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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. He sure stepped in something.  

    Perhaps revealing the bad training of doctors in Thailand or that maybe Thailand isn't s good place to consider plastic surgery.  That would surely hurt many businesses.  

    Maybe she was a mia noi or a gik of someone?  

    I have to imagine to condo industry must be hurting.   But all the building in BKK and prices starting at 14 million baht and or double that.   

    I think in the long term rental property will generate good returns.  Not many Thai people are every going to be able to buy.  Labor to build these buildings is probably 12-15$ USD/ day like  5% of USA labor rates.     I also wonder if it relates to to election fraud.  The timing is perfect. It seems like complaints like this would be in his wheelhouse.  Just the fact that the public learned big joke was investigating election fraud would give it much validity.  


    Oh crazy Thailand and the military, don't you see you are ruining Thailand and you will never have good guys like me want to live there.      

    I am sure the visa agents dud take a big hit and I'm sure they have been paying dividends  you the ladder for years  and those dried up.   

    It was ok if big joke cracked down on farang, especially dark skinned ones.  But finding corruption probably was over the line.  

  2. Very sad situation.   I can't understand the poster who doesn't see any responsibility on the big corporate buyer of all this corn?  The name needs to be outed and let the boycotts begin.   This is like saying a company who buys shoes from a factory that employs children or uses buildings that don't meet firecode isn't an issue that  the corporation needs to correct.  


    I see this is a big political issue. No wonder I couldn't find any business in BKK willing to put up a free purpleair monitor I brought from USA.  I even had an in with a head doctor with a big building on sukumvit and he declined.   The government would be pissed for real time accurate data to be sent to Google cloud every 90 seconds.  

    I live near salt lake City Utah and we live in a bowl between mountains and get inversions but our worst days are less than 150. I once rode my mountain bike a 90 AQI and was coughing at the top.  Then I checked my purple air monitor and the bad air had moved in.   I now won't exercise unless it's below 75.   How cheap is the corn there compared to cirn produced elsewhere?  If the farmers were paid well and with government guidance they would be motivated to harvest the corn to make silage or something.  Any land that's caught on fire should result in very large penalty for the owner.


  3. How many people have used Ttalk as a Thai to English and  English to Thai translator? And how many have used it for a Vietnamese to English translator? 

    In my experience it translates Thai very poorly to English but it seems to translate back and forth in Vietnamese very eloquently. 

    I'm wondering if this has something to do with the language ability of the Thai person compared to the Vietnamese person or is it just a better translator program for Vietnamese than Thai?

    This type of person is from esan but says her Thai is very good but I wonder if it is not real Thai?  Or her writing skills are so poor?

  4. The title really sums up my question clearly.  

    A BKK friend  I know wants to improve their English skills.   They look into an English class near phaya Thai BTS station.  It was 500 baht per hour.  This person works full-time so cannot take day classes at a university or something.

    Any  ideas close to thong for bts would be welcome.  Maybe online and YouTube is best idea. 

  5. What % of Thai women demand sin sod?    Sin sod does have some basis in Thai tradition.  If you do want to exclude thus % of Thai women when  5,000 USD would make her happy. I think a large % of you guys don't find anything bennificial about  long  term (>8 hours) relationships so what does your opinion matter?

    I am having heartburn over my concern about what family support may entail.   I figure it's best to talk about this subject and set expectations before getting hitched.   We will see what my life brings.   

  6. I say Op has a problem.   I recall reading some article long time ago if you had 3 servings more than 3 days a week or binge drinking anytime.   I don't recall all the details but the numbers were quite low.  I'm not an expert. But I feel Better and save much money by only drinking 1 beer  a couple times a week

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  7. By off kilter relationships do you mean the guys who pay 500$/mo to her parents, or feed 100 people with rice, or let all wife use all her income however she wants??? I agree.   You are probably the same guys who say snarky things at the men who have chosen to rent it. 

    I feel I am a fit man  without a beer belly, all my teeth, who has found many SEAsian women whe desire and admire me for things besides money

  8. 1 hour ago, bwpage3 said:

    We have owned a rice farm for years and it is exactly as you describe.


    The farm makes enough rice to feed an extended family of 100+ every year, with some left over to sell.


    We have never expected a profit and have never received anything from this farm aside from the satisfaction of feeding the family.


    It seems every year at planting time we also cover the cost of the seed, fertilizer, machinery etc

    Do you still send money to mom?  It is one thing to have enough love to support a wife and her mother but quite another to be supporting 100 family whom probably wouldn't starve without some free rice.   If many of these extended family buy drink and it cigarettes why should I be paying fir that?  Which in essence is happening.  Mom has 13 siblings in this case so a big family indeed.   So what sort of brainwashing does it take for my GF to think it is her duty to support mom and 100+ relatives?  I'm sure Mom enjoys the thank you's but do the family realize who is really giving them the rice?  If mom sold 60 bags of rice that's possibly 24,000 baht.  A entire months wages it not 10% for my GF .  So this equals 240 baht per person.  I think  each of the family can afford  this.   It would be cheaper to leave the farm fallow.  One guy said he sends mom 300-500$ a month.  Good for you but I'm afraid for many of us that is to high of a % of our monthly income.  

  9. I wonder if internal emails will emerge of Boeing engineers expressing concerns on this.  I can't imagine no one thought of this failure mode.    Boeing knew sales would be related to the cost of training all the flight crews so on purpose sold it this way.    Greed!

    I read yesterday the black box on the Lion air flight did 26 up down porpoise cycles before going in.  Just think of the poor people on board.    

  10. To add to the great advice but ginboy, a CR1 Visa application can be taken directly to US consulate in BKK saving 2-3 months I've read.  Don't ask me why.  It is lower cost than a K1 Visa with is about 60,000 baht.   You don't qualify for a K1 since your married.    I am considering but K1 Visa and also a cr1 Visa. But I want to live in the USA for 5 to 10 years and if I get married in Thailand and she cannot get a cr1 Visa then what do I do ?dump her?  it seems like the safer way is to get a K1 visa and let immigration decide if she is a worthy woman.   

  11. I one time I glanced yo and the meter seemed to be going faster than normal, then I saw the wires from the meter to a switch to the man's side. It was hidden under that towel. Covering the meter should be illegal, modern electronics can stand wuite a bit if heat. Or the manufacturer needs to add a fan.  It was a short hop so he could not rip me off much .  But I pointed out the wires.   now that I know Thailand more, I would be tempted to take a picture and confront the guy but now that I know Thailand more, I know that could get my throat slit. 

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  12. I have a sinsod thread up. 

    at first the idea and talk of sin sod was revolting and disgusting and caused much concern to my mind.  I spent a couple days reading and watching videos and things. Now I can understand the sin sod tradition.    It's a face, bragging thing.  Of course the start was 1 mil.  Actually it was more Thai style.   "How much you think? " I bit my lip and didn't give her my standard car salesman reply to that question, which is "zero".   the debate whether you should get married or not depends a lot on what type of man you are and if you can be happy with one woman for a long time.  I'm considering clipping my butterfly wings.     Im also  considering 400 k  sin Sod for show with 250k returned.  Mom has said she does not need any. I'm negotiating with gf her mom 30k and wife 120 k.  Girlfriend said maybe 50k for Mom and hundred for me.  It doesn't seem unreasonable.   GF will be leaving long term job and living her room in good location, if I dump her she needs to have some fall back.   I mean come on we're talking 1000  USD for Mom and 4000 USD for girlfriend.    I have read and watched videos where a lot of  uni girls say 100K or 200k. I have read many times thai Thai sin sod is returned.  I think overall social media has elevated the importance of sin sod. But no one really knows what is returned or not.   


    wheredid this one poster get two good fighting cocks?


    To the OP.  did I understand correctly that you visited her for 5 years a couple weeks twice each year?.  Did she ever visit you in France?  Why didn't you negotiate more?  How long have you stopped talking to her for is this a total done deal.  Maybe you need to be like Donald Trump he's such a good negotiator and dealmaker.  Not

  13. Baansgr,. Your input is appreciated.  I have read several cases of markups pricing by the Thai gf or wife being reported.  I have seen first hand two foreigner built mansions with the gossip that she entertains many men while the husband is back In his home country working.  the real telling part of this story is that the woman I was with told me this story while her smart college daughter who can understand English was in the backseat.  So this is something that a Thai woman of good standing and education is willing to talk about in front of her daughter as if it's acceptable or even wonderful successful behavior on the part of Thailand.  I had this feeling at that time that it's Thailand against the enemy and money is what we want. 

    By the way there are theses spell checking features that you can turn on, on your phone,   I don't know how to turn them on but they seem to always be on my phones and computers.  Aother really cool feature of modern technology that I use is Google voice where I talk into my phone and it types all these words just like this last sentence. I think you have to speak English clearly but it works very well for me,  

    I once read a story of a foreigner building a house with his new wife. He was still working in his country but they bought a lot in the village and were building a house together.  He was going to be very cautious to make sure the progress kept up with his payments so he had his girlfriend send pictures of each delivery of the supplies and the progress of the house. He was not able to return until the house was complete. Finally he was able to retire and was coming to see their new house.  His wife seemed to have stopped communicating with him. He finally takes a taxi and drives up to his lot and there was no house.  It turns out that his wife had built this house on her boyfriend's lot a few blocks away. 

    The many stories like this one and  your stories has me at high alert in my dealings with Thai women.

  14. My Thai is almost zero.  It should be better.  But I've focused on other areas.  

    I find Thai sounds better on my ears than Mandarin or Vietnamese. .  But on my spreadsheet, that line item only has a class 4 rating with a point  load factor of 0.2 calculated into it.  555


    besides bringing a Thai woman to the USA and the pitfalls associated with that even though it's her dream I think the money issues to family is the only thing that can break us up. And the mental picture I imagine of something like that is not good. 

    This woman like most Thai women was very concerned about my drinking and  gambling habits. 

    before I knew it for drinking concern I did have three drinks at the beach in 7 hours. I learned this distressed her so I have pretty much limited myself to one beer every few days which is made much easier by all the shity beer in Thailand. Actually you can buy some nice microbrews from the USA but 250 baht , 10% discount for takeout. . I'm an IPA addict .  Besides my Homebrew recipe of ssos I think this is the best IPA I've ever had.  Oregon brewery.  as for the gambling her lottery addiction is more expensive than my bar poker Texas hold em nights. 


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