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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. 7 hours ago, Pravda said:


    Gimme a break. This is Thailand where everyone f everyone. 


    The difference between Thai and western women is that they don't brag about their conquests. If they received a few hard pounding on a night of drunken stupor here and there you think they are going to share it with a guy who doesn't even speak Thai?

    I understand that Thai people don't feel some statements or ommisions are ok.  They think it's best to say that which will cause less pain, damage, loss of face, or whatever.  And I understand they think it's important to all men that they are virgins. This is just my story of the situation as my intuition and experience tells me is true.   Some women want to please their father or parents so much that they work so hard on their education.  Some fall in with a bad crowd or influence but some are in company of other hard working, studying women that they don't go out on the town or entertain a man until after they finish school and establish a solid career.  Some have told me no sex until 26.  One even told me that she never did self gratification because no privacy at nursing school or housing.   Some women in this World are late bloomers.  But in late 30's the biological is close to striking midnight.   I have always sought out this  prim and proper type.  These women have high expectations in a man at this point in their careers.  They may have a car, nice accomodations, work  long hours 6 days a week. Sending lots of salary home to mom.  Established thai men of similar stature can easily attract 18-20 year olds.  Most thai women have experienced an alcoholic in their famiky. For some this makes bars and drinking seem like the devil's den.  I have never met or seen so many women who dress down as in Thailand.  even in the outdoor playgrounds of America women don't wear baggy dress like t-shirts.  Many thai women wear clothes to hide their womanly features. Many wear little to no make-up.  Many have been stigmatized by all the media and BS that they are so self conscious of their nose, darker skin so much so it's sad.   To many western men they don't hardly even see any skin color variations in thai women.  We are used to color range from albino white to the darkest black.  Thai skin color range maybe just 10% but thai people see that difference like black and white.  I admit what I speak if is rare. But I am a good hunter. 

    • Like 2
  2. Farangia.  Haha. 

    If you think most thai women start having sex at 16 your hanging in low places.

    I've met 2 thai women who were virgins over 40.  I've met several over 40 who only had 1 or 2 man ever.  I have met more conservative over 40 in Thailand than in the west. 

    I've met many thai women who got dumped by somchi with the kid(s) at midv30's for a 20 something.  I only know 1 mom who got support from from her ex . This one thai man supported her and children well. 

    I've met many thai women who think most thai men smoke, drink to mut, gamble,  like mia nois, giks, abuse and they will not consider another thai man.   Quite often thai women have friends or see happy thai women on FB who have amazing lives with a western man.  Also there is the thought of having a beautiful  Lukkreung  child.  Look at all the TV stars and models.   They all want a western nose,, height,And light skin  I despise all this plastic  surgery.  The Micheal Jackson noses and anime look is so sad.  How will these pretties look when they are 50?   

    A newbie western guy can be a great catch. 

    • Like 2
  3. I know a woman who  built a 20ish unit apartment building that is used by CP for couples,  no singles. She lives in the  cement building also.  Amazing to me she only gets 2500baht/mo per unit. Paid by CP. There are No balconies or elevator.  But running city water, and electricity, and sewar system. 

    Via pictures i have seen that the grounds  and structure are cleaner than most thai village houses.  I have seen many pictures as I advised this retired govt worker about construction issues.. This last year she put on a new roof, facia.  And CP made her do a fire safety plan. They forced her to add two external stairways, and emergency lighting per their requirements.    She also did property line retaining walls.  

    Her biggest issue is finding quality companies to do the improvements and maintenance.   Suffice it to say I had her delay payment until a few issues were done more correctly.   Ling time readers of my posts know I don't hold  punches.   These are the lowest priced rooms I have ever known and I can only guess at the wages of these workers. 

  4. 12 hours ago, Walker88 said:

    Here's a 'reduction to the ridiculous' to show why the courts will rule that a President cannot pardon himself...


    If a POTUS could pardon himself, President Joe Biden could execute 45 and his entire family, then simply say, "Pardon me".


    In essence, such a power would create a monarch, not just above the law, but who is the law. The US specifically does not have a monarch. The Founders could have used the Magna Carta as a base document for the US, which states all are equal under the law except the monarch, but instead Madison and Jefferson wrote the Constitution.


    Self-pardon will fail in the courts.


    The pre-emptive pardon may also fail in the courts. Ford's pardon of Nixon was not challenged, so there is not a legal precedent (Nixon wasn't charged with a crime, so his pardon was pre-emptive, just never challenged.). Such a thing, if 45 decides to use it on his grifting family, is fraught with danger. It means ANYONE working for the government, including those with access to classified intelligence, could spend 4 years obtaining and selling intel to, for example, Russia, China or iran, even sharing some of the money with the POTUS, and then POTUS could pre-emptively pardon them (if the crime hasn't come out yet) and pardon himself.


    The courts will not want to US to go down that rabbithole.


    As for the pardons already given to convicted felons manafort, stone and flynn, they are not out of the woods yet. Because they were pardoned, they cannot incriminate themselves, so they cannot refuse to answer questions put to them by a grand jury. If asked about 45, what he did and what he knew, they must answer. If they fail to do so, they can be held in contempt, which would be a new charge for which they could face jail time. If they lie, that's perjury, also a new crime for which they can be jailed.


    In a sense, 45 shot himself in the foot, because the pardons may lead to his own indictment, conviction and incarceration at the Federal level, not just what the NY AG has in store for him. For example, manafort could be asked if he was ever promised a pardon if he kept his mouth shut. If he answers 'yes', that proves the obstruction Mueller noted in his report, and the sole thing preventing Mueller from indicting 45 was the silly OLC 'opinion' which says a sitting POTUS cannot be indicted. After 20 January 45 will not be the 'sitting POTUS'. If manafort refuses to answer that question, it's contempt. If he answers with a lie, it's perjury.


    On 20 January the US gets a real AG again. That new AG will serve the people, not the POTUS. After 20 January it would not be a good time to be 45 or any member of his family or wider crime family. It can be called a crime family accurately because of all the close associates of 45 who were indicted, tried and convicted of crimes.

     Too bad Joe doesn't have ball's this big

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. Is it more crowded than a bts ticket  box? An atm?  They can't wash paddles quickly?   

    Must be a real reason? 

    Is this an admission it may contain untreated sewage?  My state  has been using monitoring of the sewage lines to determine  relative strength of the virus in different areas. 

    It seems like this could have been used to verify that really had zero cases. Maybe they are smart enough but kept this a secret?


  6. Also it was found that sewar pipes were spreading covid to floors above.  Google Wuhan drain covid.   There was positive samples found in a uninhabited condo above some positive cases.    Also I think they did some experiments  with tracer elements.   I have experienced this smells at a few condos I stayed at in  Thailand.   

  7. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-19-variant-south-africa-spread/



    We really need to get on top of this virus before it has a mutation that is really bad for humanity.   2 mutations  per month means there is a reason to lock down areas quickly, we are in a race or should  be.  

    We have seen how the 614G variant became the dominant strain in a few months but they think the  change didn't effect the vaccine effectiveness.     It took 10 months for a vaccine .  Of these highly contagious mutations reduce or negate the current vaccine need I tell you what this means for you expats night life. 


  8. She did , does have a Thai license but hasn't driven much.  I count her like a newbie 15 yr old new driver.  I plan to send her to a driving school.  Her English is pretty good both spoken and written.  I think our Drivers license place will provide a translator.  I plan on her driving  within 9-12 months.  

    My reason for moving her here and marriage is because at this time Thailand isn't looking like a great place to retire.   I think I am a man who can live without the bennies of living in Thailand.  

  9. Ty sirineou,   I have heard to get married quickly to shorten times by 89 days but after so long apart I think its best we not rush things.   I did read you  should apply for ability to leave ASAP.  I worry what would happen if a close relative died. In the first 7 months.    As leaving the country voids the K1 visa.  I think she needs to work for same reasons you stated.   Did your wife get drivers license quickly? 

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