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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. If Thailand really wanted tourists they would have made it a priority to get 70% if its inhabitants vaccinated as quickly as possible.   Who is going to travel to an unvacinated country.  We have seen how just a few freelancers can wreck havic in Thailand.    Imagine 3-4 of these instances popping up every week and Thailand will be in trouble.   

    • Confused 1
  2. Like the Denver broncos QB's.   Were not forthcoming to trackers.  I say stiff penalties.   

    So they are even using sim card location data.   I do say Thailand is trying to do its best .   I guess in America the govt let it get out of hand to much so there was no chance to track cases.   Plus no pool of workers who would do case tracking work for min wage.  When health officials homes are having protesters because they report the statistics and  express medical opinions that take freedoms away.   

  3. There are many ways to lay tile.   Some old school and some modern.   It is best to use a good quality thinset.  If the substrate doesn't flex and good thinset, of the proper type,  the tile should never separate.   1st thing to check is subfloor  flexing.   Here in US we use mostly  wood beams and subfloor.   First thing to do is calculate the beam deflection.  It should not exceed L/360  deflection.   For porcelain tile.  Stone needs stiffer.  Natural stone is less porous and harder for mortar to stick to.  Also cracks easier.  



    I have only seen crazy tile methods in Thailand and Vietnam.   I love to observe building  projects when I can.  

    In Vietnam I watched a living area dining room house tile job .   It was crazy.  It was 4 women and 3 men to do the dry bed.  The women did most of the real hard work.  First they did have real survey marks in a few locations and used a water level amd caulk line to mark the perimeter of the room.  The boss poured lots of powder termite killer around the outside  border.  This was a slab floor poured on sand fill of 1 meter depth.  No compactor.  They did walk on it and hand tamp it and used lots of water.  I sunk in 30 cm.  It was a bit harder the next  morning when they stsrtedctying rebar. And Poured cement the next day.   Thwy did have a day where they poured cement beams  for window and door headers  for the front door and  windows . After the  termite powder thrown,  poured unevenly around perimeter the women made a big pile of sand  in each room.  Then they poured on 2-3 bags cement and a bit of water and all started  mixing.   It did have a good dry mortar  consistency but I could see the cement wasn't mixed in very evenly.  Then they started to toss it to one corner and side.   Boss and  worker screed it to the line and moved it around with hand trowels.  It was proper dry bed thickness of about 3-4 cm thick.. The women were very good at tossing shovel fulls where needed.   I have done mud beds .  They proceeded across the room and checking with the scree board in all directions.   Then they did the adjoining room.  Rooms  were joined by like 4-5 meter opening.   Most people wait till next day to tile.  But they started laying tiles right after lunch.  

    I recall larger tiles maybe 40x40cm.  They mixed up a cement  slurry.  I actually don't  know what was in the bag since  I couldn't read it.  But it seemed like the same  grey cement they always used.   They mixed it to near water.  Not even as thick as syrup.   They pored a thin layer on the floor and laid the tile down. They did use a hammer on some tiles. They did have trouble where the rooms joined.   It was like the dry pack was still soft enough to move with the hammer.   They  basically had no grout line and no spacers.  I forgot to look to see if the tiles had alignment lobes.  Right after they laid the first room and were on the way in the remaining area.  Everyone got to grouting.   It was non sanded  grout .  It was in different smaller bags.   They poured it in dry.  Using  cardboard and things to get most along the lines.  Then they dripped water on the lines.  I was shocked.   After pushing excess  towards the crack they then mixed up a slurry or added more dry powder  to fill the cracks.  They left an excess amount  on the tile  maybe  4-5 cm wide 1-2mm thick.    I saw in kitchen that had been  done the week before that the grout was the same and had not been cleaned off yet. Not sure how they cleaned off the grout.  I can't believe this tile will last. 

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