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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Except, surprisingly he was named. He may find a low railing is in his future after the brown bag exchange. It doesn't seem like a case that needs someone other than the provincial court or whatever it's called to press charges?
  2. So this guy just left his truck? Maybe drink driving and figured he best sober up first?
  3. I for one am still not buying Red Bull. I don't really do energy drinks. Anytime I see someone with a red bull I tell them the founders grandson murder evading justice and worthless thai justice story.
  4. Does that OP picture capture a surge wave of water? Otherwise it's a bit confusing. Just imagine how much erosion occurred to all those denuded hillsides up North. The World is heading to doom.
  5. This is an example of what division the Trump contagion has caused. End of story. As for Melania, sad she used the Einstein visa. How hypocritical is it for all of maga to be so anti immigration and accept that illegal entry and her parents coming too. Sad to hear who Melania really is. It's revealed in how she talks to her friend in that recorded phone call. Just one of trumps many mistakes. Those 3 Thai women at Sapphire look Devine. They look plenty legal to ogle at and that's their occupation. Love the 2 natural sets but one has those fake dark eyebrows so the center one gets my vote.
  6. What ever happened to the getaway jet left in Singapore. Seems like the pilot and crew should have faced jail time. Just imagine how Thailand was before the pesky internet and social media. 19 wives for all rich and royal guys.
  7. Why do businesses always fight min wage increases? This 10k vote buying scheme needs to die or be available to spend at any food eatery but not booze or cigarettes.
  8. It's like day 928 of this 3 day poorin SMO. Special military operation. Recently russia is having over 30k casualties each month. 1200/day most times . 500k total is a good number. I follow this SMO closely and Ukraine is doing ok considering the big delay in sending them arms from USA this spring that caused them to lose Adivka and the salient that resulted. Yes there has been a Ukraine attack. They invaded Russia 6 weeks ago and occupy 1200 so I'm in the Kursk region. They have also developed long range drones that go 1200 km and many oil refineries have lost their cracking columns. Many airfields have been attacked. Many oil storage facilities have been hit. Just in the last hours Ukraine has sent a large drone offensive to Moscow and nearby areas. Russia is attacking and killing civilians with drones and ballistic missiles.
  9. Bob Smith was quite a crazy poster here this last year or so. Supposedly married, super wealthy, alkie, sex a holic. Would binge party for days. Always posting crazy stuff. Always threatening to leave I guess he finally did leave.
  10. Don't know what our future is. Had to marry because K1 visa. But I thought she was worth a K1. Married 3 years and living in USA. Odd she enjoys watching thai people eat and follows the kids of some rich and famous. But These bloggers have millions of followers . I think eating abundant food with family and friends nearby stuffing their faces for hours is comforting or the high life?? My biggest worry was after 20 years in bkk without a kitchen she couldn't cook. She is quite the cook now and learning and I've only started a few loads of laundry since she arrived and she won't let me near the sink when she is washing dishes. She doesn't iron clothes like she did for her uniforms in BKK but that's ok most Americans in the West don't wear pressed Levi's. It's great to not have to do any dishes or wash my smoker grates after a day smoking. She prepares all the mushrooms we find , she guts and cleans the fish we bring home and loves to cook them. Fish head soup is not bad. Oh that reminds me of one fight we had. I normally toss the heads and belly when I fillet my trout. Caused a real issue. I had to gather them out of the trash. Fried fish belly is excellent but probably not to healthy. I mark "monster time on my Google calendar with an "M" each month so I know it's not anything I did. We fish, hike, forage mushrooms, work together each day at a handyman Co. we started because she was bored mountain biking so much. And didn't like being supported by my funds or wanted to grow her separate savings? We are doing well but working to hard to mountain bike. Lots of money to be made in USA. This economy is great. People are envious we work together. Not many married couples spend 99% of their time together. Yes farts are funny for her. Maybe that's an isaan thing? She is staying fit and sexy. Has become all I could dream of in the bedroom or mountains. Doesn't drink. Doesn't like to go out. Maybe she doesn't want to be seen with her older husband. I wished she liked to go out but she hates to see drunk people. And I respect that as she has past and current family with that problem. Plus many in her village. She hasn't got her green card yet so we will see after that milestone. We don't share a telepathic connection like with the ex. Marriage is never a guarantee, just work through issues and enjoy the ride. She hates trump and that's all that matters politically. Seems thai's have a natural sense for good and bad people.
  11. It is a solution to those pesky road racers. Better than a speed bump. Actually we have some dangerous things like that here in USA. It happens where Old properties are along the roadway and they are not forced to give up more easement or out in sidewalk and curb. But the neighbors property was developed and the city makes the developers widen the road and move utilities and sometimes sidewalk. So I've seen a wide shoulder just end abruptly with a utility pole and or even a cement or sign barrier.
  12. Wife and I contracted COVID over July 4th, 24' . We are not real social but went out for sushi and to a concert and fireworks on the 4th. Thursday. By Sat afternoon wife was feeling funny in her throat. Sunday she just layed around and obviously had something. I worked alone Mon and Tues while she layed around. I think on Mon or was it Tues she tested positive using an out of date free test kit we had. Wed morning I bought fresh test kits and after she tested positive I called the Dr for a script. I felt a bit warm Wednesday, but it was a muggy 84 and went up to 100f. By Wed night I had sinus drainage. I cancelled appointments and didn't work Thur or Fri. We got notice late Fri that he script was ready. We both took the first dose Fri night. So for me day 2, for her day 6-7? It left a bad taste in your mouth hours later and all night. She didn't want to take anymore but I finished off the paxlovid. I layed around thur-sun but we both went to work Monday. She was a zombie for 8 days. I for 3-4. Cough persisted for weeks for both of us. We seem to be fine now. Didn't get boosters last fall. I have no idea how much it cost but my co pay was just 25$ using ACA/ Obama care. Lol. I didn't know it was 31,000 bath range? I'm glad I took it. It would be best to have it ready so you could take it right away. I'm disappointed that it took our Dr 50 hours to write the script. USA healthcare is a mess. Glad I didn't have a bad reaction. I do take crestor generic daily but that's all besides recreational Cialis. This was my 3rd case and her 2nd. I got COVID Dec 26th 2019 during my flight to Thailand through Shanghai. That airport and China knew something big was happening. They were separating all natives from foreigners and we had to walk through a hastily set up array of thermal scanners in the middle of a big room. A few people were being corralled into one seating area behind a roped off area. I actually walked over to talk to some Thai women there. They didn't know why they were separated out. I was sick as a dog 2 days later and holed up in a condo for 5 days coughing my guts out. At times I sat up in bed coughing for 2 hours and wasn't sure I was going to be able to clear the phloem in time for my next breath. My then GF stayed with me and didn't get sick. After 5 days I felt like I had been to an ab workout boot camp. I could see where an obese or unfit person would have died. At that time I even had posts on here that Sheryl replied to. Of course at that time hardly anyone knew about COVID. I was considering popping my zpac I always travel to Thailand with as I had a couple of sinus infections in my previous Thailand travels. The consensus was not to take the Zpac
  13. 1 more, your just having midlife crisis. Normal. Just be wise. From all your postings I would think your GF is an amazing find. I bet she would be willing to do most things to improve your relationship if you asked. As far as dating sites and online, it was full of normal quality women before COVID. I wasn't looking for under 40 though. It did take lots of time and commitment to carry on conversations with 10-20 at a time during the weeding out process before a month or two visit. I'm sure many bar girls joined online during covid to survive and many enjoyed the freedom and no bar taking their share and never looked back. The better looking probably had no reason to even consider going back to the bar. Plus fattening western style fast food taking Thailand by storm. Any new comers didn't need the bar anymore. Back before COVID lots of normal women over 40 just tired and done with this men. Many normal women spent to much time at work, and also not socially acceptable to go out to bars alone in their profession. Lots of friends on FB posting about great lives with farang, either living in Thailand or abroad. Most I met had no goal of leaving Thailand. Most had bad experiences with gambling, cheating, or drunk Thai husbands. Most had college degrees of not advanced. But I searched for that. Line video time let you see the movement as I know exactly what that means to you as it does to me. Didn't end up finding my wife online but it was very promising method in 2016-2019
  14. How far is the dam from where her bike was? RIP. Being an experienced woodsman, if I was alone and caught on a flooding hillside during a severe rain event I may freak out and risk water crossings to get home rather than hunker down.
  15. I've never had a mushroom experience. It is very popular. Legal in many states. Not mine. There was a 3 day symposium this weekend. I didn't go. Not sure what exactly this term of micro dosing means. We are wild mushroom foragers but I don't know how to identify the LBM. Little brown mushrooms. 3-4 years ago any talk about this topic in the local FB mushroom page was removed but now it's allowed. Some of you guys are fools to say all drugs are bad, except the ones you use. One interesting thing many don't know is mushrooms and humans have 50% similar DNA. And mushrooms are closer to animals than plants. Maybe more of us should try micro dosing? Some suggest it would be a better World. In fact in the recent trump interview with Lex Fridman , Lex suggests all of Congress and the Senate should have to try them. The interview didn't change my opinion of the dumpster one bit. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sponsor-story/natures-way/2018/08/31/6-things-you-never-knew-mushrooms/1149402002/
  16. Can't wait till trump is sent packing! Bigly. And to jail.
  17. She must be magical looking. With all the legal gals at this guy's fingertips and he let this happen.
  18. 2 billion. Lots of people got rich in this fiasco. Maybe it's best it's not working. Or are the hogs wanting to feed again?
  19. Bad ground in mining can happen with the best scientific methods used. Maybe they hit an unsampled pocket of an alluvial deposit. No way would you think you can mine a tunnel through the material shown in that collapse. Hope it's a successful rescue. To think they can hear vital signs through 18 m of loose rock. Wow.
  20. When it competes with the top dogs the police seem quite capable and efficient. Sounds like some budding entrepreneur's didn't pay attention in chemistry class. And then the lady seller added her dilution for further profit. I didn't know methanol was so deadly. 60 cc is a lethal dose? Can you taste the difference?
  21. Several blind! Is this for sure permanent? And possibly lifelong dialysis? Until otherwise stated in the news I'm guessing just a distillation error. Or mix-up of products.
  22. Depressing realizing how many brain dead expats live in AN land.
  23. I tell my wife these old thai guys look like monkeys or gorillas.
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