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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. I had heard that trump even tried to cut all funding for immigration.   They did raise prices on the  green card process. And many visas.  Therexare several lawsuits ongoing and discovery has shown an attitude of delay.  I had not heard it could take  2 years for a green card. We were thinking 6-8 months.  Does this Utah friend have a work permit?  Via The I-765?



    Most Americans want to close the door after their families immigrated. They don't know that these immigration laws and procedures are the same as their ancestors used to entee the US

  2. I do think this case is a one of  corporate greed, cover up,  low level personal being ignored or overruled by high level government employees,  possible corruption, a legal system that favors big corporations over victims.  I found it very telling during this recert period when boeing was still trying to dictate no sim time before a pilot qualifies to fly a max.   I feel for the fear and suffering of the passengers and their families.   I think a damage award in a  case like this should have  brought boeing to its last financial thread.  

    • Like 2
  3. 19 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    Does not Myanmar and Thailand share similar climates?

    I don't understand your logic?

    Yes he seems behind the curve.  Isn't this wintertime in Thailand?   It maybe the thai peppers? Or has Thailand had a similar  virus before?  Or are thai people just tougher due to their lifetime germ exposure?  

    The main thing that worries me is when someone says dont worry its under control.   Only 1 death,  it will be gone by April.   Anutin the drug expert is not very well liked by that's. 

    • Haha 1
  4. Were these workers here since April?  Or did they allow workers in recently?   Did they do a 14 day quarantine?   Has the news said anything about there being illegal immigrants? 

    Statistically minorities here in the US have been hit hard.  They had to keep working,  they live in crowded sometimes multi generation groups.  Like the meat plant workers.   

    • Like 1
  5. You guys are funny and probably all correct. 

    I do hope she doesn't go up sizes except in the rear.   I do like many of her clothes.  She has ben trying stuff on for me.  She does have many of these baggy shirts that would be big on me.  She is one of those thai that like to hide their midsection even though she fits in the size 0&2 shorts i brought her and her waist is  22".   She did say ok she not bring much and we can go shopping.  I told her ok we go once a month and she said ok.   I do plan on 1500$ just for good cold weather coats and boots.   I sure hope Thailand  gets this latest florid flare-up under control  and the US embassy stays open or I'm really screwed ots been 300 days so far with no known time-line.. probably another  120-200 days.  1 year ago these Visas were taking 260 days  total. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    The virus itself is a tiny .2 micron...but it has to "piggyback" on larger aerosols and droplet particles expelled from the respiratory system that are floating in the air; the virus itself doesn’t have wings. The masks have to filter out these larger particles in order to prevent virus infection. I agree properly wearing a quality mask is the key.

    .2 micron particles  float far and wide. Its almost like gravity doesn't effect them.  Yes they do attach to droplets of liquid and thats why a cough, sneeze,  yelling or singing is so bad.   The 2 meter rule was not scientifically determined.   It was some practical number.

    Some of you have had your head up somewhere or in the sand for  10 months.   






      I would not want to be anywhere near a covid case.   You remember how China was welding  doors shut on apartments.   If it gets to BKK and the BTS and MRT TH is screwed. 


    • Like 2
  7. To be fair and not reveal the  utter and total greed,  this concept should apply to buying used condos.   Why should new overpriced developers get help when  someone selling  a used condo gets no benefit?   I would think there must be some eminent big development defaults expected.  Maybe they are trying hard to not end up with 10-20 unfinished monstrosities?  I think a better help for sales would be to actually execute a plan that reduces the number of high pollution days.  Get some sort of stability in the visa and tax rules. This type of idea only helps the investors in these big condo development boondoggle.    Investing in a condo is further hurt by the crackdown a year ago on AirBnb. I have  stayed at condos owned by western foreigners , Indonesian, as well as local BKK thai people.    If I'm not mistaken many condos were sold to Chinese who purchased multiple units to sublease via the condo company or airbnb type system.  Weren't many condos selling with guaranteed ROI numbers ?

    Of course during covid no matter what visa there is no easy come and go for your condo.  Any return to your condo comes with a 14 day stay in expensive ASQ.

    I met a western airline hostess wjo did international flights who used BKK as her homemade.  I bet her plan has not worked these last 9 months . 


    • Thanks 1
  8. 5 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    I think we're pretty aligned on our advice to the OP, that trying to ship a boat load of clothes is a bad idea.


    Yes it can be done, but it's expensive and a lot of her stuff won't be appropriate.


    We've all mentioned a bunch of stores, Ross, TJ Max, Marshalls, Kohls and thats before you get to the JC Penny's and Macys etc where for she'll be able to easily replace her wardrobe.


    And on a social acclimatization, shopping at least in my experience is very therapeutic for women, especially as she gets to grip with moving to a new culture. I might add, she's coming on a K1, so she won't actually get her greencard for quite a long while, so won't be able to work.

    Going out shopping will be a huge distraction for her until she can get a job!


    Just my 2 cents!

    No no no!   Don't want to encourage any growth in a shopping habit. Yes  plenty of stores here. 

    Yes I plan to buy warm stuff.  she will need sweaters, warm clothes, hats, gloves, thermal layers, wind breakers. Down coats, for cold.  


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