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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. 1 hour ago, Assurancetourix said:

    and over-inflated tires as usual.
    The manufacturer data Isuzu says 29 PSI for the four wheels of my pickup;
    well even at the isuzu dealer I have to check that they do not put me 40 PSI as they have very bad habit everywhere .


    They were lucky (in their misfortune);
    burst rear tire it looks like this on a pickup that was, in my opinion, overloaded (as usual) 



    I agree. Every time my Honda Civic comes back from a service at Honda, the first thing I do is reduce the tyre pressure from 40 psi to the recommended 32. I've asked them not to over inflate the tyres but just the usual blank look and smile.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, manchega said:

    I don't understand why burning is not stopped

    Probably due to the perpetrators being poor farmers and therefore there's no incentive for the police to stop them as there's no money in it for the police. So we all continue to slowly suffocate. 

  3. 14 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Well done Peerapong, more people like you needed.

    A very large percentage of drivers dont give a rats a++e about disabled parking places, just think i can park there no problem.

    I agree 100%. I do act, but I don't publicise it, or say where, or how, for obvious reasons. Needless to say that if there is no CCTV present, and only if I have seen that the driver is able-bodied (and especially if it's an expensive car). I only do this as nobody else will act as the poor old security guards are afraid of these people and won't (can't) enforce the rules.

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