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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. It is a solution to those pesky road racers.  Better than a speed bump.  


    Actually we have some dangerous things like that here in USA.   It happens where Old properties are along the roadway and they are not forced to give up more easement or out in sidewalk and curb.   But the neighbors property was developed and the city makes the developers widen the road and move utilities and sometimes sidewalk.   So I've seen a wide shoulder just end abruptly with a utility pole and or even a cement or sign barrier.    

  2. Wife and I contracted COVID over July 4th, 24' .  We are not real social but went out for sushi and to a concert and fireworks on the 4th.  Thursday.  By Sat afternoon wife was feeling funny in her throat. Sunday she just layed around and obviously had something.  I worked alone Mon and Tues while she layed around.   I think on Mon or was it Tues she tested positive using an out of date free test kit we had.  Wed morning I bought fresh test kits and after she tested positive I called the Dr for a script.  I felt a bit warm Wednesday, but it was a muggy 84 and went up to 100f.  By Wed night I had sinus drainage.  I cancelled appointments and didn't work Thur or Fri.  We got notice late Fri that he script was ready.  We both took the first dose Fri night.  So for me day 2, for her day 6-7?    It left a bad taste in your mouth hours later and all night.  She didn't want to take anymore but I finished off the paxlovid.    I layed around thur-sun but  we both went to work Monday.  She was a zombie for 8 days. I for 3-4.    Cough persisted for weeks for both of us.   We seem to be fine now.  Didn't get boosters last fall.   I have no idea how much it cost but my co pay was just 25$ using ACA/ Obama care.   Lol.   I didn't know it was 31,000 bath range?  I'm glad I took it.  It would be best to have it ready so you could take it right away.   I'm disappointed that it took our Dr 50 hours to write the script.  USA healthcare is a mess.   Glad I didn't have a bad reaction.   I do take crestor generic daily but that's all besides recreational Cialis. 


    This was my 3rd case and her 2nd.  I got COVID Dec 26th 2019 during my flight to Thailand through Shanghai.  That airport and China knew something big was happening.  They were separating all natives from foreigners and we had to walk through a hastily set up array of thermal scanners in the middle of a big room.   A few people were being corralled into one seating area behind a roped off area.  I actually walked over to talk to some Thai women there.  They didn't know why they were separated out.   I was sick as a dog 2 days later and holed up in a condo for 5 days coughing my guts out.  At times I  sat up in bed coughing for 2 hours and wasn't sure I was going to be able to clear the phloem in time for my next breath.  My then GF stayed with me and didn't get sick.  After 5 days I felt like I had been to an ab workout boot camp.   I could see where an  obese or unfit person would have died.   At that time I even had posts on here that Sheryl replied to. Of course at that time hardly  anyone knew about COVID.    I was considering popping my zpac I always travel to Thailand with as I had a couple of sinus infections in my previous Thailand travels.  The consensus was not to take the Zpac

  3. 1 more,  your just having midlife crisis.  Normal.   Just be wise.  

    From all your postings I would think your GF is an amazing find.    I bet she would be willing to do most things to improve your relationship if you asked.   


    As far as dating sites and online, it was full of normal quality women before COVID.  I wasn't looking for under 40 though.    It did take lots of time and commitment to carry on conversations with 10-20 at a time during the weeding out process before a month or two visit.   I'm sure many bar girls joined online during covid to survive and many enjoyed the freedom and no bar taking their share and never looked back. The better looking probably had no reason to even consider going back to the bar. Plus fattening western style fast food taking Thailand by storm. Any new comers didn't need the bar anymore.    Back before COVID lots of normal women over 40 just tired and done with this men. Many normal women spent to much time at work, and also not socially acceptable to go out to bars alone in their profession.  Lots of friends on FB posting about great lives with farang, either living in Thailand or abroad.   Most I met had no goal of leaving Thailand.   Most had bad experiences with gambling, cheating,  or drunk Thai husbands.   Most had college degrees of not advanced.  But I searched for that.    Line video time let you see the movement as I know exactly what that means to you as it does to me.   

    Didn't end up finding my wife online but it was very  promising method in 2016-2019

  4. I've never had a mushroom experience.   It is very popular.  Legal in many states.  Not mine.  There was a 3 day symposium this weekend.  I didn't go.   Not sure what exactly this term of micro dosing means.   We are wild mushroom foragers but I don't know how to identify the LBM. Little brown mushrooms.  3-4 years ago any talk about this topic in the local FB mushroom page was removed but now it's allowed.  

    Some of you guys are fools to say all drugs are bad, except the ones you use.

    One interesting thing many don't know is mushrooms and humans have 50% similar DNA.   And mushrooms are closer to animals than plants.    Maybe more of us should try micro dosing?  Some suggest it would be a better World.   In fact in the recent trump  interview with Lex Fridman , Lex suggests all of Congress and the Senate should have to try them.  The interview didn't change my opinion of the dumpster one bit.   


    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Skeptic7 said:

    No...he isn't. We usually agree Tug, but not on this. And he is has many good ideas, despite his reputation. 


    The vid is long but worth watching (increase to 1.25 or 1.5 speed to trim some time off) to learn more about the man. He dodges a bit, but they all do. It's with Bill Maher, so always entertainingHope he gets a Cabinet appt. 



    Hard for me to listen to jr voice.   70 is to old.  We need  an 64 age limit for first day in office.  No 2nd term if over 64.  He is a nut case. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 6 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Orchestrated to a T...   (Thaksin pun intended).... 


    The Master puppeteer has moved his pieces perfectly...  Pushed Sreetha through, knowing his Digital wallet was untenable, illegal and vote buying, he'd be easy to 'oust' and he was.


    Nudge out the competition, Pita and the house of representatives... 


    And we have a new 'fresh face'.. Wooo !!! - at least its not that vile anti-farang tub of lard, Anutin.


    Next on the agenda?  full pardon for Thaksin himself ?...  His aliments will magically have improved and he won't need his 'Dubai Specialist' (Doctor)... and Auntie will be back at the family dinner table soon enough.



    What left for Thai politicians? to openly call the public a bunch of gullible fools ?...  


    One of the many things Thailand has going for it, is that even in light of such open insult to democracy and the public in general, their apathy is such that the tendency to respond violently is significantly suppressed.... History has shown that serious uprising is dealt with swiftly and in a deadly manner (1976 Thammasat University massacre / 1992 Black May).


    A populace gets the government it deserves...   and it would be amiss of me to highlight how broken our own democratic process are with the Biden debacle proving a perfect example of external puppeteering. 


    I hope this is a refreshing and advantageous step for Thailand, but can't help think that this is just one last dance for a megalomaniac.




    I was with you until you confusingly brought Biden into comparison in this Thai mess somehow. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. Messing around with solar is a benefit of living in Thailand.  Here in USA metering buyback rates so  low, component prices much higher.   Solar companies want to profit so much.   Fir kicks a couple months ago I went ahead and had a door to door solar salesman cook up a system for me.   He did see my monthly power usage but not day night use.   

    A different guy came by a few days later saying it was 45k USD for 9 kw system.  This did include a new roof.  I haven't got a quote on a new roof but I guess it could be 12-15k$. 

    It was a micro inverter system using USA made panels.    The deal was I pay 115$/no and after 20 years the system was mine.   I guess he could tell by my questions he didn't have an eager buyer and never did his follow up call.   

    I wasn't real impressed by the software that took Google roof image and put 2 panels behind a chimney.   He said the final version wouldn't make that mistake.  

    I see lots of panels put on east and west facing roofs.  Just do to the roof layout.  Plus the optimum angle here is 33.9. facing South.   actually adjusting the angle from 19-50 degrees is max efficient.  Don't quote those angles.   Here they hardly ever use angle brackets.  They just go with roof slope which varies from 4-8/12 roof pitch. I guess due to wind and snow  and ease of install and maximum watts.   I see lots of installs where neighbors tree shades it much of the day.   These solar companies are crooks as far as I'm concerned. Power bill in July was  14,000 baht. Increase of 3 k over June ?  The highest ever.  It was hot and maybe using air con to much, or Tennant has a grow, or the new hot tub but heater is off for summer.   If I do solar I would want to cut out the salesman commissions and high profit somehow.  

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