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Everything posted by Fortean1

  1. Got my BB gun delivered by the crew of a RTAF C-130. My son in the USAF had contact with the RTAF during their TDY to Alaska on an exercise. I picked it up at a designated building in downtown Bangkok. Alas, pump action and not able to penetrate feathers. A few head shots were kills. We have two roofs above our 2nd story perpendicular to each other with a large gap, perfect for nesting pigeons. Perhaps a few dozen gifting their crap, feathers, nesting material, eggs, and dead pigeons. There is a gutter for the verandah but needing cleaning every three months or so. Fifteen years cleaning. I've tried netting, a whirlygig owl, the bb gun, and I cannot climb on the roof as I am disabled. The laser would not have a line of sight from the verandah. Suggestions are welcome. If we connect the roofs and expose the pigeons to sunlight, rain, and wind that might work but those roof attachment seals will need maintenance.
  2. Maxwell changed their ingredients slightly about 2006, just before we moved to Thailand. We switched to Nescafe.
  3. Good info. No yellow book for me. I might bring the house blue book and my wife's national ID card. Yes, PP and bank info (balance at 800K plus and statement), bring passbook with me. Oddly, no map requested in several years. I recall once or twice map was needed since 2008.
  4. I did my 90-day check in on 1 October. I saw a stack of information in Thai on one side and in English on the reverse. The reverse had the heading "RESIDENT NOTIFICATION DOCUMENTS". It lists House register, The National ID card, If you bought a house, the land title must be notified as well, T.M. 28/T.M. 30: If renting, fill out the T.M. 28 form. If you are the host yourself, fill out the T.M. 30 form; PASSPORT and a copy of the latest information page and arrival stamp; In the event the host submits for another person on his behalf, a power of attorney must be attached." I fill out the forms myself, that is, the T.M. 7 and T.M. 8. The lady in the room in back of the main HHIO building has in the past made all the copies, taken and/or attached my photos, passport pages, and I take to the main building. This listing of RESIDENT NOTIFICATION DOCUMENTS! is new to me. My wife is Thai and co-owner of our house as our daughter in law in Las Vegas who is Thai. My only proof of residence for my retirement NON-B is a slip of paper inside my passport dated December 2015. When renewing my driving license I have gotten a Proof of Residence letter. The first one in 2015 cost me 1,000 baht and the second one in 2020 cost me 500 baht. Has anyone encountered difficulty in getting their retirement visa extended in the past year? I did my last one in October 2023. Terry W. Colvin ( a few miles south of Hua Hin )...
  5. Heavy rain several miles south of Hua Hin near Pak Nam Pran, about 1" of rain and quite overcast.
  6. I see the protection of any President from the other political party as worth review. In the early U.S. republic political parties out of power would try to impeach the President on trivial charges at times. This is why protection from litigation, especially civil, was enacted into law. President George Washington did not think political parties would be beneficial to Americans. He said, paraphrasing here, that political parties looked after party interests first. This has led to where we are today. I remember Senator Goldwater compromising to get legislation passed. Now we seem to have gridlock where one party points the finger at the other and will not budge or compromise much at all. I'm an Independent; however, I am not voting in this election.
  7. In Arizona displayed as Church's. During our meetups at Future Park Mall, Rangsit, Bangkok ate two or three times. Biscuits OK and chicken passable. I get plenty of chicken at home. My wife of 51 years cooks a mix of Thai, Chinese, Italian, and American. We do not dine out much at all. Oddly enough my wife likes Long John Silver's.
  8. My experience is from the late 1970s, partially trained on the 45 but canceled due to my mission priority at the Military District of Washington communications center. In Vietnam 1/71 to 7/72, we shot off excess ammo. I recall a few hundred rounds down range of the M79 grenade launcher, M60 machine gun, and pump action shotguns. After that I rarely touched a weapon. In Naples, Italy 1/77 to 1/80 no arms room and no physical training. A bit overweight when I went to Fort Huachuca (WAH-CHOO-KAH), Arizona. At the house never a gun and once one of my wife's friends in a spat with her husband dropped off a 38 revolver. I called the friend and said come pick up your weapon stored in a shoe box. I had five children in the house.
  9. My wife is Thai. She understood no reservation although three price levels were given. Yes, but check in is Monday, the 23rd, and procedure the following morning. Next week 2nd trip to my wife's hospital, Pran Buri Hospital, to get the permission paper for Hua Hin Hospital to perform the procedure. The previous one had expired. We shall hopefully see what is in store on the 23rd. I've learned the map is not the territory as we were instructed in the Army. LOL
  10. Yes, a money grab. My wife went to a private clinic in Bangkok a few years ago to remove cataracts from her right eye. 20,000 baht, no fuss and no muss, none of the paperwork drill, short visit, and returned in two hours to my sister-in-law's house in Lat Phrao. Irritating on the 9th as Eye Clinic directed us to the X-ray lab and blood collection to read the x-ray CD and blood pressure (?), both goat ropes, and finally given a number and four or five more things to do in the Eye Clinic, about six hours and then back home.
  11. My wife's family is in Bangkok and the Ayutthaya area. I'm going to try and ask the staff head nurse on the 23rd that I am the only family. Staying 24/7 for the better part of two days will be difficult for us. My wife is 78. I am 75. No one mentioned nurses to us but as we know hospitals differ a bit here.
  12. CIA: Open source information is a large part of the intelligence gathering community. It began during WW 2 as the Foreign Broadcast Information Service. It is now called the Open Source Center. I've seen FBIS at an average of 12 to 15 locations worldwide. I recall seeing FBIS BANGKOK, FBIS OKINAWA, FBIS TOKYO, FBIS LONDON, FBIS VIENNA, and FBIS CHIVA CHIVA in Panama. Foreign nationals work in these CIA managed centers. Media is evaluated, translated, and in my time sent out as teletype messages. When I work U.S. Southern Command in Quarry Heights, Panama we would average 300 FBIS messages received daily. NSA: NSA also collects intelligence. Their automation filters more time sensitive data both tactical and strategic. Data is collected and disseminated via front channel and back channel means. In my time in the 1970s and 1980s the means used was the AUTODIN (Automatic Digital Network) and separate networks. FBI: The FBI does have a presence outside of the U.S. There are LEGATs or Legal Attaches (might have that acronym incorrect) at several American embassies. Of course in modern times email networks have largely replaced the teletype store and forward message processing. However, dedicated networks do exist outside of the email networks. Terry ( a few miles south of Hua Hin, Thailand )
  13. Yes, bidding and a lottery of sorts. Definitely a money grab. Lessons learned, do not do this again. We went to the emergency room at Bangkok Hospital in Hua Hin when my wife had a stroke in March 2017. ICU overnight and then ambulance to Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok. Stabilized and the right carotid artery replaced using left leg vein. A few million baht but TRICARE, the U.S. military HMO, covered 65% to 70% the first $3,000, then 100% of the remainder. Excellent care and primary doctor worked in the U.S. for several decades.
  14. Agreed. This is not true for my wife in this point in time. Curious indeed. My wife went to a private clinic in Bangkok for her right eye. 20,000 baht and outpatient without the need for Xray, blood test, and EKG and all the jerking around at the Eye Clinic at Hua Hin Hospital. New management? 6,000 baht + 2 days in a hospital. It is beyond irritating.
  15. On 9 September we went to the Eye Clinic. My wife will have cataracts removed from her left eye on the 23rd. We were directed to the Information Desk near the main entrance. We were told we could not reserve a special (private) room at that time. Comments are welcome on those who have secured a special (private) room. No family in the area and I will provide 24/7 care for two days. I/we do not want to be placed in a general purpose ward. Terry ( a few miles south of Hua Hin )
  16. In Cochise County in Southeast Arizona the San Pedro 'River' flows north out of Mexico. It is only ankle to knee deep in most spots; however, during the monsoon season it carries more water.
  17. Weather guessers claim more accurate predictions than their results indicate. I've read about a weather maker who could produce rain. His name was Irving C. Krick. Here is his obituary from 1996: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/obituary-irving-krick-1327473.html He had a very interesting career: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1996-06-26-mn-18712-story.html I found this book in a used book store: https://www.amazon.com/Storm-Irving-Krick-weather-bureaucracy/dp/0399206361
  18. First I've heard of the Tate brothers. Trial by jury before passing judgement.
  19. I believe the Chinese are looking for concessions along the train routes. Land near the railroad tracks would have Chinese owned hotels, restaurants, and more. We do not know all the details of these contracts.
  20. Based on the number of 'yaba' pills seized there must be many using this meth or speed. Cannabis is a sarcastic remark I'm sure. Speed kills in more ways than one.
  21. My wife had an ECG at the Pran Buri Hospital, a government hospital. These were wired pads. She will have cataract removal in one eye on the 9th at the Hua Hin Hospital, also a government hospital. She is 78. Also, a chest X-ray and a blood test the same day. The Hua Hin Hospital will charge 6,000 Thai baht for the procedure. Oh, my cardio doctors have said I have a torturous, I mean, a tortured aorta. They do not seem too bothered by this except for the warning to come back if shortness of breath and/or chest pains.
  22. Perhaps Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok as I doubt the branch hospitals will carry it. Got my first Yellow Fever in 1970, prior to entry to Vietnam. Then a booster in 1981, before going to Panama. My wife and five children also were inoculated.
  23. Few Thai Buddhists are vegetarians. When asked how they can eat meat some have replied "I did not kill the animal". My grandparents had unleashed coon dogs along the White River in Indiana. They did not have problems with their dogs chasing or biting people.
  24. It seems the Thais have a belief that dogs could be reincarnated aunts and uncles. That seems an awkward and backward way of thinking. My nephew let a dog they brought from the countryside to Lat Phrao in Bangkok to roam freely at night. The dog bit a boy and my nephew had to pay the medical bill. Soon after the dog was poisoned. I told him that in America he would be charged. He couldn't get it through his head. He now has a Doctorate and still thinks that way. Our family taxi guy showed me on his phone 15 or 16 dogs he cares for. He thinks he is doing the right thing. These are let out of the yard often. My nephew was aghast when I pointed to a puppy in the home village that I said should be put down. It was partly or fully blind, could not walk much at all, had mange, and was not living a good life. It is a cultural thing.
  25. I saw Thaksin's brother in uniform. It appears someone has photoshopped Thaksin's head into that photo.
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