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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Surely they just wanted to let people enjoy Christmas and New Year rather than face backlash?!!
  2. How shocked I am! /s Of course, foreigners not wearing masks are arrogant and deserve to be bashed, while Thais not wearing masks is "different". How very logical.
  3. What do you think about Thais not wearing masks? Same thing?
  4. "Cognitive dissonance." The fundamental premise that the people attacking the OP cannot cope with being false is that Thai people are all wonderful, kind, gentle, peace loving people who would never do anything bad, unless the evil Falange drive them to it with their vial behavior. When they see something that contradicts this, it would cause literal psychological damage to them to admit that it was true and their core beliefs about Thai people are wrong, so they attack it.
  5. Would have come in regardless, as it did with Thais for all the other variants. Just racism to try and blame Thailand's problems on foreigners. Sad.
  6. The UK seems to have peaked and is going down after around a month. Let's go Omicron!
  7. I can pretty much guarantee that this user completely ignores any news report of a Thai attacking a foreigner unprovoked. That or he immediately dismisses it as "the falang must have done something to provoke them, Thais don't attack people for no reason".
  8. So because some people say something daft about Thais, other people should attack anyone who says anything even slightly negative about any Thai people, even if its completely true? That doesn't sound like a good counter at all.
  9. Didn't he say that the Thais weren't wearing masks either?
  10. Do you mind if I ask what you do as a job?
  11. I would say wear a mask at all times simply because we're foreigners and easy targets for this kind of thing. Very sad that you get some Thais who don't want to wear masks but expect foreigners to do so. Presumably because they believe that all foreigners have covid but Thais don't. It's not everyone, but when it does happen, there isn't anything we can do about it. Best to mask up just in case. You can always get a flimsy fabric one that does nothing at all, they won't know the difference.
  12. You must be trolling at this point, right? "Well Thais are all perfect and foreigners are all bad (except me), so the foreigner must have done something bad for any Thai to act in this way!!!" Thais are human and just like any other society of humans, there are some bad ones. Sorry that covid has brought out so many racist Thais that believe all foreigners have covid, but that's just the way it is.
  13. Sure, until we hear that it's mostly Omicron out there, don't relax, but also don't panic and go crazy and lock yourself in your house 24/7.
  14. Well, I'm only saying this because the Omicron variant seems to be milder. It actually seems like at this stage it's a good idea to let it in, allow it to displace Delta and let people build up natural immunity. Many countries have already moved towards this stance.
  15. Business as usual in most places I've been. I think the Thais are fed up of this sh*t and have mostly had enough. It's time to vaccinate/booster and be careful, but pretty much let it happen. If the government didn't need "zero foreigner covid" for some reason, not much needed to change at all.
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