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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. 4 hours ago, simon43 said:

    Here's a 'hi-tech' solution to the problem. (Actually, it has been used for decades in many museums).


    - Get a Thai tour guide who can speak fluent Thai (I'm sure there is at least one person).


    - Pay that person to record (in fluent Chinese), separate descriptions of all the tourist sights that exist in Thailand, (so a good few weeks of work for that guide).


    - Upload these audio files to a web-server


    - Provide all Chinese tourists with the address of that web-site.


    - When the Chinese tourists are in the vicinity of a tourist attraction, they use their mobile phone internet browser to visit this 'Virtual Tour' web-site.


    - The web-site application software grab's the GPS location of the tourist's mobile phone and automatically plays the correct audio file for that tourist attraction, (or the tourist can manually select the tourist attraction from a drop-down list of locations).


    - The tourist can pause, replay the audio file as required, or can manually select other audio files, such as:

    'What to do when you are scammed by a jet ski owner'
    'What to do when your new Thai girlfriend has extra bits in their pants'

    etc etc


    So the Chinese save even more money, (no need to pay a tour guide), and the protectionist Thai guides are out of a job.


    Problem solved... :)

    I think I spotted a problem there........

  2. Mentioned but not linked are the comments about the university ( seat of higher learning that may spawn future leaders of the country)  and news reports ( heavy influencers in public opinion)


    Both highlight racial purity activities. 


    Am am I the only paranoid to see the link here........

  3. 15 minutes ago, transam said:

    Ah, that sounds about right......You not being here that is.......:sad:


    But my weeeee theory of what goes around comes around may prevail, daft folk do not understand that they live and life is a lot longer than today...

    Well Trans old chum, as Mr Gumps mother was often heard saying, " stupid is as stupid does" 

  4. 8 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    I'm pretty sure I don't know your misses DL; but she could be an icon for thousands of Thai wives here. I reckon most think as she does.


    Did you catch those posts earlier that highlighted the rubbish bin syndrome? When to empty it; just as it is full or two days later when it is overflowing with smelly trash? As I was reading it I thought; perhaps our Thai wives are not yet ready for such sophistication!!


    Oh wise owl how do you do it? You did miss Murphy rather poor attempt at humour though for which my abject apologies are proffered. 


    May the good good lord protect us all if the wife from hades is set up as a role model or icon for the rest of the clowns here. ( and unlike the Monkees I am not a believer) 


    Maybe you are right about the sophistication aspect, maybe there is a genetic fault that denies them happiness causing them to invent pain where none exists then using this imaginary pain, inflict suffering and vile abuse on the only ones that ever showed genuine kindness to them . 


    But enough is enough. If the FB friends and tittle tattle warrior friends are more important in her life than I am then fuckit I am off. 


    She can find another sucker to support her growing instability,  insanity and desire for drama. ( oh and love of money) 

  5. 16 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


    Just try to imagine what it would be like, to live you life every moment of every day, being hyper concerned about what other people think of you, how you project yourself to complete strangers, and the potential embarrassment of it all? What an extraordinary waste of time and energy. How low does your self esteem have to be, to be so concerned about what others think of you?



    Face is no doubt, the greatest form of weakness, a human can engage in. Many will say it is societal, cultural, etc. No matter. It is the absolute and complete lack of the ability to introspect, and look within for the source of any problem, shortcoming, conflict, or issue. It is the polar opposite of spirituality, and therefore an absolute scourge on Buddha, and all of the precepts he taught. By practicing face, you are denying your spiritual heritage. You are refusing to man up. To take responsibility for your actions. If a man or a woman cannot, and will not take responsibility for their actions, the problems they create, the mistakes they make, and the issues they involve themselves in, what are they? Are they still an adult? Are they a complete individual, if they allow themselves to be limited by such infinitely small social convention? 


    Jeez spidermike old chum, how deeply thought provoking that post is! So well written and so spot on. 


    I am sincerely and most thoroughly impressed.

  6. 7 minutes ago, transam said:

    Took your TV..............ashamed-smiley-emoticon.png.b49519b80fa73b625230f22bc6bbda87.png....................Hmmmmmm, wouldn't get past my gate...

    Wasn't in country at the time. Old one anyway forcing me to buy a new shiny one that now sits in pride of place in MY bedroom (currently) 

    • Like 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    And he has all this money hidden away for his children in his OWN country.

    Now I know that you know my wife. 


    Who suggested it first, her or you? 


    Seriously though the number if secret secret accounts that I must have but refuse to call upon is bordering on obscene. The Revenue chaps would have a field day if it were true!


    did you know that I also "always hated her family."


    Not just the son son who stole the car, took a loan out on it, let anyone drive it, stayed at our house completely free when he wife and spawn had two incomes and a house that was completed and financed about 75% by me ( through mother without my knowledge)  but the daughter too who managed to throw out four kids by different fathers ( none of whom were interested in subsequent support) who stole her mothers jewellery whilst we were overseas and sold it, fornicate like a pattaya maniac in our marital bed then posted pictures of it on the internet, took mothers designer clothes and shoes and gave them to friends and who now lives just four houses down from us with her french dirt poor husband, gave the sinsod to her father who had not lifted a finger to help her before or after marriage yet manages to swan around in a three year old car (mine) and rely on mum (me) for regular cash handouts. 



    This is the sister who came to stay once and left taking our tv and Dvd with her ( there was more) and whom every time we turn up to visit always mentions the latest investment scheme that I am supposed to finance with no chance of repayment. 


    The cousin who has been in pokey three times for dealing drugs and who once tried to get merit with Plod in Patts by trying to shop me (I am  not a user) coz I would not "lend" him a large sum of money


    the other her cousin who cannot speak a word of English but who wants me to write live letters in English to boyfriends basically asking for money ( she is not a hooker but has her own business doing ok but as always is very greedy) 


    I wonder what it is that makes me Recoil from those loathsome creatures and their immoral standards?


    • Like 2
  8. 10 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    LannaGuy,oldhippy and Dark Lord.


    Thank you for your responses.


    My family is very small in Australia and we lost contact years ago.My elder siblings are all deceased.My first wife and I never had children and she is now deceased as well.


    I started to lose "friends" and "acquaintances pretty much soon after I medically retired in late 2011.They were employed and I was not.As I began to struggle in earnest with the cancer it was actually my now Thai wife who supported and assisted me and I must that she was wonderful at that time.


    I dramatically burned a couple of bridges when,after I decided to live in Thailand,a couple of friends became censorious and moralistic about elderly "sexpats" running off with Thai ladies of easy virtue.They were smarmy and exceedingly hypocritical at one and the same time.


    But now I must go home.I have lost my Thai health insurance (they priced me out of existence) and need to reconnect with Australia's social security system as well.I think that I will enjoy the challenge but don't think that I will succeed in resuscitating old friendships.Kin perhaps but acquaintances-No.

    Well ody old chum,


    For what it is worth, I would like to keep on chattering and exchanging views with you as a sort of cyber chum. Not a FB "will you be my friend" thing but someone who has found common interests (perhaps challenges is more appropriate) and whom genuinely enjoys your witty, informative and highly literate writing style. 


    Bit selfish of me really as as I want to hear so much more about Oz never having visited. For example is it true they bowl underarm and cannot play decent rugby anymore? I personally doubt it but you never know after the lions tour.... Is it really ill advised to pick up a $10 bill from the pavement in Sydney? 


    I want  to hear more / all  about the big blue sky, the endless horizons and the cracking humour that we from mother England are losing due to an over dose of political correctness. 


    It may may not be a friend with whom you can share a Jacobs creek or two as the sun moves towards the motherland but it's a start.


    you up for that? 


    I am am talking about using TVF such that  this small but highly entertaining and emotionally helpful "self help group " that has developed in the last few days can keep the banter and sharing up. 

    • Like 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, KittenKong said:


    Most companies offer condo insurance that includes contents and liability. Usually around 2,500B per million Baht of cover. I have it to cover possible liability for water leaks which are common in older buildings.




    Hi KK, thanks very much. You must think me stupid for not checking AXA  especially when the car was insured with them. .........

  10. 5 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

    @Moogradod: I live in a house in a community where the security (7x24) is mainly sleeping and lets everybody go in, could as well save the money... but in the 2 years I live here, I heard of one break-in and that was in a Thai owned house, probably based on insider information (money in the house for a next day business). Otherwise, specially in the more foreigner oriented area with more expensive houses, I never heard of any break-in. I live in the outskirts of Pattaya, so not really in a low-crime part of Thailand.


    As owner, I have a 80kg safe bolted to the floor, with a dual-access system (code and key) and there, I keep all the smaller staff (papers, watches, keys, gold of wife etc.). As we own the house, we installed CCTV and alarm systems for around 20'000 Baht all together and since that is visible on the outside, it is a good deterrent. As you rent, CCTV ad alarm might not be your option, but the safe is definitely worth installing. Dogs are also pretty good burglar preventors, but that is not for me. Safety boxes in banks are very hard to get, they normally only give them to really good customers. 


    Issue will be with your bigger items (specially your guitars of TV etc), as you can't fold them into a safe... so windows and door security are important. Most houses have sliding stell doors with mosquito nets inside the glass doors, that gives you a pretty good line of defence. Other things that you can do is for example keep lights on outside during the dark hours, don't show any of your expensive goods to too many people and talk with the community management about CCTV on the streets, security doing regular rounds in the village (not only 1 per night) etc. Security is as good as the management keeps them up to their job. 


    Doors and windows in Europe also don't really prevent break-ins, as you know well. Burglars adapt their methods to higher security measures and the number of break-ins do not really go down. 


    Finally, get yourself an insurance (personal property insurance / comprehensive house insurance), so that you are at least financially covered. 



    Insurance for contents in thailand? I have been told several times that this is a no no but if I am being advised incorrectly pls by all means correct me ( politely) 

  11. 1 hour ago, Odysseus123 said:



    May I ask you a question?


    Did those bridges get burnt in a dramatic fashion or did they smolder away for a while?


    I ask this because a German friend and I were discussing this very issue some time ago.We both talked about the gradual falling away of family and friends from our respective countries even tho' both of us had tried to keep in contact via emails and photos.


    It seemed to be a case of "out of sight-out of mind"- or the weird father,uncle, brother disappearing into the dark jungles of Thailand.


    I do not recall having dramatically burnt more than one or two bridges-the rest of them have simply disappeared or been overgrown by the lantana.No fences to mend either because the fences have moved on as well.

    Quite right Odysseus old chum,


    i have a rather taxing aged mother ( or is it mutha?) who demands that I call her or mail her. I have invested in a laptop and iPad for her installed a VOI P system ( skype) so we can chat at zero cost but no, I have to use the phone which ain't cheap.


    two sisters and two daughters out of which one sister is pretty regular with her one liner mail, second sis once per six months but daughters........


    maybe it is not not that we burned our bridges but more like our bridges were burned for us as we did not fit the mould

    • Like 2
  12. Why do we get all this virtue signalling " condolences to the family" " such a waste of a beautiful life" etc from people who wouldn't know them if they shat in their beer?


    if you really want to send condolences then get off your ass and do it in person not on a forum where it is highly unlikely any if the family will read it. 


    Add to that the instant clamouring for death to the German, even though his guilt has not been proven and what do we have? 


    A bunch if facebook warriors who who most likely could not hold a half decent conversation face to face.


    words to describe are not forthcoming

  13. 12 hours ago, owl sees all said:

    I was away most of the day visiting a farang friend. I told him about our forum topic and how it really heart warming for each of us to get support from other members.


    Interestingly he asked what I thought a farang wives' forum would be like. 


    What could these ladies say about us? Most of us have given up everything to live here and try to make our wives happy. What could they complain about in their forum about us?


    Might make a good topic.

    Dear Wise Owl, you seem to have the knack of thinking outside the box, or at least those who are in the circles in which you socialise do..


    i think we could be pretty sure that the truth element would be absent and it would would likely be a competition to create the most frightful story about how bad the farang husband is/was or to compete on showing how much ( in handbags / shoes/clothes/houses/cars)  they got out of the marriage. Either way it would descend into a scrabble to be the top dog ( or should that be bitch?)

    • Like 2
  14. 3 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    You just got a "like" from a poster who was - in a previous TV Forum reincarnation - banned for exposing racism.

    That poster was me.

    Transam might be having a "aha erlebnis" reading this now hehehe.




    Good to see that the current batch of MUDDERATORS have a more mature view on such matters than before. Evolution, progress or just a case of pure simple common sense?

  15. 1 hour ago, BEVUP said:

    Yes Dark Lord for about maybe 4 yrs now was in village for 4 yrs until the BIL got hands on all

    Pandinthong 4

    As Midge Ure once said ( but with a different meaning) " it means nothing to me, it means nothing to me (oh Vienna)" in other words I am no better off with the knowledge you imparted to me . No problem though pls don't sweat it. 


    i am currently the prisoner ofzonda based based in Rung Arun near Tesco lotus. Easily identified by several articles of clothing on the roof.........

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