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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I don't think anyone is saying anything that extreme. It's more that they are pointing out that Thai people attacking random tourists without provocation is bad for the image of Thailand. I'm not sure how you can't see that.
  2. It sounds like they should be more worried about being randomly attacked by Thai people on the beach at 11pm...
  3. Probably something like the following: "Thai people are the most peaceful and gentle people in the world. Foreigners, on the other hand, are the lowest of the low. They are subhuman scum, the antithesis of Thais, loud rude, vulgar bullies who harass and goad the good gentle Thai at every opportunity. If a Thai ever becomes violent with a foreigner, it is because they have been driven to it by the behavior of the foreigner and they deserve that violence. However, the user is the only good foreigner. They are very special. Only they care about Thai people and stand up for them. They are more "Thai" than anyone else. They are the only one that Thai people accept and this makes them a very special person. They are not like other foreigners. They are the good foreigner, made even more good and special by the utter badness of the other foreigners. Thailand and Thai people are good, and the user good because they love and understand them like no one else."
  4. You're not wrong. There are many Thais who are friendly to tourists. But does that change what happened in the OP? Does the victim lose any right to complain because more Thais are friendly than unfriendly? Or does hearing of Thai people doing something bad, even when true, cause you emotional distress for some reason?
  5. Such a frequent sequence of events in Thailand. I wonder why nobody ever seems to ask "why does this keep happening and how can we stop it?" I guess the mai bpen rai/fatalistic/non-enquiring attitude...
  6. You're dealing with people who ignore every news item or anecdote with even the slightest negative view of Thai people, no matter how true, and dismiss it as "Thai bashing", opting to only go by their limited personal experience. "I never had a problem with any Thai person in X years of living here, so it must have been the foreigner's fault." No reason to assume that all Thais are bad, but, equally, they're only humans and Thai individuals can do terrible, cruel or evil things just like anyone else.
  7. Sadly, I think hating on other "falangs" is probably one of the highlights of living in Thailand for these people. Who can blame them though? Foreigners are clearly the scum of the Earth and Thais can do no wrong. /s
  8. Do you think they're sick of other Thais not wearing masks properly? Or is that OK?
  9. A brief inspection of this website would suggest there are plenty of foreigners waiting for the same opportunity. It's quite sad really, overall. I had never really experienced true racism before finding myself in Thailand during covid.
  10. Given that one of the main reason for lack of vaccinations is the government's seemingly deliberate poor management of the vaccine rollout and inferior vaccine selection, this seems unlikely.
  11. I like sweet black coffee and Nescafe Espresso roast is one of the nicest I've tried so far. The 3 in 1s are OK, but I don't feel the creamer really adds anything. I'll probably try a couple of the recommendations in this thread now though. I miss Vietnamese coffee.
  12. Yes, the 86 year old woman with Alzheimer's really should have taken more responsibility and been more careful. Serves her right! /s
  13. In her state, it sounds like any infection would be a serious infection.
  14. Yes. Local covid is OK, foreign covid is very dangerous and needs to be kept out.
  15. Two weeks+ to pretend they are carrying out their own checks because they couldn't possibly trust something the West has come out with.
  16. If you're using a hyphen like this, it should look something like this: "As an expat myself - having worked in the States, the United Arab Emirates, and now Thailand - I now think I have my own take on being a long-term expat." You use it correctly with "long-term" as these words are linked to describe "expat", but where you are adding extra information, as you did with the first hyphen, you need to have a space either side and then close the extra info with another hyphen if the sentence is continuing.
  17. That was your crime. The guy you replied to is absolutely fixated on maintaining the illusion, like "admitting the truth will probably cause a total mental breakdown" fixated.
  18. Are you suggesting that if all peaceful instances involving Thai people were reported it would somehow change the number of violent instances? Fascinating that you would try to create that argument, but unlikely. You might want to go away and look up what "so many" actually means, before you embarrass yourself further.
  19. Someone needs to tell these guys that Thai people are non-violent and peaceful. They obviously missed the memo!
  20. Interesting stuff. I'd say you've got the makings of a nice little project there.
  21. You could do that, but you would probably find yourself unable to take full advantage of all the benefits brought by close families ties here and find yourself living a poor quality of life. It's quite simple, poor countries tend to have a very weak social safety net, so families are forced to look after each other. If you are responsible for the young until they are well into adulthood, you get more of a say in how they behave. This is one of the main reasons that the West is in such a miserable situation socially, the government forces people to look after the needy but gives them no say in how they behave. I.e. do bad things - get free money = poor social outcome.
  22. I've seen them being farmed in Vietnam and they put them on the top of concrete posts. I assume being up on something means they grow more fruit as they hang down? Might be worth thinking about putting it on something raised. https://www.google.com/search?q=dragon+fruit+farming&sxsrf=AOaemvKHqPa1Iaq2IrgQ7UhYLFcJnm10Og:1642227143705&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiquKnsjLP1AhWuR2wGHVSTCDkQ_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1366&bih=625&dpr=1
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