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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. 8 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    I wrote visa since that allows a new entry to the country.

    A re-entry permit is not a visa and does not give a new entry. It allows a entry based upon an entry done before.

    Ho UJ and my apologies for upsetting you much earlier in this thread. Does the extension of stay based on retirement therefore require the Bht 20k to be produced? 


    If we have already proved to the same entity ( immigration) that we are fiscally sound and meet their criteria, why would they demand to see more?


    i am going to do my 90 day day reporting next Thursday but on Friday I fly out for a couple of months. As the 90 day report costs nothing I don't see any problem but I will presumably need to purchase the Bht 1900 exit reentry  stamp ( sorry cannot right now recall the correct name)  which I will do at immigration in khorat. 


    When i I come back though my "new" 90 days starts from the day of arrival does it not?

  2. After changing to Win 10 almost every time they did an update, I got BSOD with Bad Pool errors. After months of checking all discs, drivers etc and chatting in line ( using iPad) to Microsoft and even letting them remotely access my laptop, sill  a problem. 


    Eventually MS suggested to completely reinstall Windows from a clean install. 


    Following instructions to the letter i did so and for what must be over a year now,no problems.all if a sudden the Bad Pool Error has started again so I also am very interested in being able to control whenthe updates are installed so at least I get the chance to create a backup point before each update. 


    Furthmore i I am really not very happy at some faceless  and non accountable organisation entering my laptop without my knowledge. What ever happened to privacy?

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