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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I guess they didn't mind it attacking other people and didn't think it would attack them. A tough lesson to learn.
  2. Such a shame that someone who actually wants to do some police work ends up paying with their life.
  3. Crazy trend. They already have the perfect hair. It always baffles me when I see pink or blonde (orange) hair cut short on a Thai girl. Combine that with whitened skin and it's just insane!
  4. I don't need to. The blades are different sizes, so the effect will obviously be different. Again, if you can't figure that out, you're not too bright.
  5. If you can't figure out the difference between these two types or razor without slashing yourself with them, perhaps you should stick to electric shaving, or maybe grow a beard. ????
  6. Good for you OP. It's a shame it has to come to needing another Thai to argue with the woman to prevent her ripping you off. Also a good example for your son "trying to extort money from people due to their race is not OK." I cannot believe anyone can suggest that you resisting being ripped off due to your race is somehow setting a bad example to your son. "It's OK son. I'm White so she's forcing me to pay more than Thai people do for the same product." Cracking example that would be! It very much is about the principle. Someone should not be allowed to demand extra money from you simply because of your race. And if it's only about OP being better off than the woman, is she ripping off any non-poor Thais that buy bananas from her? I very much doubt it.
  7. Horrible thing to do to a kid who lost her parents and is relying on that money for her future. I guess vultures came out when they found out about it. Form the family or inside the bank? Should be easy enough to find out.
  8. Yes. Whoever holds the account and whoever made/authorised the transfers must surely be in on it. There will obviously be a paper-trail from start to finish. The only exception being what happened to the money after it was withdrawn from the target account. If this isn't acted upon, it's because they simply cannot be bothered to look into it.
  9. I would have though the slashing itself would have caused an injury...
  10. Did you notice that the girl isn't holding a real cut-throat razor? It's one that takes a small disposable blade, about the size of a normal disposable razor. It could still mess you up, just not quite as badly as the real deal. I assume people think it's a true cut-throat razor (and was probably intended to appear as such).
  11. Obviously. I was making a point about Thai apologists, not dual pricing. It's obviously racism and discrimination. How can it be anything else?
  12. It certainly does wash. That is why you chose to write that any foreign person who is poor in Thailand is poor by choice, therefore is deserving of being charged double (or cannot use being poor as any sort of defence). Like most of what you have said, it simply has no logic to it. You are just trying to rationalise something. Your arguments are very shallow and weak.
  13. There's never a shortage of people raring to explain to you how they've never experienced any racism in Thailand. Nor dual pricing, glares, rudeness, etc.. And it must be something you have done to cause this behaviour. (Or you have some sort of mental condition that caused you to imagine the whole thing.) Unfortunately, their brains won't allow them to accept the fact that Thais are human like the rest of us, and just as likely, if not more likely, to be racist or unpleasant to foreigners.
  14. Not all Thais are poor, and not all foreigners are rich. Unless they're charging rich Thais double and poor foreigners (those working on a local salary for example) the regular price, then it's based on racism and nothing else.
  15. Sounds like you're living the dream! (Poop-wise.)
  16. To "loose" (verb) something would mean to set something free or let it go.
  17. According to the OP's story, the price was posted, but they still charged him extra. He said that his son paid so as not to make a fuss, but it kind of sounds in this instance they were trying it on and perhaps pointing at the sign and saying they know what the price is would have got the guy to back down.
  18. Couple of questions, apologise in advance if they're a little personal. 1, Aren't you bothered by having a wet anus (plus whatever else gets splashed, crack, cheeks, balls, etc..) 2, Do you go "fingers in" with the non-gun hand?
  19. It's the principle. Even a haircut being 200 Baht instead of 100 Baht is one step away from simply taking 100 Baht from your pocket because you're foreign. And 100 Baht isn't a huge sum.
  20. This one would have really <deleted> me off. It's annoying with the tourist attractions, but this is no different to them stealing money out of your pocket simply because you aren't Thai.
  21. I imagine your Western handlers were furious at missing out on all the juicy military secrets you would have uncovered for them. Presumably squeezing by all the Thais taking photos to post on Facebook to put your hidden camera to good use.
  22. The people of the nation pay for their children to be educated, as it is best for the future of that nation. However, there is no "agreement" and people are not penalised if they choose to live in another country. Sure, people who do not live in a developing country benefit from that fact. That does not mean that you should be penalised if you move to a developing country and begin working and/or paying taxes. Now you're being exploited by greedy individuals. There is no deal.
  23. The water has to go somewhere. You're not aiming it down.
  24. What happened to the missile after it popped the balloon?
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