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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. 58 minutes ago, digibum said:


    They keep doing it because they are either too broke to live in their own countries, can't get laid in their own country, are such miserable pr**ks that they burned all their bridges and relationships back home, or feel they are entitled to drop out of the rat race back home and "retire" early and can't get over the fact that their life didn't end up sipping cocktails on a beach with a woman under each arm.  


    Those of us who see Thailand as simply a dot on the map that has pros and cons don't cry like little girls when we run across realities. We play the cards dealt and if we are unwilling to accept our hand we fold and move on to the next place.  


    I dont care care if you stay in a bad marriage, a bad job, or a country you can't stand, you are a weak individual.  You give up your power and get angry and bitter because deep down you know you're weak and pitiful.  


    Does that mean that I love everything in Thailand?   No.  It means I've put myself both financially and emotionally in a spot where I respect myself enough to walk away from any situation where I feel I'm being treated unjustly.  


    I can can look at something like this and find it a minor irritant like a mosquito bite.  


    It it just cracks me up at how some of the jackholes can get so enraged at 400 baht and scream about fairness as they stay silent about all sorts of major issues like human rights abuses, human trafficking, feudalism, etc.  


    Funny how they get all self righteous about dual pricing and say they won't support it up they have no problem pumping tourist or other money into a system that is so obviously corrupt and feeds off of disenfranchising of millions of people.  


    Yeah, tell me again how you're taking the moral and ethical high ground by ripping off a street vendor for 100 baht.  

    You are my absolute hero! So pure, so visionary.

    • Like 1
  2. Been at the wife's house in Khorat now for the best part of four years. As regular as clockwork our water bill ran in the THB 100 to 150 per month range even when we were not here for a week or we had "visitors".


    past few months EE have been at peace with just the two of us. Bills continue at THB 100 per month.


    washing machine develops fault and is off line "awaiting spares" for a month, water bill received THB 800, next month THB 650, then back to THB 260.


    was going to complain to water dept but having spoken to other residents in Soi, most everyone got the huge increases around the same time. They all believe it was a complete rip off and now each resident is forcing the water clowns to come, one house at a time , to check the meters. 


    Once all meters checked and replaced we, collectively, will approach water accompanied by local lawyer, seeking refunds.


    lawyer paid equally by all residents in Soi and his bill is estimated to be less than half the complete overcharge by water clowns.


    Not fully resolved yet yet but I believe they will not attempt such blatant theft without thinking it through a bit better in future.


    the people power (OFC I had nothing to do with the rabble rousing or collective bargaining concept ......... honest mate!)

  3. 1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

    But is there a Thai statute on window tints? I heard that mirror tints and darkened visosrs on motorbike helmets were illegal but not sure if it goes much beyond that.

    To be honest I do not believe there is.


    An example:


    My wife's (errant and delinquent 30 yr old) son finally returned the car after having "borrowed" it for two and a half years (long story but not for here) and the window tint is so fricing dark front, side and rear that on cloudy days, dawn and dusk it is an absolute safety risk to all inside and out in terms of visibility.


    my wife ( defending her spawn) did not believe me until I opened the window showing how light it was outside when compared to what we could see through the tints.


    needless to say the reckless irresponsible git is not happy to stump up to have the tints removed so I told the missus I will not drive the car at any time when I feel the visibility is or is likely to be impaired .


    OFC I am the swine in this matter........

  4. 4 hours ago, arrowsdawdle said:

    Thais turn their heads each day so satisfied...and go on their way. Even when confronted with their own local culture they ignore it. Faux outrage at the mother with thieving kids while no mention of those mothers that sell their kids into the sex trade.

    Do I detect an element of Yes?


    Yours is no Disgrace.........?

  5. 4 hours ago, NightFall said:

    Although you have physically moved to Thailand , you now need to mentally leave the USA " said SaneMax


    i seldom read the coments of a thread on this site, because there are so many posters who havn't mentally left their home country. not that i don't notice the differences, but this is thailand, (or cambodia, or vietnam, or india or...)  and the people who live here LIVE here.  i try to do the same.  hard sometimes, but i am HERE.

    Spot on bro, some posters are so damned anal that I doubt they could get a sun tan  as they retreat up their own rear ends and become an instant expert on all things Thai and what is wrong etc ad nauseum from the safety of their keyboards 


    they are usually the first ones to openly criticise your thoughts but offer nothing themselves and yes they do know who I mean.......

  6. 21 hours ago, AlexRich said:


    That's a bit of a stretch ... don't judge people by your own standards ... :cheesy:

    Actually not my standards by a long way but based on my observations on how a disproportionate number of Brit expats seem to shed any vestige they may have of social etiquette and general understanding of what is and is not considered as acceptable behaviour the minute they step out of the UK. You seem to support that generalisation well by your immediate judgement of what you think my moral standards are when you have not even met me.



  7. 28 minutes ago, stephens1 said:

    Couldn't agree more, terrible to even consider the burden of such circumstances,  hate to think what is going through his mind at the moment, thailand is definitely not the place to go on holiday with your girlfriend / wife, it's a country of temptation,  I hope he receives compassion and the support he will need right now, as the guilt will be massive and the mind is a unforgiving place 


    You are right in what you say Alex,  but the thing is he will feel guilty that's how the mind works, it thrives on situations and throws up many questions over and over, it's a sad situation, 

    Unless of course, bearing in mind the location and other circumstantial information, the argument started when she renaged  on the previously agreed threesome.


    i should be shot for that and I do offer my sincerest condolences may she RIP. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Freed1948 said:


    Similar thing happened to me at Tops.

    My purchases were on the belt and there was a young female in front of me without a trolley or basket. At the checkout next to me was an older lady

    with a full trolley at the end of the queue.

    When the older lady saw that my checkout lady had finished serving the customer in front of the young female she pushed in front of me

    and began unloading her trolley  in front of my goods.

    I protested to them and the cashier only to be shouted at in Thai.

    I took the easy out and barged my way ahead of them leaving my goods on the belt and left the store for the staff to return them to the shelves. 

    Sadly the only way to respond to xenophobia and a dreadfully misplaced self entitlement is to fight fire with fire. If these inbreds want to show the manners, class and style of a gutter pig then they should not be shocked or in anyway surprised when others do the same to them. 


    Well done i say, you kept your moral high ground whilst they just opened up and showed what they really are made of.



  9. 47 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    As stated on another thread, the number of wise men who genuinely support Brexit is becoming diminishingly small. I wonder why that is the case?


    Look, there's no doubt that leave won the referendum and therefore we will leave. That does not make it the correct decision and the lack of wise men supporting Brexit seems to support that.


    I am sure it has nothing to do with intelligence, or education, or relevant experience ?


    What we we need is a team of negotiators with no university education particularly Oxbridge. We don't want experts and certainly not civil servants.  We want a team of real Englishmen with St George's cross vests. The types who have no historical knowledge but know what's RIGHT by reading The Mail or The Express.....


    "And we will build Jerusalem in England's Green and Pleasant Land"


    No Elgar please; too much pomp...

    So you are finally beginning to see the light! Excellent!!

  10. 21 minutes ago, Radar501 said:

    The culprit knew exactly where to look, given that the wardrobe is still neat and tidy.


    Hiding the loot in a pair of undies complete with brown skid mark probably wouldn't have helped  either.




    Oh man that is just BAD ASS. 


    Were you repainting the the garden fence in your skiddies and accidentally sat in a splashback or did you not wipe properly?



  11. On 03/01/2017 at 9:23 AM, Franz11 said:

    I just searched on Thesaurus but couldn't find "guest" as synonym of immigrant ...

    I am also unaware of misbeheaving Poles in Britain. All of those I met were educated hard working people, doing the jobs that you Brits don't want to do.

    The thruth is that lots of your lot are insular, racist inward looking people.

    Yeah well maybe you are lucky as I have met a load of " misbehaving" poles, one of which cost me personally £10k in repairs to my house that he and his family had trashed. Nothing insular or inward looking about that is there?


    presumably you are not of the master race so your observations concerning "you Brits" is irrelevant anyway.

  12. 18 hours ago, Yann55 said:


    My point, exactly, thank you.


    Which is why I won't bother to reply to the guys who claim I didn't understand his post and then proceed to attack me.


    I know homophobia when I see it. A lot of posters on this Forum speak angrily  against 'politically correct', conveniently forgetting that, even though PC can be ridiculous and excessive, it is originally an attempt at respecting people's differences and not by bullying minorities just because they're minorities. It's an attempt at civilization. A lot of people regret the times when it was OK to make fun of gays, to call black people by the n word, to ridicule the handicapped, etc. Those people tend to be the same crowds who elect Trump, vote for Brexit and support fascist parties everywhere, and if they don't like my comments, fine. Actually I consider that an honor.


    Also, I think that the title of this article is nothing short of baiting and calls for homophobic comments. Shame on TVF for using this kind of trick, just for the sake of getting more clicks and thus selling more ads. What do we care if the guy is gay ? If he was straight would the title say 'the straight guy' ? Obviously it would not.

    Time to grow up sonny. Using the weak and highly unfounded excuse that homophobes likely voted for Brexit and Trump actually shows your intolerance.




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