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Everything posted by Fortean1

  1. My excuse is 50% hearing loss. I cannot make out the tones. I took one year of Spanish. I am a dunce when it comes to languages. If I could 'see' the tones perhaps I'd do better.
  2. Rooster, Good to see you and 'almost' hear you. My hearing is at 50%. I did hear when you raised your voice in emphasis and when you spoke the phonetic Thai that copied Chuwit's poster. I would favor a microphone if it boosts the volume. Of course I also have a fan in my right ear. Terry ( a few miles south of Hua Hin )
  3. It is rare for any police person to go to jail. I look forward to seeing a few convicted. Pollution this year is very bad. We live just south of Hua Hin and have for the last 13 years. The euphemism of "dust" is often used to describe the pollution. I suppose if you stay in air conditioning that will help relieve the symptoms.
  4. I don't know what to make of this. This Steve Rosse character talks a mile a minute. I agree that holding back six months to a year before investing is a good idea. My Thai wife is two years older than me, and I'm 73. That thing about not talking Thai at home is so true. That, my bad hearing, and not learning more Thai language is also so true. I think I'm sliding backward as I try to remember new words and most escape me. Chuwit's "Ai sak" should never be spoken in public.
  5. I agree that pollution is all around us in the burning season. Here south of Hua Hin sugarcane fields and open burning by local residents. As soon as 5 p.m. rolls around the air is filled with smoke, eyes are burning and coughing now and then. Yes, plastics of all sorts are mixed in by the locals. I have a large vegetation pile across the street from our house. When a local 'chang' deposits debris in that pile it will have plastic. I've tried to educate them but to no avail. It is ingrained behavior.
  6. radiochaser, I see jungle boots. Vietnam or Thailand radio intercept guy?
  7. Welcome back, Rooster ! FYI, I forward your column to a news editor of the Fortean Times magazine. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortean_Times . I always have a word/phrase or two that baffles me. I'm American and I've been reading FT for 45 years.
  8. I use a shavette for easily reached places. It is those crevices that need a product like Nair. Maybe the larger pharmacies carry that product. I see that Lazada sells Nair on-line. I do not order on-line. I'll pass on that straight razor, thank you. Terry
  9. IMO, the British and the French are more alike than each culture will admit. I base this on my reading of history, and the book, "1,000 Years of Annoying the French" by David Clarke. His writing changed my views. See: http://www.stephenclarkewriter.com/en/livre/1000-years-of-annoying-the-french Terry
  10. Welcome back and in the saddle again, Rooster ! I was going to inquire. Be good to yourself. Terry ( a few miles south of Hua Hin )
  11. I've tried those combs with long blades, shallow trim to deep trim, with mixed results. I need a product like "Nair" so that I can remove pubic hair in hard to trim places. "Nair" is expensive here and I've never seen such in Lotus's. Terry ( a few miles south of Hua Hin )
  12. We bought a reverse osmosis filter system made by Safe and Beyond. It cost 10,200 baht. The filter is changed every six months. We bought in May 2022. First filter replacement was in November. It does not have a UV light. Terry ( a few miles south of Hua Hin ) . . .
  13. How do I subscribe? I do not see an obvious link for that. Terry ( a few miles south of Hua Hin )
  14. Late Saturday and still no newsletters. I tried subscribing again. Software says I am already subscribed. It seems maintenance has scrubbed a few things.
  15. My ASEAN NOW Forum newsfeed has dried up. What happened. Terry ( a few miles south of Hua Hin )
  16. There is the possibility of rogue waves. These appear suddenly and are significantly larger waves than the normal swells under similar weather conditions. A search using "rogue waves" will bring up many results. Here is one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rogue_waves Terry ( a few miles south of Hua Hin, Thailand )
  17. Keyboard is bad. Private Hospital Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin, 3 Pfizers Sept. to April, Dr. Pongsak said go to public Hospital. Pran Buri Hospital said A.m. monday to Friday. Terry
  18. My wife and I have been watching the World Cup using Thai language audio. I am now watching the South Korea and Uruguay game. Which version of English am I listening to; British, Irish, Welsh? My hearing is bad and only a few words are recognizable to my American English brain.
  19. Majority in Vietnam were volunteers. The Second Indochina War was a mistake.
  20. Great news for Rooster and for Scrabble here in Thailand. Do we know Roosters given name and surname?
  21. Here is an article that explains the initial purpose of the pre-internet, that is, the ARPANET. It really does not address portions of the internet surviving Armageddon. See: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/h-bomb-and-the-internet I worked in a store and forward message switching network, the AUTODIN, for many years. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_Digital_Network and images for some of the terminal and switching equipment configurations -- https://www.google.com/search?q=AUTODIN&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&vet=1&fir=WiJQI4s7p1onYM%2Cxz23dO8bL9WxhM%2C_%3BouaYkMF-l3ptcM%2CZd97KOpnYDeVpM%2C_%3B93KATQLz-qOObM%2C_BQJyHuUWIrXwM%2C_%3BbKtITbN_H5WJDM%2CZd97KOpnYDeVpM%2C_%3BwwWh5QBngHrj_M%2C8jH93pItAwCfwM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kRmvje-1SWbKMUjj0UGW70qBOWNyA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlqbqZ5836AhUFXXwKHfEkA7IQ_h16BAhMEAE#imgrc=uGXGdJ2vZJ2GIM
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