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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. I watched it in full. Trump lost big time to anyone except the ones with the trump contagion. I admit the first question could have been asked after a hello and welcome. And maybe phrased a bit less pointed. It's about time Trump is asked point blank about things and held accountable to his craziness and lies.
  2. Nope I speak the truth. First hand knowledge as shared by at least 3 people.
  3. Yes HSV 1 and or 2 can be on genitals and flare up 1 times or often with different people. I absolutely think it's serious but I've heard several people say it's no big deal and that they don't even tell new sex partners.
  4. Sad to read comments on this black journalist YouTubers and see all the trumpets claiming victory and how trump showed them, sickening really.
  5. Full NABJ video here Trump is the devil? Some of you people need to Stop being the devil's helpers
  6. There is HSV 1&2. 1 had traditional been called cold sores in the mouth area. Most tests don't differentiate 1&2. There is a test available here in the US that tells you 1&2. All the oral sex and now the preferred locations of these aliments isn't so fixed. Some people shrug off having and sharing HSV 1 and even 2. Most people get HSV1 before puberty from non sexual contact. Grandma kisses, sharing drinks with friends, etc. For some women an outbreak can be excruciatingly painful. All STD's and ,HSV were a big concern when I became single a decade ago. I spent some dough getting tested and paying for women to get tested. Lots of clean non promiscuous women in Thailand.
  7. I think the abortion limits have been 2nd trimester and there is no talk of changing that as I am aware! Do you have facts otherwise? It's so sad that all these Christians or evangelicals don't want abortion but they also want to stop head start and preschool and other support for born children. I don't see them giving up money to support the born they so badly want.
  8. So sad the police advised her against filing a claim. They should never say that to anyone. That's like KFC last saying you are not hungry no need food.
  9. Jack Smith was properly appointed. There is no stare where an abortion is legal at 9 months! Maybe if the life or health of the mom is at question. As it should be.
  10. Kamala is half black. Her father is from Jamaica where the French brought slaves from Africa. Perhaps some French blood but probably not in the paperwork if any. Lol
  11. Trump lost the black vote yesterday at the Black journalist convention. It started late because Trump wanted no fact checking during the event. At one point he got so angry at a question he picked up her water bottle to screw the cap on real tight, then replaced it. His life is crashing down! Jail looms when he loses in November. Melania is worse than gone.
  12. Did OP say his age. How much experience do you have? A guy should know a keeper when he finds one. Swallow? 3 holes fair game, cooks, cleans, multi?
  13. What does Israel have to do with the poles. Not everyone including the UN think Israel belongs in the West Bank. Ruling just said no and they must pay the Palestinians restitution. Let's just wait a month. The women, under 30, and cats are pissed. And there isn't 9 mo abortion anywhere in the US. Don't say stupid things
  14. Probably going right try to get a far Eastern investment promise for some wheeling and dealing in Thailand. Sad sad. Just think if they said ok. He surely didn't expect a yes so this is just a ploy.
  15. So the American people are being asked to decide who is the most weirdly? I think even some maga can decide on this correctly. I have hopes in the young (under 30), women. Handicap, cat owners, childless to hand trump a 20-30% defeat. And also how can any ex or current military person support trump is beyond me. I worked over a half decade of my life to help neutralize Russia's tank numbers. Sorry anyone kissing Putin or Kim's backside is not acceptable to me.
  16. I had to clock in this. Now I need to Google zoophilia
  17. It is nice to get same day deliveries sometimes, 2 day on Amazon most times here in USA. 2.99$ for 4-7 am next day.
  18. 9 min deliveries? Sounds like more road deaths.
  19. I watched it. Immigration, big glasses in lost and found ( gay?), tuk tuk, 5 people on a scooter, cheap hotels and nice ones, what's wrong with it. Seemed to promote Thailand as a place to get business things done fast
  20. Does the wife know this? Is she willing to move for you? Did your contributions to your living together allow her to save the money so she was able to afford to buy her dream land and home?
  21. Brought the wife to USA. Just seems like a better life here. 4 seasons, cleaner air, water from tap is all I've lived on my entire life. Safe, everything close by great view of mountains. No loud music, no roosters or dogs or monks making noise. But I do wonder if we were to move to Thailand where we would be happy. Wife and I like gardening. I see some farang show nice estates with a pool, beautiful yard and flowers and garden. They have gardener, maid for cleaning and such. Nice shop to make and fix stuff. I could do that I think. Did spend 21 days in wife's village. I survived. Lots of relaxing and no one makes you feel guilty for not doing much all day. Didn't appreciate the local drunks who could be passed out by 10 am. And the bettle chewing old gals. Some of the kids have fancy electric scooters. Burning trash is true and just trash dumped everywhere in Thailand. Not a fan of soi dogs.
  22. Got to be the worst way to die. 3 strong dogs chewing and ripping your life away! A fear of mine. I would prefer a World without these breeds and a dog that shows aggressive behavior one time, should be out down. So nice of them to pay for the funeral. Did they promise a months party and food?
  23. It's not bashing when it's all true and factual and disgusting. It's sad to admit there are this many ignorant people among the US populace. Including some of our own parents and family members. Best thing for America is if trump loses by double digits and these scum crawl back under their swamp logs.
  24. I think the young people finally have someone under 60 and I think and have watched a YouTube with a young political man who says this is huge with the young voters. They have been sick and tired of these grey haired old white choices. The women are pissed, while trump is trying to soften his abortion stance there are to many sound bite videos of him bragging about being responsible for the fall of roe vs Wade. Add in the sound bites and script of the 2025 project and all these evangelicals. Kamala has women's free choice as a main talking point and has championed this cause for years. Kamala has really improved on her speaking skills in the last 3-4 years. Look at that record 100 mil in small (avg 90$) donations in 3 days. And I will most likely kick in 100$ to a candidate for the first time in my life. Trump will be sentenced on September 11th. And The penalty for 34 felonies mainly being Election interference must be harsh enough to prevent anyone from trying it ever again. I think judge Merchan is up to this historic sentence.
  25. From 2 hours in jail to this. Unbelievable.
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