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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. If their ideology is "keep kids safe", why is that so bad? Multiple people have explained multiple times what this is about. Why keep pretending like they're banning every book except for a very narrow few that conform to their ideology? It's obviously about protecting children from a certain type of harmful ideology.
  2. So simply have a restricted list for teachers to take into the classroom and be done with it. Good idea.
  3. You might think that, but I have a different opinion to you. To me, they simply repeated something already said in an almost "I know you are but what am I?" way. So I responded in kind.
  4. That simply isn't practical. How would they know every book available? The first they would know is if a parent or concerned student raised the alarm and they then had a chance to look into it. This might never happen, and by the time it did it might be too late. Restricting the books that teachers are allowed to bring into the classroom to an approved list is a lot safer for the students.
  5. It sounds fairly similar. The essence of the restriction seems to be to keep harmful books out of the classroom.
  6. Irritating is subjective. I suppose some people find the truth irritating, especially where it challenges their position. ????‍♂️
  7. You use to fill your students head with angry gender, trans and race ideology?
  8. No. They tell kids that they apply to them and encourage them to follow the ideology. That's the whole reason for a restriction on what books teachers can bring into the classroom and show to kids.
  9. Take it how you want. Saying that teachers aren't allowed to indoctrinate students with harmful ideologies is anti-1984.
  10. It's classroom libraries, not school libraries, by your quote. So you've got that one wrong straight away. Also it isn't banning books, it's only allowing books that are approved. And they aren't being made to close their classroom libraries, they're obviously choosing to do that to try to claim that they have to due to the law. All they really have to do is only have books that are on the approved list. It's all political theatre and hot air.
  11. Everything is a right-wing conspiracy. Even if there is video evidence and eye-witness testimony, it's a conspiracy.
  12. This is the opposite of that. The ideology that is posing a threat is straight out of 1984.
  13. So anyone who claims that children need to be protected from something are lying?
  14. And the reason this protection is needed is that some teachers are not only supplying it, but pushing on the students. This has nothing to do with "making people dumb". Children may turn out to be gay, and possibly even trans, and that's fine, but it's something they need to deal with individually, rather than trying to change every student.
  15. I think it has some merit, as a body of work that meshes with Western culture and morals/values, but yes, teachers shouldn't be preaching to kids that they need to believe in or follow any religion.
  16. And if they only exclude one-sided radical books that focus on identity politics and ideology, which would likely be forced on the students by the teacher? Will that make lids dumb?
  17. They're only talking about "classroom libraries", not the school library. It's simply a method of keeping ideological indoctrination out of the classroom. Sad that it is needed, but it appears to be for the students' protection.
  18. Google "teachers indoctrinating children". Many results so not much point just pasting then all here.
  19. How does only allowing approved books in the classroom make people dumb?
  20. Can you give an example of which books aren't being allowed in order to make people dumb?
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