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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Let's wait a few days. Crazy Thailand
  2. It is a big deal to stop endorsements after 36 years and then blue origin big wigs get to meet behind closed doors with Trump. Editors quiting says it all. How often does the right complain about Sorros? Bozos didn't buy it for no reason. Sadly I'm addicted to the convenience of getting things on my porch in 1-2 days. Easily eliminates many hours driving each week for me.
  3. My wife just reading on FB. But she " not believe". Because she is rich hiso. So she stole 600k vask and lots of gold but stashed many bags of cash in the victims affair partners house? Madam looks like a bit to much surgery and Botox. I was once a fan of BJ but my opinion changed when he was in his underwear.
  4. This one Thai restaurant here has a log book. You have to write your name and they enter the slice level. You have to have 5 entries before they let you order level 5. 100k scoville not all that high. Some peppers 10x that. My wife will be breathing funny, nose and eyes watering as she eats her som Tom. She says it gives her energy. I just think it's a good time for a BJ
  5. Why wouldn't an writer of this article add something about what pest. Are they local or invasive. Why worse pest damage this year.
  6. Good idea t be concerned. The chanting is a big negative in Thailand for me. However if your a single guy and it's a temple where lots of gals come to give merit then party or eat it may be good hunting grounds.
  7. Seems common to me. Thailand is know for the traditional and modern striper dancers. Some same same. It's all for sale from top to bottom. What's wrong with those legs? Blurry and pixelated but don't seem to thick or thin to me. I prefer stout legs rather than thin twigs. Woman has to be able to mountain bike, hike, backpack, occasionally haul out some elk meat.
  8. So you never take aspirin, Cialis, ruvastatin, Tylenol, vit c, oregano, cummin, cinnamon, salt? Maybe you could use some mushroom therapy?
  9. 1000's of posts? And did you read the law. It doesn't say " making jewelry" it qualifies that with " gold, silver, copper" but not platinum? Also in those thousands is there an example of someone getting busted for repairing/ rebuilding 2 bamboo chairs my late FIL made while visiting at moms house for 3 weeks? No payment. It took me 3 weeks to not feel guilty laying in a hammock for 5 hours a day.
  10. Wonder what will be her payout/sentence will be?
  11. My first thought. Sickening
  12. We all need a little medicine.
  13. So I could make jewelry out of platinum? Could a falang draw up house plans for a house on his wife's land? Was it legal for me to repair a bamboo chair at mum's or house?
  14. Bikers lucky. Mostly bikers fault. Car did fail to signal for appropriate time, distance, or at all. And left the scene.
  15. Happiness will be trump in my rearview mirror.
  16. How come no one ever asked me about the boom boom upgrade during an oil massage? I never had a massage or anything in Pattaya. Only Asoke Thonglor , and smaller towns up North. I went the route of multiple vacation partners who were looking for a long term falang partner. All upscale professional types. Except the one that slipped through the online weeding. She was a darling, very attractive and attentive at dinner with the most genuine smile and happy look. Red flags started popping about 2 am when she told me how her gas tank was empty and needed to buy lots of facial products and... Big red flag 2-4 am she couldn't sleep as I think it was her normal time up. Then nail that popped the balloon was when she had to leave at 4 am because she can't sleep in any bed but her own and something about ghosts. I was on an early bus to the next appointment before our planned shopping, gas station afternoon date. Did want a 2nd go after morning coffee. All very low cost encounters. Lots of GF experiences. Now I'm lucky like Kuhn la and just one steady one. She opens the gates too.
  17. Does the tourist website list sex toys as not to be brought to Thailand. I would wager a large portion of single men and couples being in sex toys. What's the ramifications of a tourist getting caught smuggling in a couple dor the trip?
  18. Interesting tmigration dilemma for Thailand or any location. Look at the US uproar. One one hand I can see tourism spend $ rising because they found a friendly, professional who could explain everything and make the sell in their native language. Competition would raise service. If I was super rich and lived a fancy life I would sign up for changes or things overlooked that make my life better.
  19. Back to the OP original post. How bad is the traffic? How much has it changed last 5 years? Does she cook often so you can eat at home in quiet? I couldn't hear the bad air in CM or anywhere. It's bad enough in USA sometimes. Luckily the forest fires were not so bad this year. Is the air better in your mountain getaway? Does it have a view? To me there is peace in being above or upriver from the crowds. Where do you eat up there?
  20. 16000 inspections in 60 days. No way
  21. Looks worse than 50 aqi. Perfect October fall weather here. 74 avg but it's been near-90f blue skies no wind. Don't need air on with the windows open at night. So depressing being in air like that. And we won't really know the realization of how deadly it is on a population for another 20 years. Not sure thai massages are worth it.
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