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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. 3 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    Leftist "fact-checkers" you mean. 


    What do you think were Trumps most significant lies? You have no idea do you?

    There is an easily obtained list of over 50 trump lies in the debate.  1 every 90 seconds.     

    As for another comment that Trump's 34 crimes were only financial.   That is true but the felon part is because he worked so hard to bury this story through financial lies to change the outcome of an election.  News of stormy surely could have changed 76,000 votes and prevented this trump chaos.    No way will this cut and dry paper case of 34 felonies be overturned on appeal!    

    How long before maga folks start putting .223 holes in their upper right ear in support?  Like the ones who wear diapers. 


    Oh I should add that the Dow git another record yesterday under Biden.  Anyone who says the economy was better under trump obviously doesn't like or understand economics or facts. 


    Only things I agree with trump on was making all NATO countries pay their 2% with back penalties and that it was a China virus.    

  2. 4 hours ago, Cracker2000 said:


    Depends which report you read, sounds more like they died their first night there, before they unpacked and bodies not descoverd for 48hrs.

    But they were served tea and coffee at 1:xx pm that fetal day.    

    Maybe after seeing the horrible last few minutes of her friends/biz partners her plan to flea changed and she drank some too! 

    Be careful with smart or any women or man for that matter.  

  3. My best beach experiences were on Surfside near Freeport Texas summer of 83.   I had a carefree intern engineering job at DOW.   Most of the beach was a driving beach.  People took BBQ grills, shade, beer, food, etc.  You could cruise the beach or walk.  There were no vendors.  Lots of bathing beauties to talk to.  Unforgettable smells of chicken being slow cooked on a simple smoker for 2-3 hours.  I actually have one of those brands now.    

    • Confused 2
  4. It should be a crime with or without charges.    Could a bank that's robbed decline to press charges.   Well I guess murder by super rich is like that so why not robbery?


    I'm guessing the other 6 was grabbed back by the depositer or on the floor.  But. Tit

  5. 1 minute ago, susanlea said:

    Restaurants are the same price points all over really. You can eat cheap or pay 1000 to 5000 baht. I normally spend 200 to 700 baht if 2 people. Just depends 

    I was asking specifically about Nimman road area and prubangboys lifestyle.   He dines next to the 100$ place but not at it.   Sounds similar to us. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Prubangboy said:

    On either side of Nimman road is a grid of very low traffic streets, practically pedestrianized.


    Add in the mix of old growth trees, specialty shops and endless restaurants, and I favor Nimman above Soho England or The French Quarter, NO as a party zone.


    Tons of old Thai restaurants and street food on the side soi's. I eat at a Thai Chinese place with a strong, old Lonely Planet vibe twice a week. It's between a French creperie and a $100 a plate omakase restaurant.


    Walk another 20 feet and you can eat Chinese noodles or in a 4* Indian restaurant. And there's 10 soi's just like mine. 


    People of all ages and ethnicities mixing is another attraction. I live across from the Yellow Work Space. Always something going on; the weekly meetup buffet sells out.


    Nimman also has a ton of yoga, qi gong, pilates and gyms that don't cost 69 baht a day. Most condo's have pools. I'd be in the Old City if I could rent there, but this is a great consolation prize (and 8 minutes away).


    If you want to be near a bunch of great restaurants anywhere in the world, you have to be where the tourists are.


    We do, so we're here. And we will be very hard to entice elsewhere. This is a great place to visit, and a great place to live. How many places can meet those two bench marks.


    Some people live in Thailand for cheap luxury. Not for women or the beach.

    How often do you dine out?  What is your typical dinner bill?  

    You make me want to add a week stay in CM next trip.  But you did forget the deadly, life shortening ,air quality 2 months out of 12. 

  7. What is the street value of all this?  Isn't this crime 20 years in thai jail for certain?

    This guy is sitting there thinking how f'ed he is.

    I'm always  amazed at these busts and the sheer number of doses.  Must be a big demand for these types of drugs.   Which Thais are taking this stuff?    We hear about busts at nightclubs and such but it has to be customer's in the millions. 

  8. I wonder how many of you have heard evil Melania talking to her friend?  I admit she was attractive and had that mysterious look.   And that accent sounds good for a few minutes.  Talk aboutva purely finiancial arrangement.   All those times she rejected Trump's attempt to hold hands and her fake smiles turning into held back rage looks.  No love in the creation of that anchor baby. 

    • Agree 1
  9. My understanding of the concept is a fixed price for air, hotel, and tours.   And the hotels and restaurants are legitimately owned by the host country expats.   Maybe they use thai tour guides?   Thai's must hate this but it seems legit to me.  

    To compete they need to offer better packages.   No sympathy from me. 

  10. Ive had this on my line many times  Very attractive, classy Korean pop star look.  I think sometimes its just an AI bit teying to learn things.  None asked for money or investments.   Recently it happened on the next door app.  Like a neighborhood app to post lost cats, and ask for advice on getting help around the house.   When i asked what bottlef of canned refreshment was nearby and for a picture of them holding it upside down.  They stop.  One wven said of you think I'm an AI bot block me.   I did report them   

  11. The strength of the early edibles I tried from the same vendor and presumably the same maker varied a lot.   They were a chocolate bar type in a clear wrapper.  Maybe 4cm x 12cm.  Some visits they had some with  different names indicating supposed strengths.   I think it was a matter of the cook testing them and finding out how strong they were.  IMHO it varied from real weak to OMG I should've taken a taxi rather than ride on the BTS.  This was in Dec Jan  of 22-23'.    In Colorado the edibles strength really seems to be scientifically formulated and tested to be 10mg per labeled serving and 100 mg max per product. I think that was the law.  Best was  2 carmel colored sugar cubes in mom's iced tea.  Great foavor profile and effect. 


    From the very beginning I figured the 2 big alcohol companies were going to want to control things.  


    I couldn't believe they let so many stores open so close and street vendors and such. 

    The smell of burning or growing pot is really a negative for my sensitive nose.  In Colorado you can smell the indoor grow facilities in a car on the highway, with aircon on, going past at 140kmh.  

    I do think they made a big mistake by not opening the flood gate without strict minimum age requirements like 18 or 20. 

    With all the states, countries that had rolled out legalization why was Thailand so stupid not to cut and paste some legal verbage?  Stupidity or just never wanting to admit some other entity other than "Thai" can do right?

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