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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. What are the wages for these migrant workers?   Im sure it's super  low.  I know a person with an  apartment  building near a chicken plant she is contracted out for all units. 1500 baht a month  per  unit.  Her building is a couples  dorm.  The chicken company did  require her to install an  approved  fire emergency hallway lighting system and  she had to install emergency exit outside fire stairs on the 2nd floor.   At least this company is trying to prevent a PR nightmare in case of a fire. It is an all cement building. 

  2. 3 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    My partner and I were both ill with symptoms like Covid. We had a fever, aching muscles, sore throat, and felt weak and tired. Thought we were getting a bad cold, but never got any congestion or runny nose etc.  


    We have not been out of Thailand for over a year so could not have got it from anywhere but inside Thailand. 


    We did not go for testing for the reasons you mention above. We did not want to be locked up and pay out lots of money. Also we would have to find someone to take care of our farm and dogs...which would be difficult too.


    As we never got tested we can't say for sure what it was, but I have never been ill with symptoms like that my entire life before. 


    We know many Thai friends who also had similar symptoms...they did not get tested because they could not afford to be out of work, or leave their families. 



    I read somewhere where 80% of covid cases do not have runny nose.   I flew through  Shanghai dec 26 to bkk, first time through  Shanghai but they had temperature cameras set up and it was chaotic in the transfer area which seemed like all the staff was trying to figure stuff out..  foriegn people were being separated  from Chinese. I got real sick January 2-7.   I even made a real time thread about this because I was asking if I should pop open  my Z-Pack i travel with.   I did have this real odd dry cough .  Just had to cough.. but also nearly choked on phelm some of the days.  It was all I could do tqo keep my airway open.  I got a great ab workout.  I did stick to myself but we did travel to Issan. I could see how some could die from what I had.  I dont know what I had as runny nose not  so common.. Somehow GF didn't get sick.  Thai are hardy.  If antibody tests were widely  available and accurate I would have got one.   Unrelated , I did get a free test a few days ago,  I feel fine just trying to do my part to help isolate and stop our  increasing covid case numbers here in Utah. They said results emailed to me in 3-5 days.  How would anyone get a covid test result  that was within 72 hours of travel time?  On a side  note I read it could take  3 months just to vaccinate all the Healthcare workers.  Then they said prisoners are higher on the list than us Joe blows.   

    • Like 1
  3. ArticIe said -70 degrees not -80 this is important.  Dry ice sublimes at  -78c.    Dr Faucci always said 70% effective would be wonderful combined with a high % uptake  but he worried about  vaccine deniers. 

    Making  a refrigerator that cools to this  temperature is complicated and expensive.  It requires a large amount of energy, the supporting equipment is big and heavy.   Its not so easy to whip up  these things in 2-3 months.    


    • Like 1
  4. I think the charge  controllers are usually separate from inverters.   An inverter is a whole next  level.  Here is a good resource explaining the physics and math behind lifting  water.   Some nice math examples in the how the numbers are calculated PDF link.   



    You still haven't told us if your current pump is at the surface or submersible.   Or it's voltage or rating.    If you have a pump and an amp meter or watt meter you can measure your system loses currently.  Measure  the power used to pump a measured amount of water.   

    Here is another good read and only 6 months old. https://offgridpermaculture.com/Water_Systems/How_to_Run_a_Well_Pump_on_Solar.html

  5. I often wonder why more mechanized farm equipment isn't used in Thailand.   Even my lawn mower. Leaf blower,  branch mulcher and leaf vacuum grinder are a wonder to fiance and her sister.  Plus the fact I smoked a brisket at 120c for 14 hours.   How many have had  dozens  if not hundreds of meals of  each Bison? Bison, moose, elk, muledeer, whitetail,  antelope, javelin, or wild boar.   Boar is the best.  Let me and my smokey  come over.  I bet I could even make soi dogs taste  great.  I want to try my hand at thai  Buffalo too. 


  6. I think the Abbott labs antigen test is highly inaccurate.   Something like the Japanese test.  Mike,   Perhaps the tourist operators you know who's income was down are not of Chinese  pedigree?  

    What  about welcoming Airbus which would make  condo investments more practical plus they are my preferred place to stay.  A hotel room is not for me.  Yes I miss the Chinese at breakfast but 

      I like a spacious condo.  


    To bad the Chinese girls were not as friendly as thai women.  Some are cute and dress with style.   Dresses at the beach for sunrise selfish. I just never found a Chinese gal that didn't act like I was poison.  Part of that is they are always in groups  so even if they wanted an English lesson they cant. 

  7. I like the OP.  He is expressing his feelings  all!  I guess o now understand India better.  I have read about the caste system.  

    As to the luk Krueng the thai women i know want a baby with a western man. 

    I also know dark skin is so looked down upon by thai people.   Thus the billion baht skin  whitening  product industry.   

    I can understand the Asian fever thing.  

    And  bringing home a foriegn woman is even frowned upon in my own family.   But I say <deleted> and plan to do just that.  I dont see myself living in Thailand.   Its to hot, polluted,  and I'm anal about DIRTFT (doing it right the first time). 

    If your  30, wealthy with no need to work. Surely you can workout for your self esteem and longevity.    If you are in love with this woman who has a child amd your sure she loves you for more than  the support.  Only you can know this.   I have had TV tools post on my threads that my fiance probably has brothers or is stepping out or has multiple sponsors.  It hurts but since we talk every morning and her night  I know this isn't  true.   I have  the advice I have read and never sent her a regular salary.  I'm lucky as she has a respectable job and  can stand on her own 2 feet.  Also she is childless.   Im not sure I could handle another man's young child  in my life or disrespectful teens.     You don't say her her baby's dad is 100% gone or not?  You do say you can't even tell a friend about dating  a thai woman.   Where do all your friends and family think you have been traveling to?

    If you have enough money why can't you just move to some neutral country? Or try to bring about  change  in yiur country?  I don't think you said you don't like thai English.   I think you said  you don't  like pinya as they speak better english than you.   You sound like a seasoned  punter of many Asian countries,  so how is this better than being an  ex Bargirl?

    • Like 1
  8. I have experienced the monks early morning banter on loud speakers.   Quite disturbing to me.   Infringement of my rights.    Roosters and dogs.   I've seen the drinking and old people with red  mouths.  I've heard about the young Yaba heads.   I've seen the burning of fields and trash.  I've seen the littered villages.  It would be hard to not find trash in each .1 m squared. I've heard about the gossip.   No one has said the rural life has benefits  of  what Thailand is famous for?   


    If you  don't live in your USA house 3 of the last 5 years  you would have to pay capital gains. Not exactly how the feds  would know about this.  

    I would want to live  away from family.  In a compound with 3 m walls and good dogs.  If I lived in Thailand one reason would be for the tasty snacks.  Wife must accept this if  the top man can have 20 i can have 2-3

  9. 5 hours ago, sambum said:

     “Do you believe in God and why?” I’ve never looked at it, but if I did the only thing I could possibly say would be “No, why should I?”


    Back in Blighty a few years ago, we were being continually pestered by Morons  Mormons, and Jehovah's Witnesses, and one Sunday morning after a very late party at my house, I answered the door to a couple of "happy smiling faces" doing their best to convince me that their particular "best friend" was the one for me!


    When I said I was a non-believer, they were horrified and said "But you must have believed in God sometime" My reply was "Yes, and I also used to  believe in Santa Claus, and if you don't take your foot off my doorstep, it's liable to get broken when I close the door on it" 


    That particular "sect" never bothered me again!

    That's because all the info about you is stored in a massive database.   Everything you ever said to the morons are in reports.   I dont get bothered anymore after  I told them if you come with me to Las Vegas for 1 day I will listen to you for one day  plus I told them it's so sad you are wasting your 19 th year like this.    Rooster would  make a good FFRF guest  speaker.   Rooster is 3/4 Thai by now but I think he dispenses justice fairly.  

  10. It was 122k USA cases for record high 2 days in a row.  I just don't understand the ignorance or motivation of the expats in Thailand wanting the country to open up tourism and in addition a high probability of covid?   Yes I know many people out of work in Thailand.   But the entire World is hurting.    Yes Thailand relied to heavily on tourism.   They need to concede this and plan for Thailand 5.0.rev b. 

    Right now  Thailand is fortunate that most people   are living amd working  a near normal life.   What do expats have to gain?   I just don't understand.   Compassion for their friends who work in tourism?   I dont read about people dying of starvation.    Thailand just needs to hold out for 4-6 months to see what happens on the vaccine front.   Maybe some of the top 5% elite in Thailand can give up 5% of their wealth  to help the hungry?   

    Mainly they need to focus on reducing corruption,  dual  legal system, pollution,  traffic deaths,  poor English  ability, low standards for education.  I haven't seen meaningful efforts on any of these issues the last 4 years.   What a monkarchy or monkeyarchy. 

  11. I live in Utah a bunch of mormon dump FoxI live in Utah a bunch of mormon dump Fox!

    Mid June our numbers were approaching 400 cases a day,  our head health  gal Dr Angela Dunn posted that if we dont get our 7 day average below  200 by July 1 we needed a lockdown.  She got called in to the Governor's office.  Maybe  behind the woodshed. She  hasn't said things like that  again.  By early July the Governor changed the 7 day moving average by August  goal to 400 as we had numbers above 500.  We almost  made it to 400 then the rise started. We broke 1000, then new record 10 days ago of 2200.  Then yesterday 2800 blowing previous record day be 500.  Testing positive rate ate 19%+   

    This is the fall winter pip health experts predicted 6 months ago for Northern climes.  


    As for lasting issues.  We have one gentleman who has had no taste or smell since March.   He says its hell

      The governor actually talks with concern.  But he won't mandate masks because he believes that mayors of each city can make that choice. A few mayors have put mask mandates in place.  But so many anti science free choice  minds here. 

    The governor's Daughter and granddaughter have also lost sense of taste and smell.  The granddaughter  has a serious weight loss problem because of this. 

    2800 cases a day and less than 3 million  population.   This would be like 60,000+ cases a day in Thailand.  

  12. Bank account?  Does any investment account  qualify.  Like TD Ameritrade 401k?

    If ones regular health  insurance doesn't agree to support all these requirements do you have to purchase  some travel insurance prior to applying?  I am not sure my insurance  has all this.   I've been buying travel insurance for my previous trips.   Did they delete the old STV And MTV?

    Some more important information they should ask for would be police check  for crimes and DUI'S

  13. 30 minutes ago, Migrosmarket said:

    In reality the Thai economy is saved by the culture.


    If road laws were enforced etc the economy would have to shut down.


    No overloaded pickups 

    No passengers in pickup load area

    No kids going to school on their own on mopeds.

    No families using 1 moped for transport.

    No driving licenses issued as failed test.

    Heavy fines imposed for no insurance - families cant afford it.....


    And so on.... spells economic disaster....

    Plus meed education  in lower grades.  Some physics.  Bodies in motion stay in motion.  One thai mom I dated  had 3 children and would not intend to me amd make them use seat belts

      She just got new Toyota truck with a topper and  made it all cozy back there fir the kids and dogs.   One trip at the Market I thought about buying 2 melons and putting in shopping cart and put one ???? melon loose in the cart as I rammed it into a cement light stand.  Tie one melon in to the back of the cart with some clothing amd show them which melon explodes. 

  14. I did get the link to work.  It was on my phone and  I had  an existing file with the same name.     It says the thai signed prenuptial  is filed at the same amphor and day as filing the thai marriage.   If you get married in a foriegn country  it seems like you can file the prenuptial if and when you file  marriage in Thailand.     How else would you do it?  Create a prenuptial written to be valid in both countries  then get married in foriegn country then if you  ever move to Thailand you can file it if you register yiur marriage.    This is relevant to me as hopefully soon will get our K1 visa to USA.  

  15. 1 hour ago, petgunya said:

    Speaking as a Thai lawyer I can tell you that a foreign marriage is subject only to the legal jurisdiction of the country in which the marriage was registered.

    If the partners wish to register the marriage in Thailand, then that marriage and any subsequent divorce would be subject to the laws and jurisdiction of the laws of the Kingdom of Thailand governed under the Thai Civil Code and pursuant to the jurisdiction of the Thai Family Court.


    Any Thai owned property by default is considered to be owned on a 50/50 basis (referred to as "SIn Somros"). This applies specifically to Thai property (including goods, chattels, jewelry, precious metals and cash) acquired after the marriage in Thailand but for clarity, any property previously owned by either spouse prior to the marriage should be documented. This is where a prenup comes in as being relevant.

    It is quite a deep topic to cover although the fundamental principles are quite simple.


    For anyone interested, I have written a brief PDF report which covers the topic from an overall perspective and should provide more clarity for anyone interested in determining the actual facts rather than having to rely up conjecture. It is a free report and requires no email registration to download. 


    This link took me to a model airplane build.  A DLG and of which brand I have several.  


    A prenuptial after your married.  Hmmm.  I am thinking if you don't have a document that says what assets were acquired before the marriage  how would an agreement help  now? 


  16. Anyone who has been a Twitter user the past 4 years knows that Jack Dorsey of Twitter supported trump for an amazing amount of time before he finally had to put his balls on the line for the good of the world. Jack personally met with Donald Trump at least 2 times and many times his post should have been deleted because they violated the terms of service but did not get removed. Most liberals believe Jack is in the pocket of the conservatives but finally he has done the right thing because over all he is an American and he also is a human of the world and he had to stop the terrible things that were going on

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