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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. 3 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    As Panda 13 said.Blowing your wad at a wedding,especially in public,is an offence. Punishable by law.

    As in the days of Andy Pandy,and Sooty and Sweep.Muffin the Mule was a sexual offence.

    Only if you got caught. 


    Then there was the masterstroke (sic) of Captain Pugwash.


    Master Bates, Roger the Cabin Boy, Seaman Staines oh how life was so much fun in our innocence or was it before he PC Police went to town?

  2. 5 hours ago, ResandePohm said:

    You say you commented objectively which is a totally false statement. Your comments were very subjective and ill informed.


    It is true that I do not support the fascist Duck but neither do I support the PC socialist extremes of Sweden. The true solution to the problem will be a compromise in the middle that will guard their societies from terror while at the same time showing compassion for those who really need it. The fact that most refugees are young single men who should really be at home fighting for a better life for their families but who have instead chosen to flee and become economic migrants, IMO they should to be sent back home. In any event this is an inherently Swedish problem and knowing the Swedes they will resolve it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Duck or his trumpetiers who really should be concentrating on much more acute internal problems, like for example the US’ archaic gun laws and home grown terrorists which kill more Americans than any Muslim immigrant.


    Finally calling someone a “maggot” solely because they disagree with you is a typical Duck tactic used when he has no legitimate argument to come with and really shows how ignorant he is.


    Hey, if you cannot keep it polite. Don't post!


    You obviously have not read or read and could not follow the flaming I got on a different thread and then you have the brass balls to try and lecture me.


    So according to you It is acceptable for me to be called a racist and for you to accuse me of being ignorant but referring to one who issues such insults as a maggot is unacceptable. Thank you for that clarification. 


    How would you suggest I refer to them? "You most wiseness" " Oh illuminated one" "your excellence" "oh ye of such profound knowledge" come on give me a clue. 


    I must be be more careful in future.



  3. I know of a girl here who was so obsessed with having a white face she had her skin bleached.


    she was absolutely gorgeous before she started that and needed no artificial creams.


    now she spends at least two hours every day endlessly rubbing crap cream that Facebook tells her will make her beautiful on her face which is covered in scars from all this attention.


    no matter what her(farang) husband tells her she believes Facebook.


    so f**** stupid it is beyond belief as she us now ugly. 


    "My momma used to say stupid is as stupid does"

  4. 12 hours ago, jpinx said:

    The real politics of this are far more complicated and timing will play a large part.  I've already explained about the ramifications and I'm losing the will to live with so many threads about Brexit open at the same time,   Would somebody like to condense them in to one, and close all the others?

    Why not close them all?


    it seems there are keyboard fascists on both sides and significant polarisation meaning that no matter how good or accurate the post of one side is, the other will try to demean it ending up with  personal insults and accusations that frankly if they had the balls to say it face to face would likely end up with a trip to the dentist. 


    Moderators, I think you need to be considerably more active in banning, suspending and stopping all the hate being spat out by some on this forum either that or get someone in who will. 


    This is is meant to be a discussion not a forum on which some of the smaller minded myopic posters can use to spout hatred.



  5. 17 hours ago, ResandePohm said:

    You need to check your facts. The result of the referendum is not legally binding. In other words it is advisory.


    You fascist  racists that call yourselves patriotic. This leave vote is likely to lead to the break up  of Britain and which cannot legitimately call itself Great any longer. Very patriotic to sponsor the demise of a once Great country by initiating its break up.


    You do realize that the pound has already dropped in value by more than 20% and is still falling. If you actually live in Thailand (which I doubt) watch as your British income and savings gradually diminish. If you live in the UK watch as all the prices rise and your Thailand holiday becomes unaffordable

    This is why I said get a life.....


    i live in thailand and have done for years. I am not a racist ( married to a coloured person) and I do not hide behind the keyboard spouting hate.



    what gives you the right to sit there in secure anonymity calling me a racist? That is just what we have learned to expect from the "I cannot stand losing" brigade. 



  6. 22 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Seems to me that a lot of people are loosing a long standing basic human right. The right to be heard. The vote was leave clear simple unambiguous leave. Now it seems that the lesser no voters are trying to gag the yes voters taking away democracy and people's basic human rights. Luckily enough there is a strong PM in charge who will listen to those voices an leave the EU as the British people asked for.

    Thank you so much for putting into words what I have been struggling to express myself. How can anyone deny what you say here is anything but correct? 


    Well done!

  7. 46 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    No one is talking about that subject, sex , because no one is interested in their sex life or her menopausal situation .

        There are other things in life apart from sex, you know ?

    No offence Sanemax but from your comments it appears you have not had the pleasure of trying to nurse a thai woman through menopause.


    trust me I did and it was awful.


    i was lucky in that most of the time it was in the UK because had it been here I would likely be in the monkey house with all sorts of false allegations. Oh yes the hormone induced insanity ( as described by a leading female doctor in Thailand)  knows no boundaries and being exposed to the inane behaviour of women on Ch3 etc out here seems to fuel even wilder behaviour.


    even the suggestion to visit a doctor sparked off an insane rage the likes of which I had never seen before.


    fortunately mine finally got treatment but even now four years into the treatment we see occasional flashes of the insanity.


    what do you do? Walk away and leave someone you genuinely care for to the clutches of the thai mental health system? 


    I dont have the answer, I really wish I did but walking away and leaving it behind goes against what you got married for   ".... richer or poorer, in sickness and in health...." 


    i would like to think think that if the tables were turned ............... but then again. 


    This guys actions were probably fuelled by alcohol and the attempt on his life and the theft of his money ( been there done it got the video read the book) and at some point even the most gentle of us will blow. 


    Not condoning and not criticising , just saying.

  8. Hi fellow TVF members, I have had a rare look into the future.


    These ladies are travelling out of the LoS.


    As such, for the period they are out of the Kingdom, they will no longer be subject to the "myopic guidance" that we ( residents) are subjected to on a daily basis.


    This promotes the opportunity for these lucky individuals to see life "outside" 


    As and when they return, in increasing numbers they may well spread the word of what the outside world is like.


    Could this, in time, give sufficient impetus to start the change that is so desperately needed?


    Could this be the beginning of the end of life as we accept it out here in the LoS?

  9. 9 hours ago, KhunAussie52 said:

    Get out my guitar,and the play the blues!!

    Ah a like minded TV poster!


    i get out my jazz basses and stratocasters, tune them up, plug in all my amps , drop either PULSE or Brit Floyd at Red Rocks on the DVD and make sure all my neighbours either join my depression or come and sing along ( so far no joiners....)


    never fails when you kick kick off with a really meaty "Thin Ice" from the wall!

  10. 11 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    You are aware, are you not, that Hilary (and she is every bit as odious as Donald) received 3 million more votes than Trump? Clearly those people's votes didn't count. Don't pin your hopes on Doddie to change things for the better - he just presents an alternative flavour of corruption.

    Hi RuamRudy, 


    your opening line line is beautiful. Thanks!


    indeed I do realise that the recount of votes in specific states indicated such a result but should he whole vote not have been recounted if there was so much doubt? I believe I tried to get across the point that the current democratic process is flawed for sure but unless someone whose whole life  has been spent in the pursuit of (political) power is replaced by someone who has not made his life ambition to be politically the most powerful person alive and has therefore not been brainwashed into the "that's the way it's done here" attitude ( like the UK Elected representatives who openly stated that the voters should be ignored as the knew best demonstrating an utter arrogant contempt for the Electorial system no matter how flawed it may be) then noting will change and we ( the electorate) will continue to be lied to and cheated with and taxed to death to support the so called leaders personal ambitions.


    now I did go on to say that I salute the Don if he makes good on his promises. 


    Cant say fairer than that can I as we all know that odious power seeking Hillary C would not even try to persuade us she would even try to fulfil an election promise. That is supported by her "Goldman Sachs" speech compared to her "great unwashed" version.


    time for a small revolution and whilst Saint Theresa and The Donald may not be the perfect choice, they were perhaps the best that was available at the time. 


    If the message is delivered then their suvpccsessors will inevitably inevitably have to be better.


    good position though, thanks

  11. 4 minutes ago, retayl said:

    Sounds like they're using gofundme to pay for an almighty piss up.

    What an outstanding idea. Want to "go Dutch " on a similar concept?


    seriously though, today's youth think that it is their god given right to beg strangers to financially support their whims and desires. When I was that age had I tried that game my butt would have received a visit from a size 11 boot courtesy of my father along with some advise to get off my lazy **** and work for the money.


    i was at school five and a half days per week ( Saturday mornings) had a min three hours homework per day yet still held down a pocket money job in a supermarket on Saturday afternoons, a four Village paper round (at an ungodly hour of Sunday morning but which drove home the lesson that the rich mostly became so by never paying their bills) as well as cleaning three cars inside and out. 


    I also knew knew that if you did not win, you did not whine a lesson so obviously not taught nowadays.


    now that "education" allowed me to send my two spawn to the same private school in the UK such that those basic life standards could be thrashed into them in a similar, but more humane way, as I encountered, 


    sadly it it seems the obscene amount (and trust me it was an absolute obscene amount by any standards) spent on this education might have been better spent down the pub

  12. You know even though the US presidential elections are historically full of posturing and resemble a self perpetuating circus, you have to hand it to The Donald, that he flounced the established political "elite" who do not think that the great unwashed ( voters) really have sufficient grasp on the intricacies of political decision making to play any part in the so called democratic process.


    why then is the House of Representatives so called are they not supposed to be representatives elected by their constituents to reflect the opinions / thoughts / desires of those self same constituents?


    we had a similar democratic breakdown with BREXIT when the majority of registered adults in the UK who bothered to vote, decided that enough was enough and we should leave the EU. 


    One could be be forgiven for thinking that basically the will of the people had been established and that those who are elected to convey the will of the people would carry out their duties. Furthermore after many years and millions of gallons of bloodshed to establish the UK's form of democracy ( the will of the majority) one might also be forgiven for thinking that those who did not vote for the winning side would accept that they are in a minority and adjust their lives, aspirations and temperaments accordingly.


    But NO, in the UK the elected politicians decided and in a complete arrogant disregard for democracy stated that the will of the majority did not count as they ( the elected politicians) knew better. 


    NO again, the losers who voted for the losing side cannot shut up about how wrong it all is, how uneducated the leavers are, why parliament and the "law lords" ( they really should drop the expression law from that title as most are fundamentally criminals)  must decide independently of the will of the people, if they think BREXIT should proceed or not. 


    The Donald is the first elected leader I am aware of who has clearly stated that the days of the ruling political elite are getting shorter and shorter ( drain the swamp of Washington -superb!) and that when a person votes, he can be sure that his o r her voice does count. That the process of voting does have purpose and that democracy, no matter how tenuous a grip it has remaining in today's so called democratic countries, has been given what may be its last chance at survival.


    for sure had Clinton won there would be no street battles, no whingeingactors pumped up with false opinions of their own importance, no pop stars well past their sell by date using their gender to shock people into taking notice. In fact the ones who voted for the losing side would most likely have shrugged their shoulders, turned away from the TV and been disillusioned by the whole stinking corrupt  self serving political process that promises almost as much as it fails the very people it was designed to serve.


    Well done Mr President, if you are able and willing to carry out your promise of draining the swamp, I salute you (irrespective of which side I favoured) because their stands a man who is arguably one of the most powerful men in the  world who is for the first time in living memory doing what he promised.


    is that so bad? (Question addressed to our Remoaners and the Trump Haters and BL Matter ( but whit e ones don't) and the failing pop stars who find the only way they can get in the news ( their addiction) is by exposing their genetilia or promising to)


    i believe eve what I am trying to say is "A BREATH OF FRESH AIR"

  13. 13 hours ago, steve187 said:

    never heard of it but a good system,

    when i was in the Police service, if a serving officer died there was a fund of about £2,000 ( a few years ago) which was immediately given to the wife or family of the deceased officer by the police federation, this was then replaced by a contribution by all serving officers, of a £ or 2.

    Not a fee provided by the opresssed motorist then?


    sorry got out of bed on the wrong side. I was OFC referring to our gallant heroes the BiB the savers of virgins - RTP

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