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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. 38 minutes ago, petertucker48 said:

    I have a savings account with an ATM card with KBank got asked for ฿800 (yearly charge I think) before I could get a Bank statement just using my ATM card.

    Only have ฿325 in that account at present (most monies in Bangkok Bank).

    Decided when I got home to cut up card.

    Same same, Kasikorn deducted Bht 800 from my account for a replace entdebit card ( never issued) then reidentified as annual fee on being questioned.


    stupid wife then signed up for an alternate new card for just Bht 650.


    net result I ended up paying Bht 1450 for a Bht 650 card each.......

  2. 4 hours ago, BEVUP said:

    Well emails aren't going to help if your got a bunch of Thais accusing the Falang at the scene or you've just been dragged down to the station 

    So the question is would they send a rep anywhere that's required - I live in Korat but can't seem to find their sales office ( i did know of a business that had them attached before )

    Hey Bevup, you a khorat guy?

  3. There holes in the sky where the rain gets in,

    but there everso small that's why the rain is thin


    (Spike Milligan) 


    there once was a bard from japan

    who wrote verses that no one could scan

    when told it was so

    he replied "Yes, I know..

    but I try to get as many words on the last line as possibly can"



    there was a young man from tralee

    who was stung on the neck by a wasp

    when asked "Did it hurt?"

    he replied "Not a bit

    he can do it again if he likes" 


    oh Hilaire Bellock was a cracking artist.......

  4. 1 hour ago, BEVUP said:

    Glad to hear things are moving along & hope you make it out of the house with ease, as we all know that we can get over the continues milking affair by the IL (x as far as I'm concerned ) to a point, but to have to go through a torrent of abuse physically & mentally (at our age when it be all peacefull ) I myself would have to call it a day.

    My wife is good & lad a typical kid, the only thing is that she,s not the sharpest tool in the shed (from lack of school ) & thinks she has just done a wonderfull job of helping family on the promise . But thought she was going to continously get the amount i was sending her each mth (your suppose to reduce the bills or if able to continue for you own benefit ) 

    The thing is that she still allows her brother (who cost us a fortune ) to come to house with mother - While I'm not here

    You know Bevup old chum, your first para is absolutely correct, especially when you say......at our age when it be all peaceful....


    that's it. 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Actually Dark Lord,


    I have failed to follow my own sage advice so recently given.


    I am in a desperate place,physically speaking but I lost the plot this morning upon discovering that my wife is doing precisely the same thing as the woman down the road did to her foreign husband a month ago.


    Pretty much the same excuses too.You are not giving me and my lazy family enough money-plastered all over facebook/line.


    In vain I pointed out the 2 million baht house,the car,the motor scooters and my desperate need for cash upon my return to my homeland-for urgent medical treatment.Cuts no ice with her or her family.None of whom are gainfully employed or ever will be.


    I need to sit in a quiet place for a while.

    Oh hell Odysseus, after just having your first angina free night for some time you get this crapola dropped on your head.


    what is it with these clowns? They get everything, often more than they could have dreamt of in their youth, handed to them on a plate then proceed to bite the hand that feeds them. 


    I blame ch3, Facebook and line plus a complete lack of common f...g sense. 


    Ther e is little hope for them. 

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, marko kok prong said:

    Please see my revised list,i have done extensive research to reach this point,maybe i could apply for a grant at some uni,or other scientific body,it has cost me no small amount of time ,blood ,sweat and no,i have to be honest no tears,but i feel such an in depth study should be rewarded ,i will of course go on to produce a paper explaining each of the numbers i have quoted in some depth,that should at least make this weekend when all bars are closed and all familiar avenue's of pleasure are denied somewhat of an easier burden to bear. Fear not for me good sir,i have plentiful supplies hoarded at my house,and no doubt this research may well keep me up into the small hours,unless i get very drunk,which on present consumption i would say is more than likely.

    Alright guys, it's a party at Marko's pad........



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  7. 4 hours ago, bizboi said:

    So they’re not out cos their black but because they bribe police!!

    Yes that is what I thought I had made clear, the second part is if you or I had been lifted flogging narcotics we would a) get a longer sentence than 2 years and B) not be allowed to stay after having done time. 


    So so I was reiterating the inference that money changes hands. Just so that it is absolutely clear, I know a few people in the UK who are dealers, they used to be here, got nailed, coughed up then were escorted out of the country or advised to leave. They are all Caucasian. Our Nigerian chums on the other hand get nailed and on coughing up the ante, remain here in business.


    maybe they pay more. 


    And just for the record,no I don't use their services, ever!

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