers it to be too far from the "ever loving, considerate" tribe in Issan. I however consider every additional km between them and us a bonus of virtually incomparable value to my life. After all if they really are as skint as they lay claim to be, the chances of a "visit" diminish tangentially with every km added to the separation. 


    If ever I get my wish granted ( long story and different thread)  then we too will have to choose between either car to make the rare home visit and with that fantastic new CaoYai overpass nearing completion ( yeah!) the drive may we'll return to a measure of its fun status.  After all NakhonRatchasima international Airport is neither anywhere near to the town or on any transportation net which necessitates the use of the motor vehicle in our case.



    Anyway we are having various levels of fun in this initial stage which I can easily imagine becoming more fun as we start to close options but in the meantime we will be doing as has been suggested several times by the good people of TVF and staying in each option region for a while to get the taste of it.






  18. On 02/06/2017 at 3:18 PM, JSixpack said:

    Lot of good points about Pattaya have been mentioned but an important one: medical care. Pattaya has 3 international hospitals and a public. Others are not so far away. Though the best care is in Bangkok, I think only Chiang Mai can offer much competition otherwise.

    Hi J6pack, 


    As ever, our most humble but genuine thanks to you for taking the time and effort to assist as well as caring. 


    As this goes goes on I may need a place close to a ding dong hospital. They say divorce, moving house and something else are the most stressful things you will ever face in life. 


    I beg  to be allowed to adjust that saying in that one of the factors mentioned is most likely to lead to the other........


    The grand old duke of York, he had ten thousand.........


    cheers guys.


  19. On 02/06/2017 at 2:45 PM, The Dark Lord said:

    Thanks, very much appreciated your time and effort to reply. 


    been to Phuket many times and found it to be more and more expensive each time we went there. Also felt our ex soviet friends seemed to be on the rise to the detriment of those originating from further west. Have a number of friends in Phuket but had dismissed it due to cost and the aforementioned ingress.


    will refloat the concept with the current Mrs D Lord when she gets back from the hairdressers ( how much time do they spend in the hairdressers over a lifetime.....)



    Sadly the current Mrs D Lord believes, quite strongly, that Phuket is too far from her "ever loving and cooperative" brood up here in Issan. For me that was a plus but it appears we do not share that opinion.


    The things we do for a quiet life eh?

  20. On 03/06/2017 at 4:58 AM, pegman said:

    TV at it's best. Good luck to you as you come across as a real gentleman. 

    Hi dear Pegman, 


    Nice compliment and I believe you to be spot on however there are some, most from my past, who may query the wisdom in giving me that label!


    I am, after all is said and done, The Dark Lord!


    on a serious note, you guys are just fantastic. Honestly both the current Mrs D Lord ( when she next speaks to me) and I really are bowled over that there are so many caring people on TVF who are willing to give up their time and put the effort in to help an Issan refugee. 


    As has has been said by one much greater than I, may your God bless you!


    am desperately trying to respond individually to each and every one  irrespective of if the suggestion hits out buttons or not, if you can give up your time and make the effort, then at the very least so can I. My only defence in the tardiness is the Current Mrs Dark Lord keeps volunteering me for taxi duty, teaching duty ( don't tell immig!)  interminable shopping duty, meeting the new FB friend for coffee duty or whatever is the most recent idea floating through her pretty but occasionally scatty head. 


    Who said retirement was relaxing?

  21. This import duty for cars is a total flipping rip off. Is it really to encourage purchase of locally thrown together cars? 


    When I moved here here I sold two pristine top end BMW's at a heartbreaking loss then paid over three times the UK going price for a bottom of the range ( but imported)  BM .


    since then and despite it now being some 14 yrs old I have had stupidly high offers to buy it purely because it is an import and not a local PoS ( and has been carefully(?) driven by farang)  which I have declined for obvious reasons. 


    Oh oh how I would dearly love to have my old 330CI MSport Conv out here with me. Value in UK circa £6k, value for import tax calculations circa £40 k even though it is an 04 plate.


    go figure





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