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Everything posted by Fortean1

  1. Late Saturday and still no newsletters. I tried subscribing again. Software says I am already subscribed. It seems maintenance has scrubbed a few things.
  2. Thank you. Possibly an extended holiday. Mail service returned on Thursday.
  3. My ASEAN NOW Forum newsfeed has dried up. What happened. Terry ( a few miles south of Hua Hin )
  4. There is the possibility of rogue waves. These appear suddenly and are significantly larger waves than the normal swells under similar weather conditions. A search using "rogue waves" will bring up many results. Here is one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rogue_waves Terry ( a few miles south of Hua Hin, Thailand )
  5. Keyboard is bad. Private Hospital Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin, 3 Pfizers Sept. to April, Dr. Pongsak said go to public Hospital. Pran Buri Hospital said A.m. monday to Friday. Terry
  6. My wife and I have been watching the World Cup using Thai language audio. I am now watching the South Korea and Uruguay game. Which version of English am I listening to; British, Irish, Welsh? My hearing is bad and only a few words are recognizable to my American English brain.
  7. Majority in Vietnam were volunteers. The Second Indochina War was a mistake.
  8. Great news for Rooster and for Scrabble here in Thailand. Do we know Roosters given name and surname?
  9. Here is an article that explains the initial purpose of the pre-internet, that is, the ARPANET. It really does not address portions of the internet surviving Armageddon. See: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/h-bomb-and-the-internet I worked in a store and forward message switching network, the AUTODIN, for many years. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_Digital_Network and images for some of the terminal and switching equipment configurations -- https://www.google.com/search?q=AUTODIN&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&vet=1&fir=WiJQI4s7p1onYM%2Cxz23dO8bL9WxhM%2C_%3BouaYkMF-l3ptcM%2CZd97KOpnYDeVpM%2C_%3B93KATQLz-qOObM%2C_BQJyHuUWIrXwM%2C_%3BbKtITbN_H5WJDM%2CZd97KOpnYDeVpM%2C_%3BwwWh5QBngHrj_M%2C8jH93pItAwCfwM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kRmvje-1SWbKMUjj0UGW70qBOWNyA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlqbqZ5836AhUFXXwKHfEkA7IQ_h16BAhMEAE#imgrc=uGXGdJ2vZJ2GIM
  10. Several private hospitals offer free vaccines to foreigners. I have been vaccinated at Bangkok Hospital in Hua Hin three times. I expect to get an email from them this month re a fourth injection. VAX with Pfizer. Terry . . .
  11. Comments re the deaths and injuries at Thammasat University in 1976, may well lead to defamation hearings. I was in Bangkok in October 1973, where allegedly many were killed and wounded. I recall hearing machine gun fire overhead and saw one helicopter. My wife and I ran several blocks and finally found a taxi. Terry . . .
  12. Those bombers also hit bridges here just a few miles south of Hua Hin. EOD removed bombs here just a few years ago. Also, the declaration of war against the U.S. was not delivered by the Thai ambassador. The U.S. sought no reparations. The United Kingdom certainly did.
  13. At the HHIO (Hua Hin Immigration Office) they want to see the Visa account bank book. I go the day before to our SCB branch to get the statement and letter. I also deposit 100 THB to show activity and update. Terry ( a few miles south of Hua Hin )
  14. Thai family down the street sent their son to work in the fields. He wanted to join the RTP but couldn't. Homeowner's stepdaughter went over to work in massage. She was to marry a Korean, but she had a police record.
  15. The English version of events was a bit muddled. Those three personalities that commented on the contestants and whatever else they were muttering about was not translated. Perhaps that was merciful.
  16. Ground pork at a local Lotus's was used to make pork burgers. My wife made the patties and cooked the burgers. I bit into one and came up with two strands of wire about 2 inches long. I took this in a plastic baggie and told the meat department. A supervisor came out, collected the baggie, and took down my phone number. Nothing in two weeks. I've lived here in Pran Buri since 2008. Terry
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